Spreadsheet : VINs, Delivery Dates, Order Dates etc

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Kataphn said:
It's a miracle! My dashboard finally has a delivery month "month of April". I really did think I was permanently on pending.

Great news, Kat! I went looking for your message when I read about the new wave of April announcements. Glad you're on that list. Feels good, doesn't it?
Also changed from Pending this morning - woo hoo!

Reservation date: 4/20
RAQ email received: 9/8
Order date: 11/17 (procrastination, yay!)
Scheduled delivery: Month of April

(yeah, I sent this to the spreadsheet too)
:eek: My delivery just changed from Pending to April 2011, still in shock, They even fixed my dashboard :p

garygid said:
It sure looks like Nissan is intending to "crank up" (substantially increase) the LEAF production rate.
No idea why (not even the same phrase), but I instantly thought of this scene from The Crow:
Ordered late November, got email today for April delivery at North Bay Nissan in Petaluma, CA.
Wow, since last night, 40+ people have submitted updates. Looks like LEAFs are on the move! Almost all of them are updating ETA to 4/2011
No kidding.. we're going to be crunching numbers once the VINs start appearing, to see how many CA rebates are headed out by April. I'm feeling optimistic that with the recent 'refill' and new rules, we'll get there.
this is crazy though. I have a Sep 3 order date and I have April on my Dashboard and someone who ordered on Jan 10th also has April date. It is very bizzaare..
csriram45 said:
this is crazy though. I have a Sep 3 order date and I have April on my Dashboard and someone who ordered on Jan 10th also has April date. It is very bizzaare..

I agree.. there was "Wave 1" (~100 cars, early Jan), and then... everyone else?

I can only conclude that they've been cranking out hundreds/thousands of Japan/Europe cars through Jan/Feb.
csriram45 said:
this is crazy though. I have a Sep 3 order date and I have April on my Dashboard and someone who ordered on Jan 10th also has April date. It is very bizzaare..
Yes - looks like they will deliver 4,000 cars in April. May be all the cribbing in this forum had some effect ...
Seems they are executing similar to what they've said - once they get to 2,000 or 3,000 LEAFs/month out of the Oppama plant in March, that will fill up the first day or two of reservations pretty quick. Mind you, I'm used to waiting for EVs since I had a GM EV1 and now have Toyota RAV4 EV that I'll be keeping. (Powered by True Zero Emissions Electricity from the Solar Panels (PV) on my roof. And if you can't install solar, wind etc... then green energy certificates are always an option.)

Blue SL+QC
Reservation Complete: 4/21/2010 6:49 AM
Order Date: 11/24/2010
Delivery Estimate on User DashBoard: 4/2011 (Month of April 2011) - They just updated it in an email today at 8:09am and on the dashboard from Pending! Yeah!
ElectricVehicle said:
Seems they are executing similar to what they've said - once they get to 2,000 or 3,000 LEAFs/month out of the Oppama plant in March, that will fill up the first day or two of reservations pretty quick. Mind you, I'm used to waiting for EVs since I had a GM EV1 and now have Toyota RAV4 EV that I'll be keeping. (Powered by True Zero Emissions Electricity from the Solar Panels (PV) on my roof. And if you can't install solar, wind etc... then green energy certificates are always an option.)
Blue SL+QC
Reservation Complete: 4/21/2010 6:49 AM
Order Date: 11/24/2010
Delivery Estimate on User DashBoard: 4/2011 (Month of April 2011) - They just updated it in an email today at 8:09am and on the dashboard from Pending! Yeah!

Something is really screwy. You reserved the 21st instead of the 20th? You ordered Nov. 24th, and have an April delivery? I reserved the 20th (3:00 PM MST/3 PM PDT), ordered Sept. 29th/accepted 30th, and have a May delivery. What's wrong with this picture?
The actual date is subject to a number of factors, not all of them visible to us. Things like which type of vehicle they are batching through the scheduled production run - they batch the LEAFs together in runs somehow, I don't know if it's paint color, trim level, Quick Charge port or what, but they have some efficiencies in running batches of similarly configured LEAFs.

There's also various things about which markets you're in - feel fortunate at least that you're in one of the initial markets. I know having to wait can get you worked up - it does me also, but just getting the car is the goal, so once you have it, I think you'll find the wait worth it. I happen to be in the San Francisco bay area, CA.

I had to wait 2 years after LA got EV1s before I could get mine. I got on the waiting list and waited for months with no information. I asked for a silver. I got a call saying:

GM: We have your EV1 in Green.
Me: But I requested silver.
GM: We have your EV1 in Green.
Me: How long would I have to wait for silver as I requested?
GM: We have your EV1 in Green.
Me: Can I get it in silver as I requested?
GM: We have your EV1 in Green.

There was no way I was going to loose the chance at an EV1. Until these cars hit mainstream with large production volumes, just getting your hands on one is a big accomplishment. Many states can't even get them yet, and currently no one can reserve / order one until they re-open the reservations later this year or next. I know it's not much consolation, but you are one of the lucky few who will get a LEAF this year. Good luck and may your May delivery come in May or sooner!