Spreadsheet : VINs, Delivery Dates, Order Dates etc

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LEAFer said:
TRONZ said:
So they fixed my dashboard.
No change yet (still) on my dashboard.

Your not missing much. All thats different is that it now says our car order is "complete". Delivery date is still just "January". The only nice thing is that the dashboard makes sense now. Was starting to get real bored with the blatant conflicting information screaming at me every day.
hobbyguy said:
I just got changed from Jan 5 to pending?? and now my pre-purchase checklist is in-active and the own section is locked.Ha? Thought I was days away from delivery??

What was the time stamp on your completed RAQ??? Does not make any sense with an 8/31 to be pending!
didn't see Tronz post. I'm guessing more maintenance. My account is the same tonight - all locked up and at pending again. Owners portal looks the same though - http://www.nissanusa.com/owners/login
hobbyguy said:
I just got changed from Jan 5 to pending?? and now my pre-purchase checklist is in-active and the own section is locked.Ha? Thought I was days away from delivery??
That sucks! But what's with the weird reservation time you listed? Was that 10:30 AM or 10:30 PM?
  • If 10:30 AM maybe they're putting you in the penalty box for outsmarting their software and getting the reservation in before you were supposed to be able to do so.
  • If 10:30 PM, maybe they realized they had a glitch in their calculation, and shouldn't have let you order until several days later.
its just another system update hiccup. i got an email stating that my pre purchase checklist is now active (i completed it last week) but when i log in, NOTHING is active. pending delivery etc. it will clear up in a few days.

we are just moving to the next phase. what we need to go is track these "updates" and ask Gudy how many he had so we will know when we are getting close since estimated delivery area on Dash does not seem to be the area we need to reference.

remember Gudy was "pending" just a few days before his right?
DaveinOlyWA said:
we are just moving to the next phase. what we need to go is track these "updates" and ask Gudy how many he had so we will know when we are getting close since estimated delivery area on Dash does not seem to be the area we need to reference.
I do not think Gudy's experience with the Dashboard will really apply to anyone else. As an example, he got completely locked out at one point and it was because the Nissan people were running tests on his account to apparently check some things before the system was rolled out to everyone. I suspect it won't be until the 2nd, or even 3rd batch of people get their cars before we have any real info on what to expect through the whole process.
JasonT said:
DaveinOlyWA said:
we are just moving to the next phase. what we need to go is track these "updates" and ask Gudy how many he had so we will know when we are getting close since estimated delivery area on Dash does not seem to be the area we need to reference.
I do not think Gudy's experience with the Dashboard will really apply to anyone else. As an example, he got completely locked out at one point and it was because the Nissan people were running tests on his account to apparently check some things before the system was rolled out to everyone. I suspect it won't be until the 2nd, or even 3rd batch of people get their cars before we have any real info on what to expect through the whole process.

and your point may well be valid. unfortunately we dont have enough people here who have taken delivery who are willing to relay their experiences. all i can say if what you say is true... they apparently did not learn much
Pending for me too (was Jan 5). I choose to believe that this is a good thing and that our Dashboard is "off" due to testing the cars at the port and not a delay in shipment. Anyone receive a delivery date from their PD yet?