May Deliveries! Or... May(be)?

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Mine just switched to Pending from Month of May also. What a roller coaster! 2 Weeks ago, Valerie @ Ecotality emailed that, in spite of my DB showing Month of May, "the ETA on your new Leaf is in the 3rd week of April."

...but seeing the aerial photos of hundreds of Leafs at the Port more than makes up for the switch to Pending. Still optimistic!
lisaleaf said:
Checked DB at 9:45 and my status had changed to "pending". I'm gonna be pretty pissed if Nissan delivers those Jan./Feb. orders and we're left hanging! Nice vague email... :evil:

Res. 4/20/10
Ord. 10/30/10
Del. When hell freezes over

Same here. I am now officially "pending." Unfortunately, I think you can count on the Jan/Feb orders getting their cars ahead of you. Based on my conversation with a CS supervisor last Friday, he said that Nissan made the decision to let those Jan/Feb cars be delivered in late April. Since our spreadsheet only captures a percentage of the total leaf orders, you can bet that the total number of "out of sequence" deliveries will be close to 100 (just a guess on my part, based on our spreadsheet showing 25 or so). He also mentioned that they were going to try to pull back cars that were destined to be dealer demo cars for some of the Sept (and maybe Oct) orders that were "skipped."

I still believe Nissan could have corrected those out of sequence orders by telling those folks that the VIN assigned to them was a mistake and that Nissan is going to re-assign it to its rightful owner. I firmly believe that all of the Jan/Feb orders on our spreadsheet know that they got lucky based on Nissan's mistake (because they can see from our spreadsheet who has VINS and who doesn't, and how long everyone's wait has been).

I also firmly believe that most of the Jan/Feb folks will disagree with me on that. ;)
Dammit -- Month of May just switched to Pending sometime this evening!

Can we go back to haggling over sticker price in a dealer showroom? This whole Nissan "internet ordering" thing absolutely sucks sandbags!

I really hope the car is nowhere near as "revolutionary" as their scrotacular ordering process.

I'm crestfallen. It's easier to play with the legitimate expectations of 2010 orders than it is to correct the mistaken 2011 order delivery dates? Really? Is the Carwings software so brittle that they could not re-assign those VINs?

There's clearly not 1500 Leafs sitting in Long Beach. If there were, this shift to Pending would not have occurred -- unless the AC shutdown issue is much worse than anyone is letting on and fixing those cars is going to take more time than a simple software update and coolant level check.

I drive a Nissan Altima Hybrid now and the car has been essentially flawless for 45,000 miles. I had no idea a Japanese car company could be this inept.

The guys at Chevy must be having a field day reading this board.
Mine just switched to Pending too. I've been waiting over a year for mine. At least when I saw the delivery date of "May" then I had a more concrete amount of time left to wait. I've spent that time saving up a hefty down-payment. I'm pretty much so frustrated now that I'm thinking of giving up and spending the money on something else. In fact, somebody told me the other day that the Chevy Delaer in Austin has some Volts on the lot. That is a few hours drive from Ft.Worth, but it might be worth it.
Last night, I became an April>May>Pending, too.

I suspect everyone without a VIN was moved to pending, so they could re-sequence dashboard delivery estimates by order date.

They have a PR problem, and need to respect the ordering queue to make things right.
If Nissan is placing Sept orders into Penduary (and it looks like they are), then they may be doing a reallocation. Either that, or a whole bunch more cars were assigned VINS out of order than we think. (Or, a lot more were assigned to fleet, rental agencies, celebrities?).
green01 said:
I suspect everyone without a VIN was moved to pending, so they could re-sequence dashboard delivery estimates by order date.
While I certainly hope this to be the case, it is hard to buy off on this theory hook line and sinker as CS did not explain it this way yesterday when any number of people contacted them about the "pending" e-mail. Nissan definitely has a communications problem (of course that has been the case for quite some time now).
putting on hold now after the CS transferred me to Jessica who said that she is with Nissan. And she could not find any information about my VIN and such, and she said she will call Brendon @ Broadwalk to get more information after they are open.
Also, I just contacted NBC bayarea to see if they are interested in doing a story on this LEAF delivery ordeal. I would suggest everyone to do the same.

Go to, and to the bottom of the page click on "Send Us Your Story Tips"
leafkabob said:
If Nissan is placing Sept orders into Penduary (and it looks like they are), then they may be doing a reallocation. Either that, or a whole bunch more cars were assigned VINS out of order than we think. (Or, a lot more were assigned to fleet, rental agencies, celebrities?).

Do we know how many were actually ordered? I'd think if we can get total order number of a couple of the big participating dealers we could estimate the rest to get a reasonable idea how many orders there are. Then subtract the deliveries we already know about and maybe we'd have an idea how much "coverage" those leaves at the port should give. If were seeing less coverage than predicted it may very well be a fleet (rental companies) pre-empting us. If so, likely that fleet will also clean out the CVRP.
Mark me as now slipping to Penduary.... I have no Faith in Nissan as of now. I think that CS is just telling us a script that sometimes MNL followers have more information than them.

NISSAN if you can read this you better start emailing us or have your contacts on here contact us or the noise will be very loud.

On a lighter note Thanks to the MNL air force for the recon of the port....Coolest ever
cinmar said:
Just contacted chat, and they say:
Please disregard the e mail Ms. Marsh. We are working to get your vin number and will have your LEAF information as soon as possible. The e mail was mass mailed and is not applicable to you.
Well this blows considering the response above I got yesterday. I'm now April->May->Pending also. Fingers crossed that they are re-sequencing orders, and this will be corrected asap.
Online chat just told me

"To answer your first question Nissan is delivering the vehicles out of order and to your last question there can be multiple explanations for your delivery date change."

They accept they're delivering them out of order... suggests to me there is no plan to re sequence. With so many people getting knocked to pending and with what I saw over the port yesterday I'm really starting to wonder if all of those have been allocated to some rental fleet or so. You know those rental fleets can make a lot more noise than we can about their delivery date.

I don't know the ins and outs of CVRP but if the fleets qualify then we should likely be watching this super closely.