I'm Done

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hauss316 said:
I have tried to love my leaf but with issues with range (maybe 50 miles on a full charge in wonderful sunny hot florida) I am done.
BrainDonor said:
Hauss, I see from your earlier posts that you were planning on getting a 2011 SL demo with 1500 miles on it. Is that what you got? If so, then that could be your problem - car probably stayed charged at 100% for a long time while it was used for demos.
hauss316, if you leased the LEAF that BrainDonor mentioned, then this is almost certainly your issue. Please read the following thread for more details: Nissan dealerships torturing LEAF batteries

I'm not sure there is any way to prove that the dealership damaged the car unknowingly, but if this is what happened, then you should not have all twelve capacity bars on the far right of the dash. These are the thin bars with the bottom two being red in color. How many do you count?
RegGuheert said:
I'm not sure there is any way to prove that the dealership damaged the car unknowingly, but if this is what happened, then you should not have all twelve capacity bars on the far right of the dash.
... unless the dealer reset the capacity bars back to 12. :twisted:
EVDrive. you say you drive 50 miles each way to work and if you drive 55- 60 mph, you always arrive with 4 bars left. This is a Leaf Forum! Tell that story to the guys on the Volt forum. Maybe they'll buy it.
bernie82 said:
EVDrive. you say you drive 50 miles each way to work and if you drive 55- 60 mph, you always arrive with 4 bars left. This is a Leaf Forum! Tell that story to the guys on the Volt forum. Maybe they'll buy it.
I believe he charges at work, arriving back home also with 4 bars. And I belive that's doable at that speed. :)
bernie82 said:
EVDrive. you say you drive 50 miles each way to work and if you drive 55- 60 mph, you always arrive with 4 bars left. This is a Leaf Forum! Tell that story to the guys on the Volt forum. Maybe they'll buy it.

you might consider the facts -- 6 miles a bar at those speeds is very doable -- and modify your tone.
bernie82 said:
EVDrive. you say you drive 50 miles each way to work and if you drive 55- 60 mph, you always arrive with 4 bars left. This is a Leaf Forum! Tell that story to the guys on the Volt forum. Maybe they'll buy it.
Oh, I think there was a typo there - instead of "each way to work", probably meant to say "each day to work".
hauss316 said:
I have tried to love my leaf but with issues with range (maybe 50 miles on a full charge in wonderful sunny hot florida) I am done. I figured with nissan telling me 100 miles when I leased and the EPA saying 73 I would be solid. I have yet to hit either estimate with my leaf. I leased it due to not knowing what the future would have in a few years (better batteries, better range, cost savings, etc). I cant keep this car due to my work being 25 miles one way. I have dared to drive it twice to work but I was in turtle mode by the time i pulled down my street in feb of this year when its nice outside with no AC. Now that its 90 degrees + outside, there is no way ill be able to make it home with the AC on.

Before everyone says that I don't drive properly, when i drive i get about 4.7 to 5.2 Kwh on my display and always drive in eco mode.

I need a car that I can rely on to get to work and having the leaf just sit here as a grocery store/small errand vehicle is killing me.

Anyone had success of getting out of their leases? Any tips would be greatly appreciated. As always, Nissan told me that this is normal operating parameters.
The Tampa Nissan dealer you leased from sold you a lemon! Most likey the battery pack lost capacity while sitting at the dealer lot.

I have had my LEAF for 9.5 months now and have not lost any capacity. My range is 75 to 80 miles per charge driving Miami highway speeds with the A/C running all the time. I absolutely love my LEAF.

Sad to see there are those giving up on their LEAF but unless you can afford a Tesla you will be waiting years for a better EV (with the exception of the limited edition EVs available in California).
It's intriguing to think, that with the information you presented, that you really do have a bad battery, bad enough that Nissan would fix it under warranty. That's something that nobody on the "slow capacity slide" is able to get.

If it could only store 10kWh, that would be consistent with one cell in one module being bad--you'd lose half the battery. Of course, I'd expect a service message on the dash from the battery system, but Nissan has yet to do anything as expected, so get it checked. And by the way, a lot of the drivers getting the atypical 100+ real miles on a charge...live in Florida.
ebill3 said:
bernie82 said:
EVDrive. you say you drive 50 miles each way to work and if you drive 55- 60 mph, you always arrive with 4 bars left. This is a Leaf Forum! Tell that story to the guys on the Volt forum. Maybe they'll buy it.
Oh, I think there was a typo there - instead of "each way to work", probably meant to say "each day to work".

I drive 50 miles, arrive to work, plug in and charge to 100%. Then I drive back home and charge to 100% and repeat.

My point is that after ~21000 miles. I am still able to drive 50 miles super easy and have another 25 miles of range (4bars) left at the end of that drive. If he can't get 50 miles, something is amiss.

In order for me to have trouble going 50 miles I have to drive 80 mph, then I get the vlbw a few miles from home.
To the OP, like so many others have said here.. your numbers simply don't add up. You cannot get 4.5-5 m/kwh and only obtain ~50 mile range. It just isn't possible without a seriously defective battery/bms/car. If you haven't taken this car into the dealership and detailed your experiences and demanded answers, then you need to. I almost NEVER get 5 m/kwh and I ALWAYS get more than 70 miles of range.
hauss316 said:
I charge to 100% and I have not lost any capacity bars whatsoever it's pretty much been like this since day one. I assumed that the range would've gotten better once the battery Or engine broke in but at 8500 miles I'm still dealing with the same issues.
"once the battery or engine broke in"???HUH? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: