Insurance rates

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Aug 16, 2010
Hi All

Wondering if anyone has gotten word from their insurance company what the actual or expected rates are for the Leaf? My insurance company (USAA) does not have their rates yet for the vehicle. Any expectations on whether the rates will be higher, similar , or lower than ICE vehicles of approximately the same size or cost?


Insurance companies have not charged differently for EVs in the past. All they care about is the money. Vehicle cost and then their normal "factors" (like where you live/work and annual mileage) is all they normally use.

Also, the Nissan rebates page mentions some insurance companies are offering a 10% discount on EVs.
I asked my AAA agent a couple of months ago and he thought, off the top of his head, that it wouldn't make any difference. Apart from your own driving history and the value of the vehicle, they mostly care how many miles you are driving, and whether you are a young single male.

Of course the value of the Leaf, without subtracting the tax credits I'll get, is about five times that of my current car, so I'm sure my rates will go up significantly.