ChargePoint ChargePass

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garygid said:
Is it still true that one can get the $10 card for FREE
by calling in to activate the charging station?

I got a free one by calling their customer service folks.
garygid said:
Abuse of Handicapped parking was greatly reduced
only after aggressive ticketing began.

I think ticketing is kinder than towing, because towing is VERY disruptive.

Ticketing or Towing is at the discretion of the lots parking enforcement. If I remember my Sociology, preventing deviance is based on three things; certainty of being caught, degree of punishment and how public it is. EX; a criminal being immediatly caught, sentenced to death and executed in a crowded town square = immediate drop in crime. I defer to parking enforcement to decide on degree/visibility of punishment.
TRONZ said:
I went ahead and got the card with $25 on it. I figure it's good to have it set up in advance for when they switch to a pay model.

Regarding the cars parking in EV stalls. At Santa Monica place, I called parking enforcement to ask if they were cool with it. Sounds like they were NOT and eagerly started sending tow trucks over. If you frequent EV stalls being abused, put their parking enforcement/tow company on speed dial on your cell phone. Heck, if you even just drive by and see someone abusing the stalls, call it in if your bored. The tow company will love you and start sending you Christmas cards each year. :shock:

Tronz, what number did you call at Santa Monica Place? Or is it on a sign over there? I've been there a couple times now and there were ICEs in the EV spots both times. It wasn't a problem because there were other open spots but I'm going to do what you did!
garygid said:
I think ticketing is kinder than towing, because towing is VERY disruptive.

I'd be fine with the 'kinder' approach, unless I need a charge and towing will get the offending car out of my way! I know a lot of people who blow off tickets (yes, in California it comes back to bite them at auto registration time, but not all of us make good judgments about present/future value), so the impact of tickets will depend on the fine - $25 or $250? I think handicapped parking tickets carry a significant fine, but aside from a red-zone parking ticket I got one weekend at a Costco waiting for new tires, I don't think there is a lot of parking-code enforcement on private property. So whether we call a tow truck or local law enforcement, we will still need to actively 'sic' some form of authority on these scofflaws.

Alternative theory: most of the people poaching "EV" spaces with their ICE's are well-intentioned, but since they don't see anyone plugged in to these devices today, they just see a good space going to waste. As Volts/Leafs/others become more prevalent and visible, the poaching might decrease because they will see a realistic chance that their bad behavior is actually impacting someone (no rational person would park their car at a gas station, lock it, and walk away!).
I just called the number on the ChargePoint web site ((888) 758-4389 ) and let the call go to the attendant. I asked for the ChargePoint card and he mentioned that for a limited time, one card is free. So I gave him my mailing address and email and in a week or so I should be receiving the card.
I just now called ChargePoint at 888-758-4389 and waited for the "human helper".

I said that I would be getting a LEAF in a couple of weeks, and that I wanted to get a ChargePoint card. He said that they were normally $9+, but for a limited time he could take my name, address, and phone number ... and he could send a FREE card. I said Yes, Please, and Thank You!

I was offered wallet size or keychain style. Not really knowing the difference, I chose the wallet-size style.

AFTER getting the card (you need its serial number), one needs to log into
and create an account, including associating the card with the account. COOL.
garygid said:
I just now called ChargePoint at 888-758-4389 and waited for the "human helper".

I said that I would be getting a LEAF in a couple of weeks, and that I wanted to get a ChargePoint card. He said that they were normally $9+, but for a limited time he could take my name, address, and phone number ... and he could send a FREE card. I said Yes, Please, and Thank You!

Totally cool! Thanks for the tip guys! Just got myself sorted too. :D
malloryk said:
TRONZ, what number did you call at Santa Monica Place? Or is it on a sign over there? I've been there a couple times now and there were ICEs in the EV spots both times. It wasn't a problem because there were other open spots but I'm going to do what you did!

I called mall security at 310-260-8399 to ask them what's up with their EV spaces. It's their property and he said they have several towing companies that he would call. They also wanted a description of the cars that were blocking the chargers.
garygid said:
He said that they were normally $9+, but for a limited time he could take my name, address, and phone number ... and he could send a FREE card. I said Yes, Please, and Thank You!
I went back in this thread because I remembered someone saying something similar a while ago - it was you! :D True, back then you said that it sounded like someone could get a free card if they called while at one of the physical charge points. I had been contemplating "pretending" to do this since I don't have my car yet, so your followup is appreciated. I have now gone ahead and gotten a keyring card for myself. Thanks for the update.
davewill said:
I guess you can't call late from CA. Called at 4:50. It rang the human helper, but then simply disconnected after a handful of rings.
Must be some glitch. I just called and the csr offered to send me the card.

I got an Indian csr - what did others get ?
mwalsh said:
evnow said:
I got an Indian csr

Yeah, their customer support is definitely outsourced offshore somewhere east of here. ;)

Yes, but "Kevin" just told me he'd send out a card. I almost told him that his English was excellent, but couldn't decide if that'd be a compliment or not. ;)