Stopped by a random dealer for a charge... oh boy..

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2013
Buffalo Grove, Il
I was doing some errands in Chicago and was expectantly running low on energy. I wanted to charge either near a Starbucks where I can do some work or dealer lounge with wifi. I stopped by a particularly small dealer in the city and asked if they could charge it for a while. They informed me they have 1 charger and it's installed in a service bay and would gladly take me in. Great!

About 30 minutes into sitting at Starbucks I logged into carwings to check the status. No Charge! It showed the car was plugged in but not charging. I have the car on a nightly timer and they didn't override it. Fortunately I was able to push a start charge from carwings.

Lesson Learned #1: Disable your charge timer when taking your car into the dealer.

After a couple hours I returned to pick up the car. They said they would pull it right up. I could see the tail of the car down the service bay aisle. After about 10 minutes I was wondering what's taking so long?

I walked over and saw 2 mechanics trying to forcefully pull out the charger. They were unaware the charge port had a lock on it. I spent the next couple minutes educating them on the car. They informed me they "learn something new every day" and that they don't sell too many Leaves.

Lesson Learned #2: Disable your charge port auto-lock when taking your car into the dealer.

Fortunately they didn't damage the car. Whew!
Phatcat73 said:
Lesson Learned #2: Disable your charge port auto-lock when taking your car into the dealer.
I guess you must have a 2013 model.. Dealers probably aren't that experienced with those yet.
There are 3 selections:
1) Open
2) Auto - Automatically locks the charge port until you're fully charged; then it unlocks. (useful if using public charger and someone else needs it next to you after you're fully charged)
3) Lock - Same as above except it stays locked even after full charge (this is useful if using your own charger out in public)

There's a button on the dash near the timer override with the above 3 positions.

Furthermore, if you have it set to "lock" or it's locked due to "auto" you can manually override with the 2013 key fob as well.
I made a lock for MY2012 :cool:


Den said:
I made a lock for MY2012 :cool:

So you hit the release button on the dash to release the clip? And keep the car locked so no one else can do that?

I don't have a leaf yet but I'm trying to figure out all the ins and outs for when I get one.
Den, that's pretty clever... simple and elegant.

I'm guessing part of the reason for the lock on the 2013 is at the 6.6kW rate they want to avoid arcing if you just pull the plug out. I thought EVSEs were supposed to open the contactor when the release trigger button on the nozzle is pressed but if that was the case it seems nobody implemented it.
LTLFTcomposite said:
Den, that's pretty clever... simple and elegant.

I'm guessing part of the reason for the lock on the 2013 is at the 6.6kW rate they want to avoid arcing if you just pull the plug out. I thought EVSEs were supposed to open the contactor when the release trigger button on the nozzle is pressed but if that was the case it seems nobody implemented it.
It is implemented properly. A lot of people get confused because the charge session doesn't end, the OBC just stops drawing current. Opening the contactor isn't necessary to avoid arcing. If you don't have some sort of current meter available, you would never know. This has been verified by many people, including myself and Ingineer.
davewill said:
LTLFTcomposite said:
Den, that's pretty clever... simple and elegant.

I'm guessing part of the reason for the lock on the 2013 is at the 6.6kW rate they want to avoid arcing if you just pull the plug out. I thought EVSEs were supposed to open the contactor when the release trigger button on the nozzle is pressed but if that was the case it seems nobody implemented it.
It is implemented properly. A lot of people get confused because the charge session doesn't end, the OBC just stops drawing current. Opening the contactor isn't necessary to avoid arcing. If you don't have some sort of current meter available, you would never know. This has been verified by many people, including myself and Ingineer.
Good to know. The lights keep on blinking so it sure hides that behavior.