So, owners what range are you getting ?

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In the morning I had 10 bars. After I drove about 22 miles, it dropped to 6 bars with 6.4 m/kW on center console. After that I drove another 49 miles, and it drpped to 2 bars and 16 miles left. Center console was showing 5.9 m/kW. Finally, I drove another 16 miles. Whe I got home, it was showing 6 miles left with one bar. CC was Showing 5.9 m/kW. Again, all driving was in ECO mode. No A/C. No audio.
erdalc said:
In the morning I had 10 bars. After I drove about 22 miles, it dropped to 6 bars with 6.4 m/kW on center console. After that I drove another 49 miles, and it drpped to 2 bars and 16 miles left. Center console was showing 5.9 m/kW. Finally, I drove another 16 miles. Whe I got home, it was showing 6 miles left with one bar. CC was Showing 5.9 m/kW. Again, all driving was in ECO mode. No A/C. No audio.

Where are you deriving the "miles left" ? The GOM ? Or another source ?

From 80% charge (correct?) and 10 bars showing, you drove 22+49+16 = 87 miles. At the end, there was one bar.

How many miles were driven with the Battery Warning Displayed, and subsequently the Very Low Battery ?

By miles, I mean actual miles measured from the odometer. EDIT: From the time the second fuel bar disappeared, and there was only one fuel bar displayed, you had about 27 miles left in the battery at 5.9m/kWh.

By the way, if one fuel bar was still showing, you had quite a few miles left. Are you sure you aren't confusing the first Battery Warning with the second Very Low Battery warning?
TonyWilliams said:
I never saw the AV unit go above 394 volts. Amps weren't above 90.

The charger can do 500V if commanded to do so, if it follows the Chademo standard.. its possible the Leaf charger will be specialized for a lower voltage (400V ?).. Nissan is trying to lower the cost of the L3 charger so its very possible.

Every manufacturer seems to be choosing a system with a voltage around 400V, probably a decision to keep the cost of the inverters down.
Herm said:
TonyWilliams said:
I never saw the AV unit go above 394 volts. Amps weren't above 90.

The charger can do 500V if commanded to do so

Perhaps, but the display said otherwise. Maybe that display was data coming from the car? "Yes, Mr. ChaDeMo, I know you can fry my battery, so please, no more than 435v/125a max."

I don't know. Their data on the web site shows:


480V, 3 Phase AC (Other inputs available)
84A max
50Hz / 60Hz
200A max
50-600V max
1% voltage tolerance
.5A or 5% current tolerance, lesser of the two
Herm said:
TonyWilliams said:
I never saw the AV unit go above 394 volts. Amps weren't above 90.

The charger can do 500V if commanded to do so, if it follows the Chademo standard.. its possible the Leaf charger will be specialized for a lower voltage (400V ?).. Nissan is trying to lower the cost of the L3 charger so its very possible.

Yes, the Blink QC can do 500V, BUT not our LEAF. As I said before, the max our LEAF can accept is 410V and like Tony said, that's when it's probably empty. It's usually in the high 300s.
erdalc said:
In the morning I had 10 bars. After I drove about 22 miles, it dropped to 6 bars with 6.4 m/kW on center console. After that I drove another 49 miles, and it drpped to 2 bars and 16 miles left. Center console was showing 5.9 m/kW. Finally, I drove another 16 miles. Whe I got home, it was showing 6 miles left with one bar. CC was Showing 5.9 m/kW. Again, all driving was in ECO mode. No A/C. No audio.

Your range sounds right to me. You actually had 5.8 on the dash (console energy screen is high by .1 usually) and that would be close to 100 miles. When you had gone 87 miles you actually had left 12-13, especially at 38mph. For me, I can add about 20 miles to the GOM when it's at two bars and it will give me about the same as X by 17 (at 80% charge).
Btw, our temps dropped again today(60's) and I could only get 5.8 on the dash. Yesterday, when it was in the mid 70's, I once again got 6.8. It will be interesting to see what I'll be able to get when it is in the 40's in the morning.
TonyWilliams said:
In the half dozen QC's that I witnessed this weekend (2 of which were mine), I never saw the AV unit go above 394 volts. Amps weren't above 90. But, none of the cars started from 0%, which might take more voltage and/or amps.
Voltage displayed on the DC QC unit is tied to battery SOC and charge rate. This means that the voltage will pretty much never go over ~395 volts unless your pack is over charged or for some reason the car is telling the QC to pump in more current than it really should be.

In battery charging lingo, there's 2 different charge phases:
1. Constant power - where the car is getting fed 50 kW
2. Constant voltage - where the pack has hit max voltage (394-395V) and it will regulate current to keep voltage at that level.

Because the pack has internal resistance - the more current you apply, the higher the voltage you see - and as the battery charges the battery's voltage rises which reduces the amount of current you can apply before hitting max voltage.

FWIW - one can see that the car basically calls the pack charged once it hits ~395V - TickTock posted a plot of pack voltage when L2 charging here:" onclick=";return false;

It's no coincidence that 395V / 48 / 2 = 4.1V which is considered to be close to the maximum safe voltage for LiMn batteries (you could probably charge to 4.2V but that would reduce cycle life).
erdalc said:
In the morning I had 10 bars. After I drove about 22 miles, it dropped to 6 bars with 6.4 m/kW on center console. After that I drove another 49 miles, and it drpped to 2 bars and 16 miles left. Center console was showing 5.9 m/kW. Finally, I drove another 16 miles. Whe I got home, it was showing 6 miles left with one bar. CC was Showing 5.9 m/kW. Again, all driving was in ECO mode. No A/C. No audio.

Ok, we've got it figured out (via PM's).

From the top of fuel bar 1, you had 27 miles remaining from the range chart. At the first Battery Warning, you had 20 miles remaining (at 5.9 m/kWh), and you drove 6 miles into that, leaving 14 miles remaining. You drove 87, so 87 plus 14 equals 101 miles !!!

Woo Hoo !!!! You're right on target for an 80% charge at 5.9m/kWh. Actually, virtually text book.

STOP USING THE GUESSOMETER !!! You'll only suffer more trauma !! :mrgreen:

Let me check my understanding then. :lol:

I never worry about what GOM says. If my average is 5.9m/kW and driving around 40mph, I should have about 20 miles to drive before the turtle mode. Is that right?
erdalc said:
Let me check my understanding then. :lol:

I never worry about what GOM says. If my average is 5.9m/kW and driving around 40mph, I should have about 20 miles to drive before the turtle mode. Is that right?

With all the disclaimers; level, windows closed, climate control off, 70F, and at 5.9 m/kWh (which should hopefully equal 40mph steady speed, not average speed), then:

20 miles are available to Turtle mode from the first battery warning. I strongly recommend resetting one of your trip odometers then.

7 miles to Turtle mode from Very Low Battery warning.

Generally speaking, if you measure 13 miles from LBW until VLB pops up, as in the above example, you have approximately half that distance remaining until Turtle (so, half of 13 is 6.5).
I'm at 17.7% on my SOC box when I get my first low battery warning... Turtle mode at 2.0%... Lights out at 1.4%...
TangoKilo said:
I'm at 17.7% on my SOC box when I get my first low battery warning... Turtle mode at 2.0%... Lights out at 1.4%...

Yeah, I seem to remember that I had 18% SOC on my SG at LBW (one bar) too. I haven't taken it to 'zero' bars yet since I've had my SG.
LEAFfan said:
TangoKilo said:
I'm at 17.7% on my SOC box when I get my first low battery warning... Turtle mode at 2.0%... Lights out at 1.4%...

Yeah, I seem to remember that I had 18% SOC on my SG at LBW (one bar) too. I haven't taken it to 'zero' bars yet since I've had my SG.
I am of the belief that if you keep the battery between 20 and 80% charged, it will extend the life of the battery.

Does the SOC meter give you the usable charge, or the actual charge. I seem to recall a thread where it was believed Nissan would not let the battery get so low as to cause it damage, but I would like to keep my battery above the 20% line if possible. I have never seen VLB, or turtle.

The only time I get this close to low is after I have charged to 100%, which twice in a day, once a week may actually be good for the battery. Is getting the battery high/low good for it sometimes?

I have 9000 miles as of today, and I am very happy with the car. I look forward to the battery check in a few months time when I hit 12,000.

Caracalover said:
LEAFfan said:
TangoKilo said:
I'm at 17.7% on my SOC box when I get my first low battery warning... Turtle mode at 2.0%... Lights out at 1.4%...

Yeah, I seem to remember that I had 18% SOC on my SG at LBW (one bar) too. I haven't taken it to 'zero' bars yet since I've had my SG.
I am of the belief that if you keep the battery between 20 and 80% charged, it will extend the life of the battery.

Does the SOC meter give you the usable charge, or the actual charge. I seem to recall a thread where it was believed Nissan would not let the battery get so low as to cause it damage, but I would like to keep my battery above the 20% line if possible. I have never seen VLB, or turtle.

The only time I get this close to low is after I have charged to 100%, which twice in a day, once a week may actually be good for the battery. Is getting the battery high/low good for it sometimes?

I have 9000 miles as of today, and I am very happy with the car. I look forward to the battery check in a few months time when I hit 12,000.


Howdy Caracalover! Did you ever get that magnetic LEAF sign for your city vehicle? :D
As far as the SOC box, unless I'm mistaken, it displays actual battery charge. The computer won't let you hurt the battery. That's why the traction motor quits at 1.4% SOC... The gauge definitely gives me more "usable range" since it is far more accurate than 12 bars... I've got 11,500 miles so far, charging to 100% all the time. I haven't noticed any battery degradation.... :cool:
Caracalover said:
Does the SOC meter give you the usable charge, or the actual charge. I seem to recall a thread where it was believed Nissan would not let the battery get so low as to cause it damage, but I would like to keep my battery above the 20% line if possible. I have never seen VLB, or turtle....
I have 9000 miles as of today, and I am very happy with the car. I look forward to the battery check in a few months time when I hit 12,000.


Definitely useable charge for the Gidmeter. There's many unusable kWh's left in the battery when you hit turtle (and below 2% on the Gidmeter).

I did the battery check yesterday, and passed with "5 stars" for everything; for example, I didn't let the car sit too long with 100% charge, etc. One of them is too many Quick Charges... ya, like that's gunna happen this year in San Diego!!! Had the tires rotated again.
Even though Nissan says to only QC no more than once a day, the facts are that up to 6 QCs a day will not harm the battery any more than L2 charging. I've been talking to the many techs that were around when Nissan was doing the QC testing while I'm getting my QC. That's where I also learned that the actual battery pack capacity is 28.8, not 24. So even if you take it to turtle, I'll bet ya that there is still 20% hidden. Nissan isn't going to allow anyone to damage the battery pack by charging or discharging.
TangoKilo said:
Howdy Caracalover! Did you ever get that magnetic LEAF sign for your city vehicle? :D
As far as the SOC box, unless I'm mistaken, it displays actual battery charge. The computer won't let you hurt the battery. That's why the traction motor quits at 1.4% SOC... The gauge definitely gives me more "usable range" since it is far more accurate than 12 bars... I've got 11,500 miles so far, charging to 100% all the time. I haven't noticed any battery degradation.... :cool:
No magnetic Leaf, but I am sure picking up a lot of leaves right now!

Thanks for all the replies, I feel better with the added information. If I were Nissan I would make it so no one can return a battery pack under warranty - which is something I don't want to do - so good strategy.
My November numbers are in.
It has been quite cold here so my range is down to 70 miles w full charge. I have to sit at work and defrost the windows for 15 minutes before I can leave.


Compared to September