Battery 1 Yr Checkup Expectation

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2013
Buffalo Grove, Il
I made my first 1 yr battery checkup appointment recently. When I picked up my they said it was complete, but did not present me with any report. I've read of folks getting 5 star reports however I received nothing. It makes me wonder if they did any work at all.

What should I expect?

They should give you a little report with various categories listed 1 to 5 stars.

In practical terms, the checkup is fairly useless to the consumer unless you're experiencing significant capacity loss and looking to make a warranty claim based on the results. Most customers get 4 or 5 stars in all categories even those whose batteries have lost significant capacity. So the value of the "feedback" to the customer is virtually nil and the checkup is just something you need to do to keep the warranty in effect. So if your battery seems ok and as long as you've got some paperwork stating the check was performed, I wouldn't worry too much unless you REALLY want to see the pretty yellow stars. :)
We have traditionally gotten a copy. Not that it's all that worthwhile. That said...coincidentally, I didn't get a copy this last time.

Do you have a work order showing the battery check was done? Since the checks are required for the pack warranty, I'd be much more concerned about having documentation that you took it in for the check, over having the 5-star report.
If the battery check is on the receipt then you have proof for warranty.
Not much involved. It is just Nissan collecting data. Good for another year.
I had my first-year battery check last week, received the 5-star report, plus a free inspection and report of several components, including brake pads. They said the pads were hardly used which I already knew because I rarely use the brakes. Also, I opted out of the 'PDM Update' since I've never had any trouble with charging anywhere. Evidently, it isn't a required update for lessees.