Home on the Range. Leaf Fanboys attack.

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Saying you are a fanboy and accusing someone of being a fanboy are two very different things. The first is meant to support, the latter to invalidate (ex; don't listen to him, he's just a Fanboy.) BlueSL is playing multiple personas on this and just refuses to admit the clear accusation made by his chosen thread title. Good thing we can read. Notice how BlueSL is not even interested about his "range" issue any longer?! But he is very interested/engaged in defending his bashing/invalidating of LEAF owners... which was his intention all along :shock: . IMO, EVNow "called it" regarding BlueSL's title.
Here is part of the definition of fanboy from Wikipedia:

In this field, an "Intel fanboy" prefers CPUs made by Intel, and might aggressively defend their supposed superiority compared to the other brand(s), be skeptical or in denial about negative reviews of the product, and exert a high level of brand loyalty.


I don't think this describes the bulk of people on this site, and it definitely has a negative connotation. I see plenty of complaints about aspects of the Leaf that someone doesn't like, and the "brand loyalty" isn't to the Leaf or Nissan, it is to EV in general. Speaking for myself, I am not buying the Leaf because I am a Nissan fan, I am buying it because it is the first mass produced EV at a reasonable price. There is no real competition (unless you count the i-MIEV, I guess) at this time--but I hope there will be soon.
Go to the Urban Dictionary if you want to really see how Fanboy is used. After all, this is the crowd that invented the word. It gets pretty ugly.
edatoakrun said:
You can solve your BEV power cost problem, by changing your home power consumption, or selling your LEAF, which you have said does not meet your range requirements, anyway.
If you decide to get rid of your LEAF, I'd be interested in talking with you, since I won't get a chance to buy a new one for quite some time... Unless you're trying to make a big profit on it, in which case I'd direct you to Ebay.