Spreadsheet : VINs, Delivery Dates, Order Dates etc

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drees said:
evnow said:
gasmiser1 said:
What's up with the delays?? Does anyone have some clues?? :?
There was a long thread on this ...
Since the mods lately seem to prefer to reply with vague comments about other threads rather than actually post useful dialog/content[1], I'll step up:

Nissan : Making 2,000 Leafs per month now
Nissan : 6,000 (Japanese) orders to be delivered by Mar 31 ?

[1] Seriously - half the posts these days seem to from mods complaining about how there's some other thread already covering this topic or how this post should be in another thread or this is why n00bs should be locked in a cage until proven sane. Give it up. Either point users to useful information or shut your trap because I'm tired of reading it. And yes - I know I'm not the only one.

Thanks for the links and the help. I'll have to try to keep more on top of this forum. I read a few similar "Cliff Notes" articles in regards to these delays and ramp-ups. However, I thought maybe something else more Earth shaking had happened :oops:
wsbca said:
stanley said:
...about 5,000 cars ordered.
I realize presence on a forum like this and more specifically in the spreadsheet is going to be very, very skewed toward highly enthusiastic early-early adopters, but this estimate is a bit of a disconnect for me. What I mean is, we figure (accurately, I believe) that we have on the order of 50% of the delivered cars represented here....but there are only 291 orders in the spreadsheet, or 5% of this order estimate. Has enthusiasm-for-sharing-info really dropped off that dramatically, or is it possible that there are nowhere near 5000 confirmed orders? Maybe we need a current poll with choices of reserved, ordered, received, and just looking, to capture folks who have ordered but aren't adding data (frankly if I had ordered after seeing that cars were in fact being delivered, I'm not sure I would have felt a big urge/need to add my details). Or maybe we don't really want to know.
I'm a relative forum newbie here but I think a 50% estimate is extremely aggressive. At least two of my coworkers have LEAF orders (one who has actually taken delivery) and neither post here / have entered their info in the spreadsheet. And we're a web company, so we're pretty 'net savvy. :)

My own guess would probably be closer to 5% of total orders are in the spreadsheet.

A poll probably wouldn't tell you anything either; I doubt you'd capture a lot of extra people who are willing to answer a poll but aren't willing to fill out the spreadsheet.
LEAF #202 was delivered by Fontana on 1.31.11 at 11:30pm. Departed with 90% charge and arrived at home with 7 miles range remaining. The car is amazing!!!
Brian said:
I'm a relative forum newbie here but I think a 50% estimate is extremely aggressive.
This estimate came from an observation about a month ago (I think) that we were seeing about a 50% density in VIN numbers provided on the spreadsheet. That has dropped off somewhat now. If we exclude Reeler as an outlier (and seemingly rather unique case), we currently have 55 spreadsheet entries with VINs, and they range from xxx...00175 to xxx...00320. That is still roughly a 38% density.

You may be right that only 5% of the total orders are in the spreadsheet, but it certainly appears that a much higher percentage than that of the earliest orders are present.
evnow said:
gasmiser1 said:
What's up with the delays?? Does anyone have some clues?? :?
There was a long thread on this ...
Long being the operative word.
TRONZ said:
Actually sitting at Fontana Nissan right now. We just test drove #202 and Danny says we can take the car home tonight :shock: ! It's 8:30pm and the car is on L2 as I type. It was at 55% charge on the test drives so I will be cutting it a little close leaving around 10pm ish for Aliso Viejo (65 miles). We had no idea we would be taking delivery tonight! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . snip
oh no!
I was already a sleep! I missed out on the big moment. Sorry 'bout that ... you already know we were looking forward to cranking up the L2 EVSE for ya. So, how'd the ride home go? ... did you take the toll road? ... How fast were you going, that you only showed 7 miles range remaining. Seems if you had a 90% charge, a 65 mile drive should have left you w/ at LEAST 20 miles of range.
Anyway, you'll have to have me and the other Gary over so we can drool on it!

planet4ever said:
..If we exclude Reeler as an outlier (and seemingly rather unique case), we currently have 55 spreadsheet entries with VINs, and they range from xxx...00175 to xxx...00320. That is still roughly a 38% density. You may be right that only 5% of the total orders are in the spreadsheet, but it certainly appears that a much higher percentage than that of the earliest orders are present.

It would be interesting to make a graph of VIN density (0-1.0) vs delivery date. We could extrapolate actual orders vs time, deliveries, etc from that.
Once the new batch of VIN's come in for the massive "April" group, it will be very telling, as to what the density between member spreadsheet posts and the unknown buyers.
Tronz! You get to change your forum pic too. "Dude, Wheres my car" just doesn't fit you.
More than how many 'miles left'; how many bars were left? I assume you started out with 11 of the 12 bars and hopefully had used 8 with 3 bars left?

With so few February deliveries, it almost feels like December deja vu.
Ya I need to change Avatars again. The trip home was interesting and to be clear... it was FREEZING outside! I took a pic of the dash and I had 7 miles, two bars and a low battery warning when I pulled up to the house. By my calculations I gave up 26 miles due to 60-70mph freeway speeds and the very real need for climate control. My two small children were in the car sleeping the whole way home and I wanted them to be comfortable. My mission was to go as fast as I could, in the most comfort (heater) but still pull up with 10 miles remaining. I figure I did OK as a rookie EV pilot on his first Solo. Like they say; "Any landing you can walk away from... ".
I will concur with the analysis that Oregon & Washington will get their cars in the middle of the month. My estimated delivery just changed to 3/7/2011. Thats 5 days later than it was last weekend. It just keeps moving away into the future. :(
It's 32 and windy in PHX right now. With the windchill weather.com says "Feels like 20". Just a nice reminder of why I left NY. lol
bowthom said:
I will concur with the analysis that Oregon & Washington will get their cars in the middle of the month. My estimated delivery just changed to 3/7/2011. Thats 5 days later than it was last weekend. It just keeps moving away into the future. :(
So, you are getting "week of" for March as well ?
bowthom said:
My del date now reads 3/7/2011. It was 3/3/2011 yesterday and 3/2/2011 4 days ago and month of Feb a week before that.
Hmmmm ... that makes no sense. Since you got the VIN, our assumption would be that your car is in LA and came on Jan 14th.

Did you ever get a Feb date ?
I have a VIN and Carwings as well. My delivery week date has changed FOUR times for the past 7 days! From Week of February 14, to Week of Feb. 15, back to Week of Feb. 14, now at Feb. 18th! GGRRRRRRRRRRR! I am in LA County. I figure my LEAF is at the port in Long Beach and who knows what Nissan is doing to it and with it!?
JPC2822 said:
I have a VIN and Carwings as well. My delivery week date has changed FOUR times for the past 7 days! From Week of February 14, to Week of Feb. 15, back to Week of Feb. 14, now at Feb. 18th! GGRRRRRRRRRRR! I am in LA County. I figure my LEAF is at the port in Long Beach and who knows what Nissan is doing to it and with it!?

I just saw a silver Leaf speeding south on the 5 filled with what LOOKED like dockworkers swinging Tequila bottles yelling "TIJUANA, HERE WE COME!!"

I wonder if that might have been your car..... :twisted: :lol: :mrgreen: