Nissan wants to know.......

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If Mike or someone compiles all the questions bieng asked here - I can put them up for a vote to get the "top 5".
here are my issues:

1. rear seat right-side safety belt recessed lock -- unusable for kids, PIA for adults. Just use the same design as the left side.
2. put a retractable extension in the sun visor, I am using a cardboard one but it's not a solution
3. sync clocks with GPS
4. the ok on statup for carwings is annoying, add a setting to set it as always on (or even always off)
5. add a SOC % screen
# 1 for me is resolving the A/C issue for the affected vehicles. Please keep in mind that this is not just a matter of comfort only; it is a safety issue. When your car is in fail-safe mode, your steering wheel becomes very heavy to steer. It becomes a disabled vehicle. I have been lucky to be stranded in a parking lot twice and not while driving on the Hwy. Also, the towing company will send you a person who pretends to know how to tow an electric car. That's is not always true. keep the towing manual handy.
I want Nissan to assure me that when I get into my car, I will be able to drive it. Nissan can communicate with us; it has our e-mail addresses, phone numbers and home addresses. We are part of this wonderful project and I want it to succeed.
All other issues are legitimate but they are not as urgent as this one.
jcesare said:
The main reason the delivery date screw up is an issue is because the CA rebate pool is limited. The simple solution is to guarentee every skipped order a $5000 rebate ... ...It seems to me that in the long term all the ill will and bad word of mouth will cost this company a lot more than $5000 per screwed customer.

I totally disagree. It's not just a CA thing. And everyone please quit saying it is just the Sept/Oct. orders that were forgotten and skipped. Many of them will be delivered in May/June. Those of us with Nov/Dec orders have already spent our 4-7 months in pending and now we have another pending of 6-12 months??? we don't even know. I am in TX, not CA, but still totally disheartened by the deliveries for those who reserved and ordered months after me. Nissan, what's the point of having a waiting/reservation list if you have no intention of honoring it - and when you have said you would? (Out of order deliveries were happening before the quake.) I know, triple disasters in Japan, but still you have to plan - and so do I. I need to know what your projections are, when can I expect this car?? I have lost a lot of hope and confidence. Sure, I'd like the $5,000 even though I'm not in CA, or the stock options ;) or a free 6.6 kw charger upgrade, but if you could just give me a reasonable delivery date I would feel much better.
I've got 2300 miles on the car over the past 2.5 months. Overall, I'm very happy with it.That said, I'd like:

(1) a better Range/SOC gauge. I think I'd like a percent SOC somewhere. Even make the "Miles remaining" into a Percent SOC.;

(2) a few well-positioned Quick Charge chargers. That would be great PR for Nissan. These are too expensive for average businesses, so get Nissan to sponsor a few. I'd think that if they looked at a map where large freeways cross, that would point out the locations. I'd like one or two on California I-5 for example;

(3) a contact point or person who we could give their name and number out when we're at a business and the business owner is interested in installing a L2 charger. I've had a few people ask but I don't know what to tell them;

(4) sponsor area LEAF meetings, at least a few and in major LEAF roll-0ut areas;

(5) get the dealers more involved in local LEAF events.

Thanks for reading, Nissan!
1. A slightly different question on the A/C shutdown issue - will Nissan be making a careful review of all error conditions that cause the car to go into "Inhibit Restart" mode to verify that they are really serious issues that require that response? I would think that anything to do with heating and A/C should just disable those systems, and allow the driver to get home and then get to the dealer without a tow.

2. % SOC display is really needed.

3. The Nav system needs to be more up to date : More current map info plus the charging stations - At least the Dealers!

4. Give us some clue on the battery replacement options and costs - at least ball park numbers. I can't figure if we are talking $3k or $10k. (I've given up hope on a battery warranty that means anything)

5. the DC charging port should be an option on the SV model. Or drop it all together. Nissan's current position seems to indicate that they really aren't committed to this charging option.
I guess we need to add...are the dealerships' chargers publicly available or not? We had one member told they couldn't charge. If they aren't that's a big problem.
I think at this point the A/C car shutdown issue is being addressed by Nissan. So I am not listing this as my top concern. If they didn't fix it it would result in a recall, a lot of roadside assistance and a lot of bad press. So moving forward.

1.) Maintain the reservation/order/delivery sequencing Nissan originally promised. It is not just those of us who had Sept/Oct orders that are in pending. It is everyone in the system should be able to expect Nissan to follow what they said they were going to do.
2.) No explanation of gradual loss in the battery warranty. define IT!
3.) Review fault conditions in the programming of the vehicle. Not all faults should cause the car to go into emergency shutdown. Allow people to get off the road unless absolutely necesary. You shouldn't get stuck on an on-ramp unless there is an extremely serious fault. Allow the car to be driven to the side of the road even if it is only a crawl.
4.) Software updates for Nav system/Carwings/Charging locations on a regular basis.
5.) No spare tire.
There's no need for a poll or further ranking efforts. The issues are pretty clear.

Now, get to work, Nissan. How about some communication from you?
i have to go for what my Prius has and that is "auto-return" to last screen displayed.

i want to be on the energy screen or map most of the time but occasionally i will check out something else and i dont like the 3 button operation to get back to energy.

the other is the obvious, a separate charge meter that tells us what power came into the car from the wall (hard to believe the car does not have the ability to track that)

and an insulated box for the the heater elements so they dont immediately cool off when the power is removed or the ability to preheat from the motor radiator...or something
My list of what's important to me:

1. Upgrade to 6.6 kW onboard charger. While the 3.3 kW charger is not a problem for overnight charging, it will likely be a problem for destination charging. Many US destinations are likely to install 240V L2 on a 40A breaker, not QC, so it important to pick up charge as fast as possible given the likely 40A breaker.
2. Better explanation of factors involved in battery capacity loss. For example: Why charge to 80%? What is the real effect of quick charging?
3. Better range information provided to driver. I think the problem is that one number does not capture everything that goes into the vehicle's range. This is not an easy problem, but the driver has one major question: "Do I have enough energy remaining to get to the next intended charge point?" How best to answer that question? This might become less of a problem in the long term as batteries and range improve.
4. NAV database. Although I ended up using the Hertz navigation in the rental LEAF, this would be a problem if the LEAF's NAV database is significantly out-of-date. Frequent updates to maintain current information should be part of Carwings subscription.
5. Clock. What is the excuse for not syncing all clock displays to GPS or cellular? This type of little detail, while not a majorr problem, makes the car look cheap. A properly designed dashboard clock is likely not any more expensive, so why make it look cheap?

And not important to me:

1. Reported lack of steering feedback - Some have called it a "safety issue" but I had not problems with it on my 2.5 hr test drive. It felt fine to me.
2. While charging points will be a short term problem, both that dealers need to provide 365/24/7 access and the NAV database needs to include the latest chargepoint info, both of these problems will diminish as the infrastructure is built out.
3. Order of deliveries. I'm in the forgotten 36 so I'm already way screwed.
Stop dealer price gouging.
While this is somewhat antithetical to those of us who can buy it through the order process and want as high a resale price or to turn around and sell in the market, it cant be right to allow dealers to make excessive profit simply because the Nissan supply change is disrupted.
Nissan and other Japanese automakers should take steps to preserve their reputation from being tarnished by exploitative dealerships.
1. Address possible quality control issues in the factory or at port. As someone whose car was immobile within 24 hours of taking delivery due to a known software issue I feel that the updates should have happened before my car arrived at the dealership. Also, the techs at certified dealers should have the ability to check software versions and make any required updates prior to customer delivery.

2. Define the parameters of acceptable battery capacity degradation with regards to warranty. This is a key issue for buyers and is ultimately why I have chosen to lease the car.

3. Provide in vehicle state of charge information.

4. As has been voiced, the telematics terms prompt at start-up is unnecessary. We have all acceptedthe terms of CARWINGS at login and do not need to do so at every start-up.

5. Update charge station maps in CARWINGS. Despite several attempts to force an update, only my PD's charge station appears on my navi.

6. The $100 roadside assistance credit prevented me from going back to my PD when the car was immobilized. Frankly, it was offensive to be told that I would be responsible for excess towing charges a mere 55 miles after taking delivery of my car. If limits are necessary, I think it would be more appropriate to have a towing radius limitation rather than a dollar value limitation.

Finally, I think that most of us here are excited about the car and want it to be successful but Nissan's lack of direct communication with the customer and community, the "AV" debacle, problems with the order process and the q/c issues have created an environment of hypersensitivity to any issues with the car. Speaking for myself, nothing that I've reported here about my "LEAF Customer Journey" has been inaccurate. The fact that many others seem to be sharing the same experiences lend to the validity of those claims. It is your responsibility, Nissan, to engage and address those negative concerns and experiences and celebrate the positives as a success. You've earned my business because you were the first to market with a practical EV. Now you need to earn my trust and reassure me that I've made the right decision. I hope that you take this opportunity to learn from this community's collective concerns and experiences to heart.
LBCev said:
6. The $100 roadside assistance credit prevented me from going back to my PD when the car was immobilized. Frankly, it was offensive to be told that I would be responsible for excess towing charges a mere 55 miles after taking delivery of my car. If limits are necessary, I think it would be more appropriate to have a towing radius limitation rather than a dollar value limitation.

Isn't the Leaf exempt from this, and the requirement that it be towed to a dealer?
I had read in another thread that roadside assistance call center personnel we still poorly trained in this area.
I'll dig and see if I can find a proper link.
klapauzius said:
Re: Dumb**s alert: am I the first to drain it??

Actually in my service contract it says explicitly that

a) the towing to dealership requirement does NOT apply to the Leaf
b) equally, the $100 limit does not apply to the LEAF

The stupid roadside assistance people did not know this...

Looked but was unable to substantiate this, perhaps it was a misinterpretation?
I looked through the roadside assistance guides, and extended maintainance brochures ..
thankyouOB said:
Stop dealer price gouging.
They can't, OB. Dealers are independent companies - not controlled by Nissan. US laws do not allow manufacturers to control dealer pricing. It's my understanding that Nissan's done all they can by 'strongly encouraging' sales at MSRP.

I don't think this and other requests should be on the table as they are well outside Nissan's control.

Top concerns?

- Are Nissan's folks ok? (Food, water, safety, security first.)
- When does Nissan expect to restart Leaf production?

Top Kudos:
- Thank you (and Mike!) for opening this communications channel!
- Thank you for manufacturing an excellent EV!
- Thank you for your responsiveness to the 'Gen 1 glitches' that have appeared
- Thank you for the unique reservation/sales process that puts the customer ahead of the dealer
As a Canadian, my biggest issue is pricing. We will be expected to pay $6,000 over the US price. Sure that includes the cold weather package but there is no way it should be that expensive especially considering the CAD is now above the USD. Furthermore, I'm sure Nissan will be charging over $1500 for delivery. To add insult to injury, only two provinces offer incentives, the rest of the country will be paying full price.

If it wasn't for the fact I've been anxiously waiting for a practical electric car to come to market for a long time, I would completely forget about purchasing a Leaf. The nearest US Nissan dealer is 125 miles away, so maybe... just maybe, my first new car will still be a Leaf.
thankyouOB said:
Stop dealer price gouging.
While this is somewhat antithetical to those of us who can buy it through the order process and want as high a resale price or to turn around and sell in the market,
Your answer is right there. Nissan can't tell the dealers what to charge any more than they can tell you what to sell your car for.

Once invoiced, the cars belong to the dealership, who can do with them what they please.

If you feel strongly about it, your complaint would best be taken to the dealership directly. This isn't one for Nissan (Corp) to address.

As for questions,
If Nissan won't discuss the order/delivery screwups, you might ask them simply "What, precisely, does Nissan use to determine the delivery order of the cars?" We still have no idea.
AndyH said:
- When does Nissan expect to restart Leaf production?
Nissan restarted Leaf production on March 24th subject to parts inventory availability.

The latest news (March 30th) does say that production at Oppama will be suspended this week April 4-8th due to insufficient parts availability.
Whats important to me:

1. keep providing the option of an L3 charging port
2. sell a reasonable homebased L3 "Lite" charger that runs on 240V, perhaps up to 60A but adjustable, with full timer control, charging speed control and % of charge control.. plus it should be reasonable, $1200 tops not including installation. By doing this Nissan will set the L3 charging standard for the US for the next 20 years. Make it easy to program, without using a phone or the internet, and weatherproof.
3. keep the 3.3kw internal charger as is, cheap!