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@ 7:21 am ET o Nov, 8 voting is still allowed" onclick=";return false;
EdmondLeaf said:
@ 7:21 am ET o Nov, 8 voting is still allowed" onclick=";return false;

It's gone now. I guess they had to wait for the programmer to arrive at work and turn it off! :lol:

Thanks one last time for all the help guys, and especially to you EdmondLeaf. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm pretty well spent. I should find out Friday if they are for sure going to give me the win. But I can't see why they wouldn't at this point - it's not like the voting was even close, and at least half the other guy's votes were bogus, even if a few of my own supporters were maybe a bit more enthusiastic than the rules allowed in the first couple of days.

Rather than getting the iPad2 prize offered (the 64GB/Wi-Fi version), I'm going to take the alternative prize of an $800 Apple Store gift card, put $100 of my own money in the pot, and get the 64GB/Wi-Fi/3G version instead - it is going to be one sweet piece of kit!
PHASE 3 why they need that

Judging panel already voted and selected you as one of finalists. We voted and you are the winner. Should be clear and simple and IMHO wait period completely unnecessary. Judging panel selected, we voted - end of story. Please let as know about final outcome I think Nov 11, and when you get your Apple Store gift card.
Just to close this out...they've confirmed me as the winner provided I fill out an affidavit of eligibility, get it notarized, and send it back. A slight wrinkle is that the affidavit they sent doesn't actually contain sufficient legal language under CA law to be notarized, so the notary had to do a document called a Certificate of Acknowledgement and attach it to the non-conforming document. I've now sent both these items back. Hopefully that will only be a slight wrinkle and won't keep me away from my prize! :?
Yay! I voted for you.

I noticed you won today (from a Leaf FB post) and I just noticed you have what looks like an IBM Portable PC in your photo (" onclick=";return false;). Wow.... I remember when those came out. They had an XT motherboard w/8 slots but most of them were blocked for full-length cards and they had the same (?) Qume 5.25" floppy drives as the PCjr.

That's a big purchase. I have an 32 gig iPad 2 wi-fi only and didn't want to pay the extra $ for a 3G version since each time I need to use it, I'd have to pay AT&T or VZ for data for that month. There are so few times I'd need that I didn't want to bother. I figure I'd rather just bit the bullet w/my iPhone 4 and pay for AT&T tethering for the times I need it. So far, I've done that 0 times.