Should it stay or should it go?

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LakeLeaf said:
HIOJim said:
but have you rented a car lately? The process is hardly smooth and easy and week long rentals are not cheap.

Yes, I rent a car almost every week. It's just about the simplest thing to do related to travel.....
Thanks LakeLeaf for the great input. It makes me more comfortable with the concept of letting the Prius go. I guess my negative experiences were related to the fact that I was not 'in the system' and not a regular renter.

I think I will find a rental agency in my city that is local, with reasonable rates and a good reputation and get registered with them.
perpetualstudent said:
I am currently renting month to month, because we are a single car family and I decided to wait for the leaf rather than buy a car that we desperately need.
How much are you paying ?
HIOJim said:
Now that my RAQ opened and I have actually ordered my Leaf I'm starting to think about how I'm going to pay for it. :shock:

I'm single and currently driving a paid for, low mileage 2006 Prius. With gas at its current price I could probably get ~10K for it on Craigslist. That would be a nice start to a healthy downpayment since I want to buy and not lease and I would have only 1 vehicle to register, insure and maintain.

But about twice a year I usually go to vacation locations that are outside the Leaf's range. So, the argument could be made that I should keep the Prius for these and other 'long range' events. A counter argument to this of course is that I could rent a car for these occasions, but have you rented a car lately? The process is hardly smooth and easy and week long rentals are not cheap.

I haven't decided what to do yet but I was wondering if anyone else had wrestled with the same dilemma and what solution they wound up choosing. How many of you are going to go 'without a net'?

Hi HIOJim!
When your LEAF is close to being delivered sell your Prius. You can always rent a car (rent a prius or volt) when you go on your long distance driving vacation!
Darling you got to let me know
Should the Prius stay or should it go?
If you say the Leaf is mine
Won't need the Pri ’til end of time
It's the Leaf I'd like to show
Should the Prius stay or should it go?

Nissan tease tease tease
You’re happy when I’m on my knees
One day my Leaf is red, next day black
So if you want me off your back
Have my PD call and let me know
Should the Prius stay or should it go?

Should it stay or should it go now?
Should it stay or should it go now?
If it goes there will be trouble
An’ if it stays the payments double
So come on and let me know!