'My Leaf Math' - aka Fuel savings mental notes

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2013
Lansing MI
My wife recently joked with me about my constant rablings about fuel savings or 'Leaf math' as she calls it.

I find myself constantly converting my trips in the Leaf to fuel savings.

For example, I have been telling people all week that I will spend more in gas money this weekend to run my power washer and chainsaw at my mothers house than it will cost me in electricity to drive the 86 miles each way.

I do this all the time - 'every two days I drive to work in the Leaf I save enough in gas money to by lunch on the third day!'

I dont know - I am sure this is nothing new for people on this forum however the people around me must be getting sick of hearing my 'Leaf math' all the time.

Have a great weekend - I cant wait to play with power tools and save a ton of money on transportation to the jobsite!
I think we all must do it to some extent. I like telling people I went from a $5K car to a $35K car and am actually saving money.

It would be cool if Turbo3's Battery App would let you put in the MPG of your old car, cost of gas, cost of electricity, and then calculate how much money you are saving in real time. :D

I was spending $400/mo on gas before I got the LEAF.
