Gathering a Class action suit against Nissan

My Nissan Leaf Forum

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evnow said:
The question to the forum users here is - whether we should allow such anti-EV people to use this forum to further their anti-EV agenda.
We have no firm evidence that the OP is anti-EV. Our country is unfortunately full of people who are quick to sue for stupid reasons, which has the effect of driving up the cost of living while decreasing choices. Some of those sue-happy people will inevitably make their way onto this forum. I'd say the great majority of posters on this thread did a good job of responding. No censorship needed.
evnow said:
The question to the forum users here is - whether we should allow such anti-EV people to use this forum to further their anti-EV agenda.

Absolutely not.

If some poor soul feeds their family by trolling for and likely getting a finders fee from a ambulance chaser, then that person should at least pay the forum and restrict their solicitation to the commercial section.

Out out damn spot!
Willieworks said:
Hey All.

The revelation this week that Nissan has been filling Leaf orders out of turn caused me to tell the whole sordid story of the order process to a close friend who is an attorney specializing in class action suits. He feels Nissan is culpable punitively for their complete lack of transparency and even deception of the 19000+ of us who made reservations last year, but have still not received our vehicles, and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . snippets.
(Sigh) Anyone can sue ... and anyone can attempt to find a starving attornery who's hard up enough to be willing to try and scrape up the requisite number of plaintiffs necessary to get a class certified. In part, I've let my CA license remain in inactive status, for over 8 years just because I was so tempted to smack these types when they'd approach me with their idiot ideas. Trust me, this person can't truly find any attorney that'd touch such a looser idea of litigation. Below, you will find the highly technical reply that the court will send him, should this person actually try and move forward and submit the issue for class certification:


Let THAT judgement be certified.
