FOX NEWS just said Nissan is moving away from electric cars

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Okay I watch news of all types all the time, and I have worked in television and broadcasting for nearly 30 years. All news has a bias. All news. Of you only watch CNN you would think Obama is trying to save every penny possible for the future (not flying to Flroida to play golf with Tiger for a million bucks) Closed the White House to save Americans money (so he can fly to Hawaii twice for Christmas for a cool $7 millon). If you watch Fox, you would think climate warming is fake, and oil would be under $1 a gallon if only we could drill. Both sides have a bias, both sides are wrong. So Watch Faux news volks, or the leftist CNN you commies, Somewhere in the middle there is truth, but don't bother looking for the channel in the middle, all you will find there is static.
kentuckyleaf said:
Okay I watch news of all types all the time, and I have worked in television and broadcasting for nearly 30 years. All news has a bias. All news. Of you only watch CNN you would think Obama is trying to save every penny possible for the future (not flying to Flroida to play golf with Tiger for a million bucks) Closed the White House to save Americans money (so he can fly to Hawaii twice for Christmas for a cool $7 millon). If you watch Fox, you would think climate warming is fake, and oil would be under $1 a gallon if only we could drill. Both sides have a bias, both sides are wrong. So Watch Faux news volks, or the leftist CNN you commies, Somewhere in the middle there is truth, but don't bother looking for the channel in the middle, all you will find there is static.
Amen, brother.
kentuckyleaf said:
Okay I watch news of all types all the time, and I have worked in television and broadcasting for nearly 30 years. All news has a bias. All news. Of you only watch CNN you would think Obama is trying to save every penny possible for the future (not flying to Flroida to play golf with Tiger for a million bucks) Closed the White House to save Americans money (so he can fly to Hawaii twice for Christmas for a cool $7 millon). If you watch Fox, you would think climate warming is fake, and oil would be under $1 a gallon if only we could drill. Both sides have a bias, both sides are wrong. So Watch Faux news volks, or the leftist CNN you commies, Somewhere in the middle there is truth, but don't bother looking for the channel in the middle, all you will find there is static.

there it is, the false equivalency argument: everyone does it.
so let's take the two stories about Obama's profligate use of Air Force One; how is it that we know Obama flew to FL at great expense to play golf and then again to HI on Air Force One?

That news was not restricted to Faux news. it was everywhere.

--google Obama and Tiger woods, try it:" onclick=";return false;
Ditto Hawaii." onclick=";return false;
ooooooh. huffpost, msnbc, wapost, latimes. right wingers all.

Strike 1 and strike 2.
Try another example.
there it is, the false equivalency argument. they are both bad, so no one is bad.
how is it that we know Obama flew to FL at great expense to play golf and then again to HI on Air Force One?
That news was not restricted to Faux news. it was everywhere.

No. I said they are both bad, both. Please explain to me (I am a simple minded person) how we get from both being bad to "no one is bad?" Are you saying, with your false equivalency argument (wow, that's some fancy writing) that since both are bad, one is good? What kind of logic is that? (my boolean algebra is a bit rusty) Thanks in advance, it is well past my DST bedtime.
kentuckyleaf said:
No. I said they are both bad, both. Please explain to me (I am a simple minded person) how we get from both being bad to "no one is bad?" Are you saying, with your false equivalency argument (wow, that's some fancy writing) that since both are bad, one is good? What kind of logic is that? (my boolean algebra is a bit rusty) Thanks in advance, it is well past my DST bedtime.

you might want to quote what I said.
(you ignored the websites warning that the previous post was being edited.)

regardless, you are arguing a side issue.
I took issue with your argument that: the stories about profligate Obama are NOT available to the general audience because mainstream media is biased; you said one had to watch FOX to find out Obama wasted $$$ on trips to HI and FL on AF1.
and i proved you wrong with two simple google searches.

Keep waving your shiny objects. maybe someone will be fooled.
We really want or expect Obama take coach seat on regular flight to Hawaii? Scrap Air Force 1 because it cost too much?

How about we first stop giving big bucks to places like Egypt and Morocco? That'll pay for it in a jiffy.
Thanks for editing your post and clearing that up. I was wondering how we got to "no one is bad." when clearly both CNN and Fox are biased. I didn't receive a warning about your edit... maybe I got it in under the wire :)

I've worked for Fox, ABC, NBC, Scripps, and Gannett as well. All have their own special point of view.

Have a nice evening!
We really want or expect Obama take coach seat on regular flight to Hawaii? Scrap Air Force 1 because it cost too much?

How about we first stop giving big bucks to places like Egypt and Morocco? That'll pay for it in a jiffy.

How about we stop BOTH! That will save money. When I'm broke, I don't take vacations. None. Not to Hawaii, Not to Florida, Not two in the span of a few weeks for sure. I also don't give my adult kids money when I'm broke. I tell them "I'm broke, and I'm not going to borrow money to give it to you" Lead by example! Not just the President, everyone in government, every last one of them needs to stop wasting our money on useless things and concentrate on the big picture. The Priesdent had his vacations, now let's get down to work!
i am glad that we can end the current discussion on an agreeable and agreeing note.

for my part, i beg you, please please stop comparing watermelons and grapes. there is no equivalency between how we should manage the US bgt, and how you or i should manage our family's household bgt; to compare the two is silly. any econ 101 course will teach you that.
it doesnt matter what rhetoric is used by rand paul, mitch mcconnell and very serious people at the washington post want to sell us.
kentuckyleaf said:
If you watch Fox, you would think climate warming is fake, and oil would be under $1 a gallon if only we could drill.

My favorite quote of all. The Rep's biggest lie. USA actually EXPORTS oil. It's a world commodity. Makes no difference where it comes from as long as it's sweet crude... :mrgreen:
kentuckyleaf said:
Okay I watch news of all types all the time, and I have worked in television and broadcasting for nearly 30 years. All news has a bias. All news. Of you only watch CNN you would think Obama is trying to save every penny possible for the future (not flying to Flroida to play golf with Tiger for a million bucks) Closed the White House to save Americans money (so he can fly to Hawaii twice for Christmas for a cool $7 millon). If you watch Fox, you would think climate warming is fake, and oil would be under $1 a gallon if only we could drill. Both sides have a bias, both sides are wrong. So Watch Faux news volks, or the leftist CNN you commies, Somewhere in the middle there is truth, but don't bother looking for the channel in the middle, all you will find there is static.

+1----thank you, Kentucky Leaf, for putting this issue in perspective.
Now...if we could just get the tree-hugging, pinko, commie loving, ultra liberal parasites to move somewhere else, we could return our country to its former place as a strong, proud, self sustaining leader on the world stage. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
we finished with the pinko commie thing about two decades ago. did you just come out of ur cave, sweet fellow?
we are now just plain DFH - dirty f'in hippies. takers and bakers. and if you drive a LEAF you are an eco-snot, too.
kentuckyleaf said:
So Watch Faux news volks, or the leftist CNN you commies, Somewhere in the middle there is truth, but don't bother looking for the channel in the middle, all you will find there is static.
You must have been in the cave for long. CNN has been trying to be Faux-lite for a long time. MSNBC took over the liberal side with people like Maddow a long time back.

Really, you haven't noticed this in the last 5 years ?

ps : Ofcourse, you still have fairly conservative pundits on MSNBC like Joe.
MarvGordon said:
I'm shocked that Fox didn't claim Nissan was creating a coal burning vehicle...

Now that would be cheap for me to drive in Kentucky, and no problem defrosting! Still, one of the many benefits of the Leaf is simple stupid recharging. Coal would require a shovel. I'm getting too old for that nonsense.
MarvGordon said:
I'm shocked that Fox didn't claim Nissan was creating a coal burning vehicle...

If it was Fox they would have, of course, inserted the word 'clean' before the word coal.

You know daddy Murdoch's rules of grammar. And subliminal propaganda.
Anyone happen to catch the Nicole Petellides interview on Fox Business news show "MONEY with Melissa Francis" today (May 10)? The whole theme of the interview was anti-EV. Nicole quotes: "Electric cars are just so... foreign to me. I have never even SEEN an electric car in my life." Fair and balanced? I think not.
I was so angry I messaged Melissa Francis on facebook, hope some of you look at her Fox website (anti-EV segment is shown in more detail there) and post a message requesting "equal time" for pro-EV segment.
Petecomp1 said:
Anyone happen to catch the Nicole Petellides interview on Fox Business news show "MONEY with Melissa Francis" today (May 10)? The whole theme of the interview was anti-EV. Nicole quotes: "Electric cars are just so... foreign to me. I have never even SEEN an electric car in my life." Fair and balanced? I think not.
I was so angry I messaged Melissa Francis on facebook, hope some of you look at her Fox website (anti-EV segment is shown in more detail there) and post a message requesting "equal time" for pro-EV segment.
far and balanced is the Fox NEWS channel mantra, what you heard was on FOX BUSINESS, nonetheless you are complaining about reporters who have very limited insights as to what they are babbling about. that is not news and is hardly worth noting.
this is a common theme of all reporters of all political stripes, expecting accuracy and fairness? don't look towards the media for it
ahagge said:
To get back to the original topic, this post on AutoBlogGreen would seem to suggest that Nissan fully intends to continue investing in electric vehicles and other forms of "alternative energy" as well:

Right on all counts, sorry to divert thread topic. Is there a more appropriate thread, anyone, for tracking the erroneous/misleading media reporting on EV's?
Great to read Ghosn's article, thanks ahagge for posting.