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GroundLoop said:
Don't forget Wheeler's "1st San Diego Leaf" is also for sale.. 2x MSRP, last I saw.
That was kind of ironic, I thought, but he didn't seem anxious to sell it and was including a "collector premium" on the price due to it's early VIN. BTW, Tom's user name here is "reeler" not "Wheeler", if anyone is interested in taking him up on the offer and searches for his contact info.

mgoleta said:
If someone decides for whatever reason they don't want their LEAF, it should be their perogative to be able to sell it to someone else.
Not at all. Nissan's terms clearly prohit transfer of reservations.
If you already bought a LEAF why does anyone care who it may be resold to if you decided not to keep it. If it is within 30 days of delivery it will not go back on the reservation list so why should only the dealer benefit from this. If it is more than 30 days cancel your reservation and let the next person in the reservation list get it. It seems simple enough.
Once you buy it you have every right to sell it. But, Nissan should create rules and a system that you cannot sell your reservation or place in line. You don't own anything yet and have no "rights" to sell your reservation. When you buy the car then you do.
You purchase your vehicle - whether it is a Leaf or another Nissan product - from a dealer, not directly from Nissan. As long as the dealer is operating within the legal framework of their dealership agreement with Nissan Corporate, Nissan doesn't have a lot of room to dictate how that dealership operates when it comes to how the dealer ends up transacting the sale of a Leaf that has been delivered to the dealership. There are several dealers on the forum who have already spoken up and made that abundantly clear.

There is a process for orphaning a Leaf, and once orphaned it is up to the dealer how they sell that car. If "selling" a reservation is actually done through following the process for orphaning a Leaf - there doesn't appear to be anything that Nissan can do about it.

Of course, Nissan does have the ability to retaliate down the line - changing that dealer's Leaf quota, holding up shipments of future Leafs or other Nissan products to that dealer, poor corporate response and support for that dealer, and eventually not renewing the dealership agreement. It's not clear that any of these are in the best interest of Nissan or their customers - so it would seem to be tough to do much more then have a stern talk with the dealer - not that that is worth much.

So if done within the process already set up by Nissan, there doesn't appear to be anything that Nissan can do about profitably orphaning a Leaf, whether it appears to be "fair" to those later in the reservation line or not.