Production timing

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3 Sep order here - also in non-EVProject area.

I'm setting my expectations for sometime between mid-March and mid-April. If things happen before then, great. If they don't happen until May or June - at least the snow will be gone. If they take longer then that - I'm hoping there is some way to talk Nissan into the cold weather package. It's been cold here lately! Damn global warming - at least it been really good snowboarding so far this season. As long as the CA fund still has money, I'm good with pushing things back if it means I might be able to get the cold weather package on the car.
josh said:
I completed my RAQ on the morning of September 3rd. Still says pending and I can still edit my color. I really want something to be updated. I would have to think they know when they are going to produce my car.

+1 ditto RAQ and Order is Sep 3 morning. Can edit color and dashboard is pending.
Invariably, my friends ask..
"So, when does your Leaf arrive?"
I tell them everything Nissan tells me: "I have no f'n clue at all when it will arrive."
"Like, this year, this Spring, or when?"
"No, really, nobody anywhere knows when they will fill my order. It's completely unknowable. It's been Unknown since September."
"Wow, I wouldn't put up with that BS."
"Yeah, well, you really have to want a Nissan to put up with their order handling.. it's an initiation process. You wouldn't understand."
GroundLoop said:
Invariably, my friends ask..
"So, when does your Leaf arrive?"
I tell them everything Nissan tells me: "I have no f'n clue at all when it will arrive."..
That's pretty much what I am telling my coworkers, company president on down. They're starting to think I'm an idiot (and I was VP of R&D).
Perhaps a realistic expectation rather than "Duh, I'm an idiot!", and "The Rollout is a MASSIVE undertaking, as never before done in the history of cars, and it is going remarkably well, with just a few wrinkles." and perhaps conclude with "All those with delivered LEAFs seem to LOVE them. One drove his shiny, new LEAF about 111 miles to get his home."?
garygid said:
Perhaps a realistic expectation rather than "Duh, I'm an idiot!", and "The Rollout is a MASSIVE undertaking, as never before done in the history of cars, and it is going remarkably well, with just a few wrinkles." and perhaps conclude with "All those with delivered LEAFs seem to LOVE them. One drove his shiny, new LEAF about 111 miles to get his home."?

Never done in the history of cars? Really? What is so unique about this vs other car roll outs? I remember a 6 moth wait for a new MINI even when dealers had them, what so different here other than it's an EV and they hired the wrong people to build the dashboard and did very little proper usability testing if any. I ran several usability labs when I did large-scale corporate product releases and the errors they had with customers would have been discovered very in the first day of testing. In fact, a proper full test of the CS experience would have shown the inability to add a waiver after the order process, that is an easy one they still have yet to fix because they can't or don't care but they continue to say they are working on it when they likely are not. Some parts are well done and others are not. The CS people are script readers and the dashboard was not properly tested, if it were the orders would not have been so staggered. Nissan communication is not the best and even the dealers will tell you that:)
Boomer23 said:
I share some of the frustration that I'm reading in some of the most recent posts on this thread.

Nissan, if you're reading this, and we're told that you are, you could do a lot toward alleviating the anxiety of some of your earliest reservers, who paid their reservation fee now almost 9 months ago, by settling on a delivery sequence and announcing it and allowing us to track our cars online. Give us an approximate date, with a disclaimer that it may be a week or two off, but at least give us something to hang onto.

Well put Boomer23. I know Nissan could be doing more to let us all track when our cars will come. It's been a long wait since April 20th! I to want my CA rebate, and don't think anyone should be getting bumped up the delivery chain.
GroundLoop said:
Invariably, my customer's ask..
"So, when does my Leaf arrive?"
I tell them everything Nissan tells me: "I have no f'n clue at all when it will arrive."
"Like, this year, this Spring, or when?"
"No, really, nobody anywhere knows when they will fill my order. It's completely unknowable. It's been Unknown since September."

That's pretty much what I tell everyone all day...everyday!
Nissan does say 4 to 7 months. Why not just set the Pending to 7 months out and move it up as the car is built or lands in the US.
The stagnant Pending is just maddening.