What is the difference between Charging Time and Charge Timer

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Thank you! In which case I clearly have changed the Charge Time as per photo but I am not sure how to change the Charging Time ? Despite looking are lots of youtube video and reading the manual :) I certainly want to take advantage of the Economy 7 at home and charge as per Charge Time on my Nissan.
Now that makes more sense and answers the question that is not given in the handbook :) No suprise there !! Logically I agree but it is rather confusing. Still trying to work out why my timer still doesn't works. I will try to see if it works tonight. Hope my Pod Point , which is a new lead from the house is not at fault. If I switch off both Timers hey presto I can change but like my sleep... :)
for 'change' please should be 'charge'....... note to self proof read again and again... oh the joys of older age
I have an EVSE with scheduling so I simply set it to go off at the start of peak demand and on at the end. So I plug my car in and it skips that time. I also use a stop time I set depending on how long I want it to charge so I can stop between 80-85%. I get checks back from the power company for not charging over 80% in peak times and an additional payment by allowing then to reduce the charging rate during high demand.