Can Dealerships Determine Actual battery Health?

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Well-known member
Staff member
May 22, 2013
Upstate New York, US
I'm looking into new and very slightly used 2017 Leafs, and while dealerships generally have no interest in or knowledge of using LeafSpy, a few seem willing, but know nothing about it. I was thus wondering if the Nissan Consult diagnostic computers can read anything like SOH from the cars without LeafSpy. Has this been investigated? I know that this doesn't apply to 95% of the dealers out there, but could an interested dealer Tech find out what shape a pack is in using their own diagnostic tools...?

On a related note, what currently available OBDII Bluetooth readers are still Leaf-compatible?
I use this one and it still exists:
Why would the dealer need to buy one... You can just plug your own in and they should let you run your Leafspy??

Personally, I cannot imagine that Nissan dealers (and factory trained "leaf specialists") do not have a very precise manner of evaluating the Leaf battery.

If after 9 years of Nissan Leaf production, dealers are clueless about the Leaf workings, then Nissan has been selling a science experiment vehicle as a sideshow attraction.