First Leaf delivery in Seattle

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DaveinOlyWA said:
?? dk. i dont even know the AZ guy who will be taking delivery any time now

His name is Amir, but the strange thing was that he told me he didn't reserve until Apr. 21st, and ordered early Sept. I said, "Are you sure you reserved Apr. 21st?", and he said he did. He said he was surprised too!
Anyone knows what to expect on this event? I am contemplating whether to go or not...

You won't want to miss it! It was AWESOME! We arrived early and were able to meet quite a few Nissan execs, Mark Perry, and the Blink people. And you won't want to miss being hugged by the Polar Bear (suit cost $18K). Hopefully, the first WA LEAF owner will be there too and you will be able to hear the VSP and see the actual gray interior which is two shades darker now. Besides all the great food, you will be given a bag with a stuffed polar bear inside. :mrgreen:
garygid said:
Is ALL the interior the new darker gray, or is the plastic still light-colored, and just the cloth parts the new 3-shades-darker gray?
Will check it out.

"What are the changes in the production car" is my main question for Nissan today.
Finally had my EVSE intall permit approved this morning. The electrician and the city were going back and forth on the need for a "disconnect" - fancy light switch to kill power to the EVSE - in a detached garage. They determined that this is a requirement for my install and put it in this morning.

I also noticed that the City appears to have finalized the Client Assistance Memo (CAM) here: for EVSE installs.

be sure to say hi!
Had a blast at the party.. I certainly was not expecting that quantity of (good) food or the beverages, but they certainly helped make the evening a success!
Sorry for not trying to track everyone down, but we kept running into folks we already knew so the couple of hours we spent there went by rather quickly..

In terms of "new" insights, the only thing I was a bit surprised to discover was that the driver's seat of the Leaf only seems to adjust up/down from the back of the seat; the seat seems to pivot at the front edge which seems to limit how much adjustment you actually can get. This was enough, though, to actually let me see over the hood so a big improvement!
Tleaf, are you saying that the driver seat adjusts to a higher level than the pre-production Leafs?
Lkmtleaf said:
He looks pretty happy with his new LEAF. Congrats to Jon. Found the link on twitter.

Argggh!! That's my color and everything! ;-)


The Seattle party tonight was nice. Low key, informal and pleasant. Wine, good food and friendly folks. I actually appreciated something low key (and apparently mostly for early order folks) after all the intense hype.

Thank you Nissan. Congratlations to you as well. Pretty big first step.

If I may, I'd also like to put in a good word for ECOtality (sure I've spelled it wrong ...). They've been the most prevalent human face during this process. They've been upbeat, helpful and have faithfully resisted the (probably) natural urge to point at Nissan when information has been lacking. Nissan has clearly picked a worthy partner, and I wish them sucess as well.
I asked one of the Nissan guys about that and he said it was off the line and very close to being a full production vehicle, but didn't have quite all the final stuff.

Good to finally meet evnow and rainnw, and a few other friends. Got a short video clip of Jon Hoekstra and his wife driving away in their new red LEAF. So quiet. Ironic that the first LEAF owner in Seattle has been working on research of impact to the ecosystem from the gulf oil spill.

SeattleBlueLeaf said:
The white one there was not production. VIN was 064

BTW, we came in late - and didn't find you. Did you leave early ?

ps : I'm splitting this event related posts to a new thread.
Like everone else, I had a terrific time at the event. Low key. The bear was pretty cool, until he tried to bite my head. :)