FOX NEWS just said Nissan is moving away from electric cars

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The media is part of the problem, certainly. But they really just represent a subset of the general low-information public (or in the case of Fox News, willfully mis-informed and mis-informing).

At bottom, I see the root of the issue being that EVs represent a far more profound paradigm shift than they appear to be on the surface to most people.

After all, EVs are barely distinguishable from fossil-burners to look at them, they get you from place to place, they consume "fuel" dispensed by a "pump." What could be so different?

So when the topic of conversation turns to the drawbacks of EVs - initial price, range, charging time - EVs suffer badly by comparison, and many people, sadly, leave the discussion there, never to revisit their opinions.

Only those who think and consider beyond this point can begin to understand the value of driving electric. Most of you reading this thread have thought deeper, of course, and don't need any further arguments to persuade you. But a vast number of drivers never pierce the information veil. And media outlets like Fox News give them permission not to make any effort to. Thinking is hard - why do it if you don't have to?

If thinking won't lead the masses to EV's then, what will?

The oldest motivator known, after fear, hunger and desire: social acceptance, sought through mimicking behavior. Imitation, emulation, copycatting, monkey see-monkey do. Get married, have children, take on mortgage, wear Uggs and Livestrong bracelet, fly flags promiscuously after national tragedy. Conformist peer pressure - so pernicious, so subversive, so deliciously persuasive. Makes us think we do things because we thought of doing them ourselves.

That is ultimately how the turning point will be reached, the transformation achieved. Apes copying apes, and discovering it isn't painful, after all, to make the change.

Am I cynical? No doubt, but I prefer to think of it as realism. And in this case, the basis for cynicism advances a cause that is more than worthy, it is critical.

So keep driving, showing off, talking up your EV. Each tangent of contact is a potential point of inception, a seed of growth. We are making, and driving, the future. Over the long term, Fox doesn't stand a chance against the compelling crush of conformity.
timhebb said:
The media is part of the problem, certainly. But they really just represent a subset of the general low-information public (or in the case of Fox News, willfully mis-informed and mis-informing).
I am not going to argue how absurd this statement is, I will ask if you think that FOX News is the only US media outlet that is willfully mis-informed and mis-informing

maybe I can anticipate the response RACIST
apvbguy said:
timhebb said:
The media is part of the problem, certainly. But they really just represent a subset of the general low-information public (or in the case of Fox News, willfully mis-informed and mis-informing).
I am not going to argue how absurd this statement is, I will ask if you think that FOX News is the only US media outlet that is willfully mis-informed and mis-informing
Well, if it isn't willful, then it must be incompetence. A study was done at the University of Maryland that showed people who watch Fox News were less informed than those who didn't watch news at all:" onclick=";return false;
apvbguy said:
I am not going to argue how absurd this statement is, I will ask if you think that FOX News is the only US media outlet that is willfully mis-informed and mis-informing

maybe I can anticipate the response RACIST
Yes, you can if you spew racist remarks again, such as claiming the President is "the product of a prostitute and who knows who," as you said on another thread recently.

That is unequivocally a racist remark. Why don't you have the balls to own it as such?

I'd have a shred of respect for you if you didn't try to have it both ways: flinging racist sewage but denying that it is, in fact, racist.

Crawl out of the gutter, be a man, and own it. At least you'd have an identity as a man then, not a worm.
Stoaty said:
apvbguy said:
timhebb said:
The media is part of the problem, certainly. But they really just represent a subset of the general low-information public (or in the case of Fox News, willfully mis-informed and mis-informing).
I am not going to argue how absurd this statement is, I will ask if you think that FOX News is the only US media outlet that is willfully mis-informed and mis-informing
Well, if it isn't willful, then it must be incompetence. A study was done at the University of Maryland that showed people who watch Fox News were less informed than those who didn't watch news at all:" onclick=";return false;
I am wouldn't be surprised if the same conclusions would be derived using any TV news outlet as a source of info. are you going to try to argue the CNN or MSNBC are more credible sources of information?
timhebb said:
apvbguy said:
I am not going to argue how absurd this statement is, I will ask if you think that FOX News is the only US media outlet that is willfully mis-informed and mis-informing

maybe I can anticipate the response RACIST
Yes, you can if you spew racist remarks again, such as claiming the President is "the product of a prostitute and who knows who," as you said on another thread recently.

That is unequivocally a racist remark. Why don't you have the balls to own it as such?

I'd have a shred of respect for you if you didn't try to have it both ways: flinging racist sewage but denying that it is, in fact, racist.

Crawl out of the gutter, be a man, and own it. At least you'd have an identity as a man then, not a worm.
didn't you just get done, in another thread, trying to say that you didn't claim that I was making racial comments?
you really need to check with yourself when posting.

here is a statement for you to chew on, regardless of the color of the skin that the offspring that was produced from her occupation, the fact remains that his mother was a prostitute, regardless of your accepting the fact or not.
The point was not his race the point if the comment was that I was debunking the birthers claims of the man's kenyan origins as a deceptive canard.

now here is another separate statement:
if you want to get into talking about his race, wouldn't you agree that it is a shame that the first 50% black president in our nation's history is so inept and incompetent at his job? his poor performance in office will be a detriment to all those who try to follow in his footsteps.
apvbguy said:
timhebb said:
apvbguy said:
I am not going to argue how absurd this statement is, I will ask if you think that FOX News is the only US media outlet that is willfully mis-informed and mis-informing

maybe I can anticipate the response RACIST
Yes, you can if you spew racist remarks again, such as claiming the President is "the product of a prostitute and who knows who," as you said on another thread recently.

That is unequivocally a racist remark. Why don't you have the balls to own it as such?

I'd have a shred of respect for you if you didn't try to have it both ways: flinging racist sewage but denying that it is, in fact, racist.

Crawl out of the gutter, be a man, and own it. At least you'd have an identity as a man then, not a worm.
didn't you just get done, in another thread, trying to say that you didn't claim that I was making racial comments?
you really need to check with yourself when posting.

here is a statement for you to chew on, regardless of the color of the skin that the offspring that was produced from her occupation, the fact remains that his mother was a prostitute, regardless of your accepting the fact or not.
The point was not his race the point if the comment was that I was debunking the birthers claims of the man's kenyan origins as a deceptive canard.

now here is another separate statement:
if you want to get into talking about his race, wouldn't you agree that it is a shame that the first 50% black president in our nation's history is so inept and incompetent at his job? his poor performance in office will be a detriment to all those who try to follow in his footsteps.

So how exactly do you know his mother was a prostitute? Were you her pimp?
Incompetent, that is rich. That means in your world W was a rocket scientist.
I really do want to see your stand up act. This **** is funny.
apvbguy said:
didn't you just get done, in another thread, trying to say that you didn't claim that I was making racial comments?
you really need to check with yourself when posting.
I also freely and openly acknowledged I sometimes have racist impulses, as I suspect many people at least occasionally do.

Why don't you too? You've earned it! Step up - you might feel liberated. Must be very frustrating carrying all that hate and bile around, occasionally tossing the equivalent of N-bombs into the crowd, then having to run and hide, but not being able to own up to it due to social pressure. Go ahead, you'll feel like an honest man... Why stop at just being a "racist" baiter? Come on out of the closet.
downeykp said:
So how exactly do you know his mother was a prostitute?
I've been thinking for quite a while that only a close family member would be privy to this information and maintain it with such absolute certainty.

A half-brother maybe?
downeykp said:
So how exactly do you know his mother was a prostitute?
I heard all the birther crap, but had never heard this particularly vile accusation. I assume everyone already knows the president is actually an alien from another galaxy who is here to prepare the earth for the invasion? ;)
apvbguy said:
nothing but ad hominem BS, so typical, so sad
This guy is not much fun to play with anymore. Fifth-grade education and vocabulary, fourth-rate mind, can't put together a coherent sentence or the pretense of an extended logical argument to save himself. And the grammar is frequently challenged, too, seeming to have difficulty with subject/verb agreement and other niceties of expression. Drugs? Abusive family? Foster home victim? Long stretch in prison?

Profile says he hails from Jacksonville, FL. My money says that's a big step up from where the trail began, somewhere in the Old South, somewhere that the Civil Rights Act is still percolating toward.
Profile fails to note the loner tendencies - friendless, paranoid outlook, low self-esteem, marinated in self-pity. Indulges in grandiose revenge fantasies, but scares self doing it. Obama mom prosty theory only hook in an otherwise dreary and pedestrian story of anti-social development.

Looking through the MNL comments history, I'm struck by a) how utterly bland and devoid of interest his remarks are, despite the incendiary tendencies, and b) how much effort seems to be going into gaining social acceptance and approval by hanging with the gang, so to speak. Conjures up an image of nothing so much as the rejected runt little brother who clamors constantly for attention from his older sibling and group of friends. How old is this guy? Arrested development in spades. More to be pitied than scorned, etc....

I'm bored - next case. Never was into social work really.
Have you noticed how FOX News apologists almost always defend their favourte station not by sayIng how good and accurate and unbiased the analysis is, but by simply hiding behind a generic statement that all news outlets are equally bad.
mkjayakumar said:
Have you noticed how FOX News apologists almost always defend their favourte station not by sayIng how good and accurate and unbiased the analysis is, but by simply hiding behind a generic statement that all news outlets are equally bad.
Definitely noted. As in, "... I will ask if you think that FOX News is the only US media outlet that is willfully mis-informed and mis-informing."

That statement readily acknowledges a Fox News bias, and merely insists that Fox is not "the only media outlet" at fault. Not much of a defense of Fox there.

I haven't felt compelled to argue that Fox News is biased in a very long time, as that fact has long since been so thoroughly established and universally accepted. Defending Fox is the ethical equivalent of being a climate change denier at this point, and, naturally, it's typically the same people who take up both positions. But that element is such a fringe outlier, I don't feel it's worth the time to make any effort to enlighten them or even respond to their tenuous claims on reality. They have only a slight and steadily diminishing impact on social thought.
timhebb said:
apvbguy said:
nothing but ad hominem BS, so typical, so sad
This guy is not much fun to play with anymore. Fifth-grade education and vocabulary, fourth-rate mind, can't put together a coherent sentence or the pretense of an extended logical argument to save himself. And the grammar is frequently challenged, too, seeming to have difficulty with subject/verb agreement and other niceties of expression. Drugs? Abusive family? Foster home victim? Long stretch in prison?

Profile says he hails from Jacksonville, FL. My money says that's a big step up from where the trail began, somewhere in the Old South, somewhere that the Civil Rights Act is still percolating toward.
Profile fails to note the loner tendencies - friendless, paranoid outlook, low self-esteem, marinated in self-pity. Indulges in grandiose revenge fantasies, but scares self doing it. Obama mom prosty theory only hook in an otherwise dreary and pedestrian story of anti-social development.

Looking through the MNL comments history, I'm struck by a) how utterly bland and devoid of interest his remarks are, despite the incendiary tendencies, and b) how much effort seems to be going into gaining social acceptance and approval by hanging with the gang, so to speak. Conjures up an image of nothing so much as the rejected runt little brother who clamors constantly for attention from his older sibling and group of friends. How old is this guy? Arrested development in spades. More to be pitied than scorned, etc....

I'm bored - next case. Never was into social work really.
that's quite an interesting theory that you've concocted, I will not even try to imagine what your story is other than I've noticed how you hover on this board responding within moments of one of my posts, is this the highlight of your weekend mornings?
since you know it all, and easily conjure up fantasies to cover what you don't know I will just say that trying to "debate" you is like trying to teach a pigeon how to play chess, no matter what you say the pigeon always gets frustrated and it just knocks all the pieces over, then it craps on the board, and says see I won.
Now I am going to go out back and help 'ma slop the pigs and feed the chickens and after that I'll fire up the still to get some go-go juice to bring down to the mud hole where I'll meet up with some of the good old boys and we'll drive the trucks through the pit a few times while whistling dixie. we'll get daisy mae all liquored up and she'll climb onto cooter's truck and show all of us her boobs. later on we'll shoot a mess of squirrels and cook them on the still's fire and when it gets dark we'll probably burn a cross or 2.

Damn them's some good livin, I do wish I could have you come along.

you can cut the irony of this with a butter knife