Fed Up with the Tea Party? Need a Laugh?

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2010
San Antonio
Worth a giggle at least. ;)


It's been difficult watching the kids in the sandbox. Things financial are the Constitutional duty of the House, so I cannot buy the "good cop, bad cop" attacks on the President (and no - I don't care which party the president's from - it's not his job to be "daddy day-care"...).

I wish there was an old fashioned mother on the hill that could send the members of the house one at a time to cut their own switch off the willow tree in the back yard. :lol: Raise a few welts and then make them sit down until their work is done... :evil:
its not practical to reduce spending if half the voters are receiving handouts from the gov, thus we must increase taxes.. no real way around that.
derkraut said:
UH.....curtail the handouts?

When we are in a recession because of demand slump, you have raise demand.



Right Now Contractionary Fiscal Policy (Probably) Makes the Long-Run Debt Problem Worse

As Brad DeLong argues, there’s a very good case to be made that we’re currently living under conditions in which fiscal contraction actually worsens the long-run deficit. Why? The argument runs like this:

1. Fiscal contraction reduces output in the short run; this immediately means that part of the initial gain in terms of a lower deficit is offset by reduced revenue and higher safety-net spending. These effects are especially large when you’re in a liquidity trap, so monetary policy can’t fight the fiscal contraction.

2. Reductions in short-run output and employment take a toll on long-run growth, too: capital investment is depressed, workers lose their skills, and so on. This in turn reduces future revenues.

3. Meanwhile, with real interest rates very low — actually negative on 5-year bonds — the cost of borrowing now in terms of future debt burden is also very low.

Also read this : http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2009/04/delong-simple-keynesianism-for-monetarists-a-primer.html

No, the country is not a business. It shouldn't be run like a business or household.
derkraut said:
Herm said:
its not practical to reduce spending if half the voters are receiving handouts from the gov, thus we must increase taxes.. no real way around that.

UH.....curtail the handouts?
If I had to take a guess, I'd suspect that dk might be reminding Herm that (virtually) everyone reading these remarks is "receiving handouts from the gov," unless they've chosen to forego their $7,500 tax credit and, in most cases, some form of state largesse as well.
Glenn said:
derkraut said:
UH.....curtail the handouts?
If I had to take a guess, I'd suspect that dk might be reminding Herm that (virtually) everyone reading these remarks is "receiving handouts from the gov," unless they've chosen to forego their $7,500 tax credit and, in most cases, some form of state largesse as well.
If I had to guess, everyone who ever burnt a gallon of gas has received government handouts.

Or for that matter bought a house (unless they paid for by cash or didn't claim the tax exemption on mortgage interest).

Or had kids, who studies in public schools (socialism !)

Or take personal exemption while filing taxes.
derkraut said:
Herm said:
its not practical to reduce spending if half the voters are receiving handouts from the gov, thus we must increase taxes.. no real way around that.

UH.....curtail the handouts?

No, for the simple reason that there is much more money in taxing the top 10% income earners in the country. The handouts are small change compared to what revenue was lost due to the last round of tax cuts.

I think the common contention with government handouts is that it is falling into the wrong hands and we are giving the "lazy" a free lunch...Even if that was the case for ALL recipients of handouts (and I dont think it actually is), we buy ourselves social peace, which is worth the money multiple times over AND we can afford it (that is, if we are willing to go back to e.g. pre-Bush era tax brackets).
Herm said:
its not practical to reduce spending if half the voters are receiving handouts from the gov, thus we must increase taxes.. no real way around that.
Except...not all of the 'handouts' being discussed in the House are 'handouts.' Isn't the unemployment system - FICA - an insurance program that all contribute to? And social security - also insurance? But yes - there are handouts - ethanol subsidies, oil and coal subsidies and tax breaks. Just kill the subsidies and close the loopholes.





Simply letting the Bush-era tax cuts expire fixes the entire problem.

For the country.

But not the Republican problem. Because some of them don't care about the country - they're tied to an extremist minority and have only one mission - to take control. And they're willing to run the country into the ditch to get their way.
evnow said:
Glenn said:
derkraut said:
UH.....curtail the handouts?
If I had to take a guess, I'd suspect that dk might be reminding Herm that (virtually) everyone reading these remarks is "receiving handouts from the gov," unless they've chosen to forego their $7,500 tax credit and, in most cases, some form of state largesse as well.
If I had to guess, everyone who ever burnt a gallon of gas has received government handouts.

Or for that matter bought a house (unless they paid for by cash or didn't claim the tax exemption on mortgage interest).

Or had kids, who studies in public schools (socialism !)

Or take personal exemption while filing taxes.
Don't drive on an interstate or take a commercial flight - the horror of Federal Aviation Regulations and GPS and other navigation aids. ;)
AndyH said:
Don't drive on an interstate or take a commercial flight - the horror of Federal Aviation Regulations and GPS and other navigation aids. ;)
I'm sure you realize this, but a lot of people don't: Even if YOU personally do not use government service X, chances are high that someone you rely on does.

I mean, unless you live in the woods in a house you build yourself, wear clothes you made yourself, eat food you hunt/harvest and cook yourself, all using materials you gather yourself using tools you made yourself from those raw materials...

Anyway, here's my contribution:



What do you bet that the Tea Party would be in the front ranks of angry demonstrations against IMF imposed austerity measures were we to default?
Smidge204 said:
eat food you hunt/harvest and cook yourself, all using materials you gather yourself using tools you made yourself from those raw materials...

Unless that "food" was in a government protected habitat, like the wilderness, forest, and other government funded and protected areas.
Glenn said:
derkraut said:
Herm said:
its not practical to reduce spending if half the voters are receiving handouts from the gov, thus we must increase taxes.. no real way around that.

UH.....curtail the handouts?
If I had to take a guess, I'd suspect that dk might be reminding Herm that (virtually) everyone reading these remarks is "receiving handouts from the gov," unless they've chosen to forego their $7,500 tax credit and, in most cases, some form of state largesse as well.

Obviously the $7500 tax credit, and the mortgage interest deduction are handouts, but mostly I was referring to recurring handouts.. welfare pmts, public employees, social security, police salaries etc. No sane voter will vote out the politician that puts food on his table. Its inevitable that the system will eventually collapse since its unbalanced.. a much stronger possibility than AGW is real :(
It's all a pinko-commie conspiracy.... :lol:
Murdoch closed the tabloid in the UK, when the damage he made to this country is so much worse.
Herm said:
a much stronger possibility than AGW is real :(
Laugh? No... this whole mess makes me cry. Our country is screwed by the crazy ignorant nihilist egotistical ayn rand tea partiers.