Why Electric?

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mbender said:
donald said:
It's curious to me that the reason I have an electric car is always missed off everyone else's lists of possible reasons.
Ok, it's a bit annoying, but since I threw the list together, I'll bite.

Pray tell, what is it that sets you so apart? And is it the primary, or -- even more special -- the only reason you have an electric car? Was it given to you?! (LOL)
Well, it's because I can't say what the 'reason' is. It is a leading question, predicated on the choice being made because of its power source. It is a 'non-reason', so I can't really tell you.

What I mean is, what would you answer if I ask "why did you chose a car with bridgestone tyres on it" and your answer would be (I expect, unless you actually choose cars based on the tyres they have on them!!) "because the car I chose has bridgestone tyres on it!".

Why is the implied leading question of owning an electric car centred around it being electric? Can one not permissibly own an electric car unless one chose it because it runs on electricity?

I picked my car because I liked the car. It could run off purple monkey farts as far as I am concerned (so long as I could get that sort of fuel!). Its power source was incidental to the choice.

I could happily go on to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of it being electrically powered, but the question here is predicated on me choosing the car based on its fuel, which is a false predication.

To reverse the logic of the video (which, incidentally, I did enjoy watching, thanks for the link) I based my choice on WHAT the car does, not WHY I would want to buy it for its power source.
Stoaty said:
To lower my carbon footprint.


And to advance technology that we will need in the future.

Unlike others, I didn't expect to save money, but so far looks like I might end up doing just that. I went into it expecting it to cost more than a comparable ICE.

Like many others, I'm amazed by how nice the car is to drive. And to ride in. Quiet and smooth.
donald said:
I picked my car because I liked the car. It could run off purple monkey farts as far as I am concerned (so long as I could get that sort of fuel!). Its power source was incidental to the choice.

Certainly a valid response and hopefully we reach a point where EVs are commonplace and yours is the majority response.

But I think at this point in the adoption curve most buyers do have a "why". Your response is more typical of the late-adopter phase I think. So, you are a trailblazer! :D
donald said:
Why is the implied leading question of owning an electric car centred around it being electric? Can one not permissibly own an electric car unless one chose it because it runs on electricity?

I picked my car because I liked the car. [...] Its power source was incidental to the choice.
Well, even though I didn't pose the original question, I'd argue that what is implied or predicated in it is "Why did you pay a premium for a car that you could have bought for less, had you gone with an ICE?"

Now, if you're saying that the fact that it's electric had nothing to do with your decision (are you?!), then it would boil down to one of several factors, as I see it: form (looks), features, or function. And I have a hard time believing that a LEAF would have won you over in any of these departments, especially for a premium.

So then it's also hard to believe that none of the other features outlined above factored into your decision on what car to buy. Though I could be wrong... some people LOVE how the LEAF looks! ;-)
In this context I think I might even be classed as a 'premature laggard'!

Seriously, though, I'm well aware that electric motors are a 'more perfect' form of propulsion for a car in almost every respect, but in my mind it is balanced by the purchase costs and limitations of current batteries which weigh against an EV choice.

I'm therefore quite neutral on the matter and when I saw the car I wanted, if it had also delivered on an efficient/affordable fuel cost, e.g. a diesel or hybrid, I'd have still taken it. Indeed, I am tending to look at my next car already and am imagining it is more likely to be a diesel, for the simple reason that there is not enough current choice of models in electric to really tune my choice to what I really might want.

Roll on the revolution, I will be a happy customer with a wider choice in all fuel types!
mbender said:
Well, even though I didn't pose the original question, I'd argue that what is implied or predicated in it is "Why did you pay a premium for a car that you could have bought for less, had you gone with an ICE?"
Well, I picked up a Renault Fluence, here in UK, for around the same price as an equivalent ICE model. The prices actually bombed after that ( :/ ) and dropped even lower, and now Renault have stopped selling/manufacturing them altogether, so I'll not be able to get a replacement with warranty cover when it expires on this one.

I have considered a Leaf as a replacement when this hits the end of its warranty, which also go for very sensible money here in a nearly-new (couple of months) form, but it's not really a car that would appeal strongly if it was an ICE so I'm undecided on that. Thing is, Leaf goes for relatively sensible money (perhaps a little premium) before you even consider the fuel savings, but add in those fuel savings and I don't see a premium being paid.

mbender said:
Now, if you're saying that the fact that it's electric had nothing to do with your decision (are you?!)
Yes, it was not a deciding factor overall, perhaps there were some pros and cons but these were balanced in my thinking. I bought it on form and features (and because it was a new replacement, for the warranty cover). Personally, I think it is a really attractive car, perhaps one of the most attractive available at the time (maybe I have a bias for big French cars others don't share?). It also looks better than the Fluence ICE saloon with its extended boot to accommodate the battery.

I'll happily sing the praises and benefits of EVs now that I have experienced one of the latest 'generation', but those things weren't the reasons for getting it.
mbender said:
Well, even though I didn't pose the original question, I'd argue that what is implied or predicated in it is "Why did you pay a premium for a car that you could have bought for less, had you gone with an ICE?"
Nope. Not even a factor. The question has zero bounds - no lines to color within. It simply is what it is. There are no wrong answers, no need to justify anything, nothing to read between the lines, and no reason for debate.
Well, in my "defense" over the exchange with donald, I will point out that the question in the subject line was "Why Electric?" (emphasis on 'Electric'), and not "Why did you buy your car?" OTOH, donald might argue that his answer to both questions would be the same: i.e., the car I liked and bought just happened to be an EV.

But the last thing I want to do is get into an argument over semantics!

Regardless of all that though, I'd still like to see a comprehensive and "nationwide" poll of EV drivers as to what motivated them. Luckily, I found a relatively recent though limited poll (article, study) of what motivated some California drivers. I was surprised how high on the list access to carpool lanes was!
I purchased (leased) my first leaf because I liked the Idea of an all electric car. I looked at a Volt but the ICE did not appeal to me.

I got my second Leaf because I love the car. I am afraid of the reported problems with the RAV4 EV and the Tesla S is just too large. Maybe Mercedes next time. I am a complete electric guy. No ICE in the car ever.
Let's look at this from the other side... Would you have bought the Leaf if it was NOT a BEV (ignore price in this context)?

In my case, the answer is a resounding NO. Purely as a car, exclusive of propulsion mechanism, it is decidedly mediocre...