Early September -- check your status

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hill said:
What?!? . . . you changed your color THIS late in the game? I'd think that would put you at the back of the line, if you make a substantial change like that.

Color is likely the least substantial change, as here in the US at Smyrna they can change color on each car that goes through the paint booth. Especially since all LEAFs have the same color interior. They just need enough lead time to sequence it properly. Likely a similar scenario at Oppama. My personal take is that once the edit link goes away on the color selection portion of the "Order your Nissan LEAF" tab, likely your car is in the production queue. Also, as Nissan's banners change at the top of your account page, that is, in my view, a pretty good indication. I've noted that there is not a direct correlation between order date and banner info change, based on what I've read on this board, but there seems to be a fairly high correlation.
Maybe we should exercise the color change option frequently, change our colors every day until we get a message to CUT IT OUT! Then we could assume that message was an indication that our cars are on the boat. :lol:

Whaddaya think?
Boomer23 said:
Maybe we should exercise the color change option frequently, change our colors every day until we get a message to CUT IT OUT! Then we could assume that message was an indication that our cars are on the boat. :lol:

Whaddaya think?
I think Boomer23 has been afflicted with Garygid-Syndrome! :lol:
JPVLeaf said:
Boomer23 said:
Maybe we should exercise the color change option frequently, change our colors every day until we get a message to CUT IT OUT! Then we could assume that message was an indication that our cars are on the boat. :lol:

Whaddaya think?
I think Boomer23 has been afflicted with Garygid-Syndrome! :lol:

Maybe Gary and I sat too close together during the last So Cal meetup. Please remind me to scoot down a bit on Saturday. :lol:

JPV, are you joining us?
Boomer23 said:
JPVLeaf said:
I think Boomer23 has been afflicted with Garygid-Syndrome! :lol:
Maybe Gary and I sat too close together during the last So Cal meetup. Please remind me to scoot down a bit on Saturday. :lol:

JPV, are you joining us?
Yup, I suspected it might be contagious! ;)

Yes, I've got it circled on my calendar. We'll see how early-Saturday morning goes ... getting out the door. ;)
... and now my dashboard has a delivery date: February 2011.
Is it possible my LEAF was created today?!?
At least yours does NOT say:

Lost Overboard
Port Shrinkage Loss
Lost In Transit

Yes, a mental/emotional "glitch" in my neural processors, I expect. :D
sdbonez said:
I knew the legislature extended the Prius single-occupant vehicle stickers in California through June for a reason...

...It's because Nissan told them they couldn't have their Leafs (and subsequent EV-HOV Lane stickers) until the first of half of 2011 :)

Hence, I'm in no rush...looking at the bright side, I'll have much better insight into the car from you real-world-earliest adopters by the time I actually have to fork over any real cash :)

For me, the only reason to get the car early (2010) was to guarantee the Federal rebate and WA state rebate. Now that a 2010 date is out of the question and the Federal rebate is up in the air, I'm very happy to wait until near the end of 2011 to get mine. I don't have a delivery date yet (ordered Sept. 3), but when I get one, I'm wondering if it would be possible to "trade" with someone who has a later date in 2011? I'd much rather buy in Nov. of next year to be sure about the Federal rebate (and see what actual mileage numbers look like).

Basically, it would have been great to get the car in 2010, but now, I don't want it until late 2011. :|
Boomer23 said:
Maybe we should exercise the color change option frequently, change our colors every day until we get a message to CUT IT OUT! Then we could assume that message was an indication that our cars are on the boat. :lol:

Whaddaya think?

I think that would be silly and counter-productive :roll:
The banner on top has not changed. it still says:
[!] we have confirmed delivery dates for soon-to-be Nissan LEAF™ owners.

My PD dashboard has also changed to show a delivery of Feb 2011, instead of Pending.
Boomer23 said:
Fabio said:
... and now my dashboard has a delivery date: February 2011.
Is it possible my LEAF was created today?!?

Fabio, what does your yellow banner at the top of your account page read now?
derkraut said:
Boomer23 said:
Maybe we should exercise the color change option frequently, change our colors every day until we get a message to CUT IT OUT! Then we could assume that message was an indication that our cars are on the boat. :lol:

Whaddaya think?

I think that would be silly and counter-productive :roll:

Of course it would! Who'd ever think that was a good thing to do? I'm with derkraut on this one. :roll: