Now, go vote

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I voted 20 days ago, when I dropped my mail ballot off at my county clerk and recorder's office. The current estimates are that 80% of Colorado voters will vote early (versus 70% four years ago). In Oregon all voting is by mail ballot I believe.

Takes away from the traditional election day ritual, I suppose, but it is more convenient and it takes weather out of the picture (although it is sunny and cloudless here today).
I voted just a few minutes ago. I voted for Gary Johnson and the libertarian party. I don't think they are particularly on the EV bandwagon at this point either, but since there is zero chance of him being elected I guess it doesn't matter.
mwalsh said:
...unless you plan on voting for Romney. Then you should just stay home. ;)

I just voted for Romney. I believe his presidency will result in accelerated demand for Electric vehicles because:

1. His policies will result in a booming world-wide economic recovery. Unemployment will drop dramatically within the next 12-24 months.
2. The booming economic recovery will result in a huge increase in demand for oil/gasoline/diesel fuel
3. This demand will result in a huge increase in gasoline prices.
4. The increase in oil prices will result in an increased demand for alternative energy including solar/wind/bio-fuel.
5. Electric car production/sales will skyrocket.

In a few years, most Americans will say: Barack Hussein who? :roll:
derkraut said:
mwalsh said:
...unless you plan on voting for Romney. Then you should just stay home. ;)

I just voted for Romney. I believe his presidency will result in accelerated demand for Electric vehicles because:

1. His policies will result in a booming world-wide economic recovery. Unemployment will drop dramatically within the next 12-24 months.
2. The booming economic recovery will result in a huge increase in demand for oil/gasoline/diesel fuel
3. This demand will result in a huge increase in gasoline prices.
4. The increase in oil prices will result in an increased demand for alternative energy including solar/wind/bio-fuel.
5. Electric car production/sales will skyrocket.

Nice, logical progression. Only problem is that it all hangs on point 1, which is a fantasy.

Doubly so, as he will not be elected today. Or ever.
We voted a week ago by mail in San Jose. The Election Day ritual of walking to our neighbors' garage ended a couple of years ago when that polling place closed and our entire precinct was changed to vote by mail only. We could opt to turn our ballots in on Election Day at the local school which still has voting booths, but it is just not the same. Glad we had the experience with our daughters, who are now adults and voting elsewhere.
Received my ballot by mail, and dropped it off at polling place two blocks away. It's a new location for me, but I was very pleased with the entire process.
thankyouOB said:
go to the polls and vote as if the EV world in the US depends on it.

Because it does.

It certainly does, but I cannot in good conscience vote for a man who shows blatant disregard for religious freedom. Forcing someone to pay for murder of innocents is not acceptable just so the EV market can enjoy a few more benefits.
derkraut said:
I just voted for Romney. I believe his presidency will result in accelerated demand for Electric vehicles because:

1. His policies will result in a booming world-wide economic recovery. Unemployment will drop dramatically within the next 12-24 months.
2. The booming economic recovery will result in a huge increase in demand for oil/gasoline/diesel fuel
3. This demand will result in a huge increase in gasoline prices.
4. The increase in oil prices will result in an increased demand for alternative energy including solar/wind/bio-fuel.
5. Electric car production/sales will skyrocket.

In a few years, most Americans will say: Barack Hussein who? :roll:


A weaker economy means fewer resources available for alternative energy technologies. Fiscal cliff dead ahead.

Not to mention someone with half a brain for business might be better at seeing the risks and looking at how deals like Solyndra are structured to yield better results. Whatever the causes, the fact remains half a billion went down that rathole for no benefit to the cause.

Too much attention being paid by the left to the red meat talking points.

From the NY Post:
Scrape it down to bedrock, and Mitt Romney knows that there is but one issue in this campaign: America's woeful economy, and the demonstrated inability of President Obama to cope with it.

Obama says he inherited the mess, but he's done nothing to fix it. Borrow, spend, regulate and redistribute is not a prescription for sustainable growth, yet that has been the totality of his program.

I expect we'll wake up tomorrow and find President Obama reelected. I also expect in four years we'll have double digit unemployment, and maybe a lot worse as options for monetizing the debt run out. Most people will not understand the real reasons; they will assume it was because we just didn't grow government fast enough, or we didn't tax the 1% enough.
Ideology and inflexibility will be eventual the death of your party, and I think there is a better chance of seeing that in four years than any of the other predictions. America won't go back to the way things were in the 1950s, so get over it.
mwalsh said:
Ideology and inflexibility will be eventual the death of your party, and I think there is a better chance of seeing that in four years than any of the other predictions. America won't go back to the way things were in the 1950s, so get over it.
Spoken like a true central planner.

I have gotten over it. This was the tipping point, and I'm 90% sure which way it's going. From here on it's two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.

Gotta run, got a call on my Obamaphone.
hard to know what you are responding to, as I long ago blocked that poster and for good reason.

as to another:
I am not a ban abortion fan, and especially not in favor of someone else's religious beliefs dictate how I live.

and as to the rmoney boom:
i am sure you think the stimulus was a failure, that we would have gotten out of that depression with austerity and tax cuts for the rich, which are not working in Spain or Great Britain.
++Obama (Yes I like to pre-increment!)

Less power to the banks and corporations is how we solve the financial problem, not by making the rich richer. There's no such thing as trickle down. There is trickle up though. As the poor/middle class get more money, they will spend it. The spending will put the money back into the economy directly - instead of indirectly like investing in the market - and will increase the liquidity of the dollar. The direct spending will also help growing businesses from the ground up.

As for Romney: Anyone who says the US has freedom of religion and then in the next sentence says that America is a Christian nation is completely missing the point of the first sentence. ;)
ebill3 said:
mwalsh said:
...unless you plan on voting for Romney. Then you should just stay home. ;)
You mean I voted for the wrong person? All five times? :eek:
A friend of mine voted Republican all his life, until after he moved to Chicago in 2000. After he died in 2002, he began voting Democratic, and has done so ever since. :lol: