Rest of September ordering

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Well, we still have 10 more days in the month of September. I wouldn't be surprised if my chance comes at 11:59PM on Sept. 30th :roll:

They said September, they didn't say what date exactly, so there's no reason to get upset about that ... but I do wish they'd be more transparent about this delay.
johnr said:
Well, we still have 10 more days in the month of September. I wouldn't be surprised if my chance comes at 11:59PM on Sept. 30th :roll:

They said September, they didn't say what date exactly, so there's no reason to get upset about that ... but I do wish they'd be more transparent about this delay.
It won't be late at night. They may have released one or two just after midnight on Aug 31, but they're not going to open up at 11:59 on Sept 30. It could happen after businesses open in the morning. I'm expecting noon to be the most likely time. They won't want to flood dealers late in the day.

But I will be surprised if they even fulfill their promise of September. -- And since I'll be out of town and off-line at the end of September, if they do allow all of us to order on the 31st (unlikely, since it would flood dealers!) I won't be able to order until October, and I'll be the LAST in line, since I also do not believe their promise that cars will be delivered in the order that we placed our $99 reservations.

But I probably won't buy the bunnyflubbing car anyway. If they were capable of building a decent car, could they have screwed up the ordering this badly? If they gave a rat's ass about us, would they be treating us this way? I don't like to deal with companies that treat me like dog poop.

It's also possible that those of us who have not yet gotten the opening to order are the ones who have fallen through the cracks of the bugs in the web site, and our dashboards won't open until they're fixed, and they won't be fixed because the only people we can talk to are CS reps who have no access to information and have no way to determine if our dashboards are broken. In my case, it has an hourglass next to "assessment scheduled" even though my crooked assessment was already done, and the CS folks don't know what that means, but even though they don't know what it means, they assure me that I'll be able to order in September. I don't blame them. They're probably paid minimum wage and know nothing about the car, the ordering process, or the web site.
I have a simple order with no complications. Just standard stuff all completed and a promise for September.
Dashboard still closed. But I agree if they would give out our normal estimated date we could all ignor the issues until our time comes.

Seems like once a few ordered from TX all stopped. I speculate the sequential order has been messed up or possibly there will just be a two week pause every month.
Just to chime in on a conversation I had with someone above me. He said there would be no RAQ's this week. Would not comment on what was happenning after that. Obviously there is something going on that they are working on and are trying to work it out. Wouldn't be suprised if it was 11:59 9/30, heck I was up then on 8/30 waiting for 8/31. I did get the feeling that they are working on this as quickly as they can and that they understand how frustrated many are at not being able to place their orders yet.
mossyleaf said:
Just to chime in on a conversation I had with someone above me. He said there would be no RAQ's this week. Would not comment on what was happenning after that. Obviously there is something going on that they are working on and are trying to work it out. Wouldn't be suprised if it was 11:59 9/30, heck I was up then on 8/30 waiting for 8/31. I did get the feeling that they are working on this as quickly as they can and that they understand how frustrated many are at not being able to place their orders yet.
Nissan (corporate) needs to communicate better ! They could post on their facebook page ... so that frustrations on the part of reservationists doesn't turn frustrations into cancelations ! :x

P.S.: Thanks for that update :p (Your level of communications should be a model to Nissan (corporate) !)
mwalsh said:
daniel said:
if they do allow all of us to order on the 31st (unlikely, since it would flood dealers!)

Extremely unlikely. Think about it.

It isn't extremely unlikey, it is impossible! Sept. only has 30 days. ;) "Thirty days hath Sept., Apr., June, and Nov. All the rest have 31 except Feb. which has 28 in line, until Leap Year makes it 29."
garygid said:
Did any of the TX RAQs actually become Orders?

Yes! He received an offer from a dealer in TX, and accepted $200 below MSRP. It's on the 'Texas' thread and the details are on the 'Ordering Details' thread.
leaffan said:
mwalsh said:
daniel said:
if they do allow all of us to order on the 31st (unlikely, since it would flood dealers!)

Extremely unlikely. Think about it.

It isn't extremely unlikey, it is impossible! Sept. only has 30 days. ;) "Thirty days hath Sept., Apr., June, and Nov. All the rest have 31 except Feb. which has 28 in line, until Leap Year makes it 29."
I keep doing that. I'm calendarily challenged.

It would make a lot more sense if every month had 28 days and we just shortened the year to 336 days. Every month would start on a Monday (or Sunday if you prefer). And we wouldn't have to memorize those silly nursery rhymes about months and all their different lengths. :( And every month would have a fair chance to have the spring equinox in it. All this inconvenience just to keep the spring equinox on the same day every year for no good reason. :roll:
daniel said:
It would make a lot more sense if every month had 28 days and we just shortened the year to 336 days. Every month would start on a Monday (or Sunday if you prefer). And we wouldn't have to memorize those silly nursery rhymes about months and all their different lengths. :( And every month would have a fair chance to have the spring equinox in it. All this inconvenience just to keep the spring equinox on the same day every year for no good reason. :roll:

Or better yet, just make every month 30 days and make Calens at the end of February a 5 or 6 day holiday. Woo Hoo! Holiday in February!
No, daniel is closer; 28 day months make a lot more sense than 30 day months, unless we get rid of the 7 day week, and you know we can't do that. But the thing to do is add a 13th month, plus one (or occasionally two) leap-days at the end of the year.
28 days a month, 13 months in a year. (Plus a leap day every year, and an extra leap day every four years.) I like it! No more trying to figure out which day of the week a date falls on, as it would be the same every month :)
planet4ever said:
No, daniel is closer; 28 day months make a lot more sense than 30 day months, unless we get rid of the 7 day week, and you know we can't do that. But the thing to do is add a 13th month, plus one (or occasionally two) leap-days at the end of the year.

7 days makes no sense.

We should have 30 days per month with 6 weeks of 5 days each.

May be we should cut out the 12 month stuff too. And why 24 hours & 60 minutes ? Or 360 degrees ? Just because Babylonians used sexagesimal (60 base) math ?
The natives are restless if we're this far off topic. Obviously the stress of not being able to order is getting to some. I can hang on to 9/30. If I don't get my slot by then I may join you in an assault on Nissan HQ. Tora, tora, tora.
Five-day weeks are good, because then we'd only have three week days (work days) and two weekend days for every five. Of course decimal (metric) makes more sense, but eight week days are too many. Maybe we could have ten months with ten five-day weeks each. The problem is that the solar year is roughly 365.25 days long. If we want to make any sense out of the calendar, we have to give up the solar year.

How about this:

Ten months, each containing three ten-day weeks, in which there would be 7 work days and 3 weekend days. That's 300 days. Annual holidays would come more often (every 300 days rather than every 365). The spring equinox would migrate through the year, but there's no reason it has to always come on the same date. It migrated in the Julian calendar and the world didn't end for all that. The same for all annual holidays. We make a big deal about Christmas being in winter, but there is no winter where Jesus lived. The whole Christmas tree, snow, sled, reindeer thing has nothing to to with Jesus. It's a European thing, a hold-over from the pagan winter solstice holiday.

By the way, due to the precession of the equinoxes (the same effect that makes a spinning top wobble) the zodiac already migrates through the solar year (the signs of the zodiac do not fall on the dates commonly ascribed to them, due to this migration and the time that has passed since they were invented). So why should we care if the equinoxes migrate as well? A metric calendar makes more sense!

Now, we'd have to name three new days. Of course one of them should be Danielday, since this is my idea. Then we could have a Uranusday, since Uranus doesn't have a day named after it, and Spaghettiday for the Flying Spaghetti Monster who keeps us from floating off into space by pressing down on us with his noodly appendages.
Sorry, folks, but Jewish, Muslim, and Christian religions all sprang from the Hebrew tradition, where the beginning of everything was a seven day week. If you want to change the calendar you don't start by alienating three of the most important religions on earth.
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