Poll : Would you buy Leaf with a Range Extender option ?

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If Leaf had a range extender option, would you get it ?

  • Yes !

    Votes: 37 25.7%
  • Probably

    Votes: 23 16.0%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 12 8.3%
  • Probably Not

    Votes: 39 27.1%
  • No way !

    Votes: 33 22.9%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2010
Seattle, WA
There is some extra news out about BMW i3 recently with a few more bits of information about their range extender option.

Should Nissan Leaf also have a range extender option ? Would you buy one, if available ? Assume, it isn't expensive (whatever that might mean).
evnow said:
There is some extra news out about BMW i3 recently with a few more bits of information about their range extender option.

Should Nissan Leaf also have a range extender option ? Would you buy one, if available ? Assume, it isn't expensive (whatever that might mean).

Since the only place to put one is in the trunk, it would be noisy and clunky... besides, for a company that won't temperature control batteries that were known to have accelerated degradation in heat, I don't see them even listening to a proposal like this.
TonyWilliams said:
Since the only place to put one is in the trunk, it would be noisy and clunky... besides, for a company that won't temperature control batteries that were known to have accelerated degradation in heat, I don't see them even listening to a proposal like this.
Not a proposal - just a poll ;)
One of the deciding factors for me getting a Leaf over a Volt was the fact that it doesn't have a range extender. Hence, no messy gasoline/oil to deal with and no worries about maintaining a small engine which doesn't get used much.

That said, having lived with a Leaf, I'm always wishing I could take it on a trip that's a little farther. I would consider it, but in the end probably would go without.
evnow said:
Not a proposal - just a poll ;)

Agreed, Tom started a similar poll in the ActiveE FB group. It will be interesting to see how individual votes and opinions will be distributed. You would think that with all the passionate discussions about range, there would be at least some marginal interest in a REx option.
Range extender would need to be a big battery in a trailer with its own QC port. Need to be able to rent it and just have a port to plug into the vehicle.
No way would I have any gasoline extender system.
I was a Volt fan before being a LEAF fan. The reason the Volt didn't work for me is I drive around 52 miles minimum per day. Every day I would be burning gas if I had a Volt. Burning gas should, in my opinion, be a fuel of last resort used rarely on extended trips or unexpected errands, not a fuel to burn every single day.

I'm sure 35-38 miles works great for most drivers, but my it just didn't fit my commute. If I commuted less than 35 miles per day, there would be a Volt in my driveway, not a LEAF.

If the Volt had a battery pack with the LEAFs range, or if the LEAF had a genset like the Volt, I would buy one. But I have no reservations about making the plunge to be oil-free in the LEAF. Even in the winter, when range is reduced less than the worst degraded battery in an Arizona LEAF, I'm very happy with the car.
kubel said:
I was a Volt fan before being a LEAF fan. The reason the Volt didn't work for me is I drive around 52 miles minimum per day. Every day I would be burning gas if I had a Volt. Burning gas should, in my opinion, be a fuel of last resort used rarely on extended trips or unexpected errands, not a fuel to burn every single day.

I'm sure 35-38 miles works great for most drivers, but my it just didn't fit my commute. If I commuted less than 35 miles per day, there would be a Volt in my driveway, not a LEAF.

If the Volt had a battery pack with the LEAFs range, or if the LEAF had a genset like the Volt, I would buy one. But I have no reservations about making the plunge to be oil-free in the LEAF. Even in the winter, when range is reduced less than the worst degraded battery in an Arizona LEAF, I'm very happy with the car.

There are cars here with 4 CBs missing. That's over 33% reduction. There's no way your range would drop as much unless you're using the heater.
The range extender option should be a choice of getting the LEAF with more batteries, so we can have the option of going 150 or 200 miles. Sure, we would pay more, but the size of the LEAF is great (unlike Tesla S which is larger than one wants when driving around town).
evnow said:
There is some extra news out about BMW i3 recently with a few more bits of information about their range extender option. Should Nissan Leaf also have a range extender option ? Would you buy one, if available ? Assume, it isn't expensive (whatever that might mean).

Funny you started this poll. My wife/I had an interesting conversation about this the other day. Obviously everyone's needs vary, but here was our $0.02 as it pertained to us... (and BTW, my vote was "probably not")...

For us the Leaf is perfect. We drive to work together and our round-trip commute is a mere 23 miles daily. Even in the cold, harsh Cleveland, Ohio USA winter we are still arriving home with 7 of our 12 bars, for whatever that translates to in real mileage. We have an L2 charger in our heated/attached garage at home, and only once in our month of ownership did we need to charge mid-afternoon for an evening adventure (on a Saturday/weekend, of course). Daily, the LEAF has been PERFECT!

As such for us to want a "range extender" would only benefit us in making the LEAF a more useful car. However, as a couple with a kid who has days of school for various reasons, we must have a second car. But, 95% of the time we don't need to drive the second car. While it is bad to leave a car sitting be it EV or ICE, the negative impacts are less problematic on the ICE. If our second car was a range-extended EV, how would we handle the battery? If we only charged it to 80% and let is sit, that wouldn't be too bad-- but then in cold weather what if you wanted all 100%? Take the Volt for example -- seems like charging that battery to anything but 100% is silly as it only provides 35-50 real-world miles.

Anyhow, I digress. For some people, where they use a 2nd car for long trips, they might benefit from a range extender in their EV. But to me that sort of defeats the purpose of the LEAF. What makes it so great, in my eyes, is the ZEV-status and the "silent" nature. All of the range-extended vehicles have horrid reviews of the sounds of the motor, from the Volt to the Fisker, with the Prius being the only one that doesn't get bad reviews for NVH-related matters. For us, the LEAF is perfect as is... although more range would be nice. And more utility. What I want: a Tesla X! :)
GetOffYourGas said:
One of the deciding factors for me getting a Leaf over a Volt was the fact that it doesn't have a range extender. Hence, no messy gasoline/oil to deal with and no worries about maintaining a small engine which doesn't get used much.
Shaka said:
... although more range would be nice. And more utility. What I want: a Tesla X! :)

Yes, my LEAF range extender was a Toyota Rav4 EV; about 140 miles at moderate freeway speeds, and limited issues with cold weather with a climate controlled battery.

The worst part is the heater is the same as the LEAF, so it sucks the power!
Ofcourse, if Nissan were to ever build the BEVx - it would be to get more people to buy Leaf. But, still interesting that some 50% of the Leaf owners are interested.
I would get the range extender option if it were actually an option, i.e. if it were removable. I wouldn't want to be stuck with a permanent range extender like the Volt, but if "range extender option" meant adding some kind of power port / interface for a genset module (either trailer or roof mount or whatever) that I could rent when I needed it I'd be all over it.
Nice going, 49 votes so far. Would it make sense to sticky this thread for a few days or is it easier to bump it periodically?
with a reasonable (any?) DC quick charge network I wouldn't even consider one. A Few extra kwh in the battery would reduce the desire. A better heater would reduce the need. A more predictable 'fuel gauge' would reduce the need by reducing uncertainty.

I guess I'd consider one, but the desire to have no oil/gas etc in my car was very strong: I've already chosen a pure BEV over a PiP once...
essaunders said:
A Few extra kwh in the battery would reduce the desire.
That's an interesting observation. We have a similar poll going in the ActiveE FB group, and the interest in the range extender is more tepid. One has to wonder, how much of that is due to 30% more pack capacity.
I would like the "option" to buy a Leaf with a larger battery pack. Keep the 24kw for the base model and offer a 36kw option for the SL model. That would take care of the number one complaint with the Leaf, not enough range.