Leaves in the Wild

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douglas said:
Leaving the Woodland Hills Warner Center Marriott Hotel parking structure this afternoon in our own red Leaf we passed a parked red Leaf that already had its license plates (framed by a Chicago Cubs license frame) and hov access stickers. We've already seen another (blue) Leaf parked at the Kaiser on Erwin St. in our neighborhood, and apparently there's one more (see the sighting at P.F. Chang's noted above). So there are probably at least 4 in Woodland Hills. That still doesn't match what we saw when we visited relatives in Palo Alto. There are two within 3 blocks of my sister-in-law's house and we counted 5 on a single drive to Mountain View. Anyway, we're still keeping an eye out for the other blue leaf.

You can add one more Leaf to Woodland Hills. I have a white one and park in the Warner Center Towers structure across from the Marriott. I live in West Hills where I have seen another white Leaf in the neighborhood and often see a blue one driving on Fallbrook.
On Tuesday I saw a black Leaf coming down Cahuenga Blvd in Hollywood just south of Sunset. I was on foot so didn't catch their attention. I also saw a blue one parked in the morning at the Patsaouras Transit Center parking lot (Union Station) by the Magnechargers. I parked by the Avcons and only saw the other Leaf when I was trying to figure out how to escape the parking structure. I also saw another white one in my rear view mirror on the 22 down by Orange as I was getting off the freeway.

This morning I saw a white one pass me in the carpool lane on the 170.

Sightings are certainly becoming more common!
Can we please stick to the one forum for car sightings, we don't need a new thread for every time someone sees a LEAF. I see them weekly. We also don't need new threads for every variation of every topic. The forum is getting cluttered with duplicate threads, we have refrained from moderating, please self moderate when possible. Thank you.
Maybe the old threads need to be locked and archived after a year. Noone wants to fish through a bunch of old posts. I personally like a new thread now and then ;)
smkettner said:
Can we please stick to the one forum for car sightings, we don't need a new thread for every time someone sees a LEAF. I see them weekly. We also don't need new threads for every variation of every topic.
Maybe the old threads need to be locked and archived after a year. Noone wants to fish through a bunch of old posts. I personally like a new thread now and then ;)
Perhaps, too, if there are to be "Leafs/Leaves in the Wild" threads, there can be regional versions. Then one can choose or not choose to read threads about sightings in other regions of the state (CA's a big state), or other states altogether. :|
Saw an Ocean Blue LEAF a couple of cars ahead of me right along Greenlake around two hours ago. I think they were too far away to see the black LEAF behind them with a driver waving, however. Alas!
Saw a white one with a "Car of the World" bumper sticker on the upper-left corner of the rear window and Pacific Nissan dealer plates heading south on El Camino in Carlsbad. You (dark haired lady) were driving with your lights off! Stopped side-by-side at La Costa and I tried to get your attention without honking - you finally looked over and I waved but you quickly looked straight ahead. Hope you made it to where you were going OK!
Black LEAF, Connell paper plates, no HOV decals yet. I joined it on the 405 SB by LAX and we stayed pretty much together into Long Beach. I blew my horn and waved as I passed in the HOV lane, but I don't think I got any acknowledgement from the other driver, which made me sad. :cry:
mwalsh said:
Black LEAF, Connell paper plates, no HOV decals yet. I joined it on the 405 SB by LAX and we stayed pretty much together into Long Beach. I blew my horn and waved as I passed in the HOV lane, but I don't think I got any acknowledgement from the other driver, which made me sad.

Interestingly, when I wave, honk, or flash lights at other Leaf drivers they seldom respond (with a couple exceptions). Granted it isn't always easy to be aware of another driver signalling to you and you signalling back while you're concentrating on driving but I wonder if the comfortable cocoon of the Leaf makes it slightly harder to realize.

I have had a Volt driver roll down their window and have a full conversation with me on the SB170 during moderate traffic and yesterday a man in a Toyota Matrix rolled down his window to compliment the car and ask me questions about it at a stop light. I have also had pictures taken, waves, and thumbs-ups from many drivers and passengers of other cars. Oddly it has been drivers of somewhat sporty cars that have given the most acknowledgement; BMWs, Mercedes, and VWs. I guess they're probably more likely to be "car people" and know about the car.
drees said:
You (dark haired lady) were driving with your lights off! Stopped side-by-side at La Costa and I tried to get your attention without honking - you finally looked over and I waved but you quickly looked straight ahead. Hope you made it to where you were going OK!

This made me laugh because I almost got all the way home in my Leaf a couple months ago before I realized by headlights were off. I figured the valet turned my headlights from "Auto" to off when he parked it and I didn't think to check when I got back into the car.
Some time ago, I posted this:
lonndoggie said:
2. This morning, saw a brand-new (Mossy paper plates) red LEAF parked on coast highway at E street--had the "ELECTRIC" letters applied, and an oval sticker with some number in it. Seems like it was 33.3, but maybe it was 93.3, which is a radio station around here. Or, it was 33.3 and it's an LP fan (not unlike myself).
Saw that again yesterday, same place. Slowed down enough to see that it was 333.33 in the oval. Some fine print at the bottom, but wasn't able to make it out.

Next time I see it, I'll pull over. :)
lonndoggie said:
Slowed down enough to see that it was 333.33 in the oval. Some fine print at the bottom, but wasn't able to make it out.
I've seen some of those oval stickers with lat-longs in them - 33.3 is very close to our latitude - you see a -117.XX in there, too?
lonndoggie said:
Slowed down enough to see that it was 333.33 in the oval. Some fine print at the bottom, but wasn't able to make it out
I think it has to do with cycling. 333.33 m is the lap cutoff in sprint cycling on ovals. Races on ovals greater than 333.33 m in length last two laps, under last three laps.
mwalsh said:
Got two thumbs-up this morning......been a while since that happened. From the passenger in a Jeep SUV and then the driver or a Mazda 3.
I got one the other day from a retired Marine in a pickup.
A big thumbs up yesterday from a woman driving on the 101 freeway with a small dog on her lap. Today, 2 people stopped me at Baja Fresh and plied me with questions about my Leaf for about 5 minutes. One is thinking of buying an electric car.