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You know, I think I've found a demographic that understands EVs or at least isn't resistant...

Artist types

I went to Nashville yesterday (I used to work in music industry) and spent the evening with a bunch of people who make their living in music or other forms of art & every single one of them "got it".

None of them dismissed it as "not for them", many asked me repeatedly about buying & leasing prices along with charge times and the usual. But I was very impressed about how easily they took to it. None had driven or ridden in a LEAF yet, but everyone had heard of it & I gave several rides & let each one drive it. Think I might a sold 2.

Butts in seats!

philipscoggins said:
Butts in seats!


That absolutely sells EVs, and the only thing you really need to add is the limitations; 73-75 mile EPA for a LEAF, which will be more in summer, and potentially FAR less in winter. Plus, the batteries degrade.
Might have sold one to a gearhead the other day. Back in 2010 the two of us got sent to Hungary to stand up a support center. He spent much of his time specing out the Camaro he wanted (and driving the Ferrari he traveled to Italy to see). Last week he was at our office and I let him drive the Leaf. Halfway through he goes "I don't know what I expected but this isn't what I expected" in a favorable tone. I kicked it from Drive to Eco and he goes "Oh, that's what I expected". I put it back in drive and he's seriously considering it for his wife when her lease is up next year on the grocery getter. Especially at $200/month.