New Nissan LEAF Online Research Panel Survey 11/4/2010

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mwalsh said:
What email address is this coming from? I guess I need to actively "white list" it in our anti-spam software.
From: "Nissan North America: Nissan LEAF Online Research Panel" <[email protected]>
Sender: [email protected]

I'll bet it was that "noreply" that did you in. I didn't see one last month, but the one I got in September came from the same source.
Ah, that's the beautiful thing about using a customized, disposable e-mail address! I can just key off the "to" line (or subject since the subject has the id of the assigned sender in it) and match on that. That's how I know when a letter from PayPal isn't from PayPal! :)
LakeLeaf said:
If you want to use low voltage light bulbs at your dealership, do it because it saves you money.
Being "green" will increase costs for companies & dealerships. There is no free lunch here.

They are trying to find out how much people are willing to pay extra.

No different from buying organic veggies.
drees said:
Haven't gotten the link to the survey yet - and I do remember signing up for the panel at least once...
+1 here. Have signed up twice and never received a survey yet.
(and no, I do not have a spam folder.)

palmermd said:
Well, I tried twice to write a report about my experience at the "drive electric tour", and in that form there was a question about whether I'd like to join this panel. Unfortunately the form crashed both times I filled it out and so my application to the research panel also failed to get submitted.

I tried to send in the survey a third time and it again failed. So I filled it out again and instead of outlining all the details of what I experienced and giving suggestions of how to improve the event, I just put "Every time I try to enter my report about this event your system crashes. Give me a place to email my report or something.". With just this brief description, the survey went through. They apparently have a character limit, but I have no idea what the limit is, but I obviously exceeded it with my previous attempts. We'll see if they ask for my report. It will at least tell me if they are reading these things. Hopefully now I'll get invited to some research panel survey questions as well.
evnow said:
Being "green" will increase costs for companies & dealerships. There is no free lunch here.

They are trying to find out how much people are willing to pay extra.

No different from buying organic veggies.

Since I'm still upset about tuesday, I told them that being green means to support progressives and not to donate to the other side :evil:
Azrich said:
New LEAF color I'd like to see:

Copper !!
I added copper and carbon.

They want to remove or charge extra for a 110vac? wow

Now asking if a L2 6.6kw should be added. I do not think I need that because I have the time over night and if I do not I have the L3 fast charger port option.
Hah! I told them what they apparently wanted to hear.

Yes, I would pay Thousands more to buy a car from a dealer who is properly greenwashed! Low irrigation landscaping, charity donations to eco causes, fluorescent lighting, posters throughout the waiting area, and email blasts telling me how Green they are. It's so very very important to me, that I would be Far More Likely to buy a car from a dealership slathered in green paint and LEED/Eco labels.

I don't think Nissan gets it. People buy from the dealership with the lowest honest price, and take their car to the closest dealership for service.

The less they charge for the car, the more EV cars they sell, and the more tangible, real, and lasting environmental benefit is accomplished.

I'm buying a car, not dating.
Yup, my first survey request from Nissan.

I was a bit put off by the extreme environmental focus, probably in large part because that's not relevant to me. I figure that if the company's operations and its dealer's operations are in compliance with the law they're being clean enough for me. So I answered all the environmental questions in the negative - wouldn't influence me at all. In addition, I wanted to make the point that there are reasons other than ultra-environmental for interest in the Leaf.

I was intriqued by the fact that the opening questions were not just about what kind of car one currently owns, but about one's primary car only. My family's primary car is my wife's minivan, and that will remain the primary car (based on miles driven per year). My Leaf will replace my commuter car, which is a secondary car - commuting to work is pretty much all it's used for.

Like 1 or 2 others, I was surprised about the choices offered for my next car purchase. A Leaf, stupid, that's why I reserved one!

Would I chose a different interior color if offered? Duh - I don't know without some idea of what the offering might be. I wish the survey had offered the choice of 'maybe' in addition to 'don't know'. Maybe to them the two are synonymous.

What different exterior color would I like to see? Bronze. Why didn't they ask this question about the interior color?

Options - sun roof or moon roof (whatever the difference is). Thought about the laser parking sensors, as some mentioned, but they're so expensive and doesn't the SL trim include a rearview monitor? I can see the front.

Would I pay for a 6.6kv charger? Yes, but not much. I offered $200. I've got the time to charge at home, and I don't expect to want to use the car where time and distance would require recharging. Even L3 charging takes longer than I'm willing to wait on extended distance travel, stopping for gas adds too much to the travel time as it is. If it can't charge in the time it takes me to pee, and if the charge doesn't last me until the next need to pee, I'm not using that car for the trip.

Definitely keep the 120 volt charger - that's the one I expect to use exclusively. Force me to buy and install a 240 volt charging station and that's over the top for me - they can keep their car.

BruinLEAFer said:
Anyone do the new survey yet?
Fabio said:
Since I'm still upset about tuesday, I told them that being green means to support progressives and not to donate to the other side :evil:
Well, both sides are not green (atleast from transportation perspective). Unions were as much against increasing cafe standards as the "other side". Ofcourse dems are not openly hostile ... but they mostly just pay lip service. Look at the abysmal sums of money devoted to train in the stimulus. We plan to spend 1/10th the money on trains over a decade compared to what China will spend each year.
evnow said:
Fabio said:
Since I'm still upset about tuesday, I told them that being green means to support progressives and not to donate to the other side :evil:
Well, both sides are not green (atleast from transportation perspective). Unions were as much against increasing cafe standards as the "other side". Ofcourse dems are not openly hostile ... but they mostly just pay lip service. Look at the abysmal sums of money devoted to train in the stimulus. We plan to spend 1/10th the money on trains over a decade compared to what China will spend each year.

I don't think this is completely true. The reason the bill was watered down so much was in an attempt to make a compromise so the Republicans would pass it.

They would have made it stronger if they could have.

But we have an extremely dysfunctional government now. One side just wants to play political games to get them back in power. And the other side is trying to get things done to help people but keeps having the football pulled away from them at the last minute.

It's hard to "play the game" when the other side doesn't follow the rules of good sportsmanship.

Of course a lot of the problem I lay on the feet of the news media who seem to view our whole political system as a reality show.

There is hardly ever an honest discussion about policy and how things really affect our lives.
cdub said:

But we have an extremely dysfunctional government now. ...

cdub said:
It's hard to "play the game" when the other side doesn't follow the rules of good sportsmanship.
I don't see either side displaying good sportsmanship ... but wait - this isn't the political section of the forum .....
cdub said:
It's hard to "play the game" when the other side doesn't follow the rules of good sportsmanship.
I don't see either side displaying good sportsmanship ... but wait - this isn't the political section of the forum .....[/quote]

Well yes - there are cases of "bad sportsmanship" on both sides... but it is without a doubt that it is the Republicans who work more on bad faith.

Mitch McConnell (sp?) and co have said their goal is to make Obama a one term president. The Dems stated goal is to create jobs.

Who's playing game here? Who's looking out for the American people?
cdub said:
I don't think this is completely true. The reason the bill was watered down so much was in an attempt to make a compromise so the Republicans would pass it.
More than Repubs - it was to get the bluedogs onboard. Remeber Dems are full of DINOs (well, before Tuesday). Contrast that with Bush era - they rammed through almost every legislation they wanted. Apparently, not having 60 votes wasn't a problem for them.

ps : Look at "liberal" Washington state. Governor, both chambers, most of Seattle & King county is all controlled by Democrats. There were two ballots where the option to replace the viaduct with a tunnel was defeated by voters. Yet the state, county, city government decided to go with the tunnel option giving a big fat finger to voters - they want to spend billions on a few miles of road instead of spending on public transport (I suspect to funnel public money to building contractors). Only person in the various governments against the tunnel seems to be the mayor.
GroundLoop said:
I don't think Nissan gets it. People buy from the dealership with the lowest honest price, and take their car to the closest dealership for service.
Yup, I said I'd pay zero dollars for all their dealer gimmicks. When they asked why, I explained that I am quite ecologically aware myself, but proud to live in a free country where we accept a diversity of opinion. I don't choose who to have financial dealings with based on my personal politics. And as for advertising how green they are, I said it would turn me off as a sort of 'holier than thou' posturing.

How's that for being eco-contrarian?