WAPO EV Hater Universalizes Volt; Ignores Leaf

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2011
Coastal LA
http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/electric-cars-and-the-liberal-war-with-science/2012/03/05/gIQA7SpYtR_story.html?hpid=z2" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

this article begs for comments that we can all do so well.
this story is NOW the second most widely read item at WAPost.
we could use some reality installed there via comments.

NYTimes has a strong story that includes comments from BMW and others about the inevitability of EVs.
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/07/business/global/hype-over-electric-cars-subsides-at-geneva-auto-show.html?_r=1&ref=business" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
"And yet in his 2013 budget, Obama proposes to boost the tax credit for electric vehicle buyers to $10,000."

Never fear, the Republicans will effectively counter this one - when they get done cutting taxes not even Mitt Romney will have a $10,000 tax bill to apply the credit to.

thankyouOB said:

this article begs for comments that we can all do so well.
A writer is somebody for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.
-Thomas Mann
This is nothing more than a disjointed collection of stereotypes and cliches. Just once I'd like to read one of these articles include some quotes from the 20,000 or so Volt and Leaf owners that shouldn't require a great effort in investigative journalism to track down.

Another article linked from that page was more insightful though:

http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/whats-ailing-the-chevy-volt/2012/03/04/gIQAW6HrqR_blog.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

The new mantra of EV acceptance may be "it's the price stupid".
"Democrats and liberals are fond of calling their conservative and Republican adversaries “anti-science.” To the extent that the right espouses “creation science,” or disputes established facts about environmental degradation, it’s an appropriate label.
But progressives’ fascination with electric cars and other alternative-energy schemes reflects their own refusal to face the practical limitations of alternative energy — limitations that themselves reflect stubborn scientific facts."

He managed to insult everyone with that one..
Herm said:
"Democrats and liberals are fond of calling their conservative and Republican adversaries “anti-science.” To the extent that the right espouses “creation science,” or disputes established facts about environmental degradation, it’s an appropriate label.
But progressives’ fascination with electric cars and other alternative-energy schemes reflects their own refusal to face the practical limitations of alternative energy — limitations that themselves reflect stubborn scientific facts."

He managed to insult everyone with that one..

This incessant need to apply labels is the mark of a small mind. It has also been the catalyst for the most horrific events in human history.

How do you label someone who is thankful God created humans with the ability to innovate?
The author Charles Lane appears to be an independent thinker, not a knee-jerk Foxnewser. E.g.,


Often the harshest anti-EV articles are sourced from some erzatz "think tank" like the National Center for Public Policy Research which is funded by the oil industry and exists to give a veneer of respectability to baseless criticism of renewable energy, EV's, oil industry regulation, etc. You cannot argue with people like that, and any attempt to do so can just draw more attention to their rants.

Mr. Lane appears to be a real journalist and any mistakes are probably just that - mistakes - and not deliberate deceptions. So I think that polite and factual corrections posted as comments, and emailed privately to the author, could really make a positive difference especially in future articles. Even if he never quite agrees fully with you or with me.
not sure I agree with the above, but it is certainly put with authority.

regardless, there is no such thing as a private email to a post writer.

Nor should you expect a balanced report from Lane. He is making an argument and being very selective in the cars he discusses.
take note: this is no reporter. this guy is an editorial writer, which means he is paid to spread his opinion.
Charles Lane ends his "opinion" article with:
"What’s “progressive” about that, I’ll never understand."

You will never understand, because your a moron and haven't a clue about what your reporting on. :?
thankyouOB said:
regardless, there is no such thing as a private email to a post writer.
Nor to any writer. But he does give his email address. I've had some success in other contexts with other writers sending them email saying something like "um, Charles, you might not have know about XYZ and therefore didn't take into account WXY" - instead of posting a public comment saying "Charles you flaming idiot! How could you be so dumb as not to know about XYZ and totally omiting WXY from your story?"

Nor should you expect a balanced report from Lane. He is making an argument and being very selective in the cars he discusses.
take note: this is no reporter. this guy is an editorial writer, which means he is paid to spread his opinion.
Yes, but on first glance it looks to me like it is the Washington Post which pays him to spread his opinions, rather than Chevron paying him to spread their opinions. And he doesn't seem to take a lock-step Republican or Democratic view. Which makes me think it's at least possible he's one of those people whose opinion may actually be swayed by learning more facts. But of course the more reaction his opinions provoke, the more readers, and revenue the Post gets. So he could be deliberately getting it wrong for monetary rather than ideological reasons.
walterbays said:
Which makes me think it's at least possible he's one of those people whose opinion may actually be swayed by learning more facts.

I have a hard time believing this. He clearly made up or used without checking several pieces of information that are blatantly incorrect. He's either incredibly lazy or simply making stuff up to support his argument. Doesn't sound to me like the kind of person who would be willing to listen to facts and lay out a fair analysis.
walterbays said:
he's one of those people whose opinion may actually be swayed by learning more facts. But of course the more reaction his opinions provoke, the more readers, and revenue the Post gets. So he could be deliberately getting it wrong for monetary rather than ideological reasons.

i will send him an email and invite him to discuss with an 11-month leaf owner and fellow writer, journalist and former reporter.
thankyouOB said:
i will send him an email and invite him to discuss with an 11-month leaf owner and fellow writer, journalist and former reporter.

Please do. And ask him if he interviewed any other Volt or Leaf owners.
good for you! I know it can make a difference. I wrote in to a reporter about a similar article and got into a dialogue that helped me understand what he was upset about.

thankyouOB said:
walterbays said:
he's one of those people whose opinion may actually be swayed by learning more facts. But of course the more reaction his opinions provoke, the more readers, and revenue the Post gets. So he could be deliberately getting it wrong for monetary rather than ideological reasons.

i will send him an email and invite him to discuss with an 11-month leaf owner and fellow writer, journalist and former reporter.
thankyouOB said:
i will send him an email and invite him to discuss with an 11-month leaf owner and fellow writer, journalist and former reporter.

Anything happened that you would like to share ?
So because his opinion and outlook differs from others he's an "EV hater?" :lol:

He's right, if EV's were all that, there would still be people on a waiting list. Nissan sold under 400 last month. It's obvious they are not ready for prime time.

The article seems reasonable to me.
Train said:
So because his opinion and outlook differs from others he's an "EV hater?" :lol:

He's right, if EV's were all that, there would still be people on a waiting list. Nissan sold under 400 last month. It's obvious they are not ready for prime time.

The article seems reasonable to me.
Maybe the cars are more than ready for prime time, but the consumers are the ones with attitude problems?