Leafers in Half Moon Bay Ca. Coastside area

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New member
Dec 3, 2011
Just picked up a new Leaf last week and I'm still waiting for my home quick charge unit. Any Leafers in our area that care spare a brother a quick charge? More than happy to pay and look forward to knowing the others in my area.

Please call 650-483-2565

I spoke to the owner at the 0 cafe about his opportunity for a possible free dock and he was a bit rude about it, I explained the value proposition and costs to him and he said it made sense but then said "electric car owners are cheap and don't tip". After asking how many came there it was of course clear that he was confusing them with hybrids and after I clarified that he said "Prius drivers are cheap", to which my girl friend replied "I have a Prius". After asking for the bill about five times and being ignored I tipped him 25%. The advertising on his opinions and service is gratis. If you ever stop over let him know you have an EV not a hybrid and make sure to tip well for the attitude and open mind. Tell him you would be more likely to stop and spend money if you could use $.25 of electricity. :lol: :lol:

P.S.- There are a few L2 stations in that area not on Plug share. The costal corridor needs charging ASAP! One must go from Santa Cruz to Eureka to get to the next. If anyone has a business between those places they have a great opportunity, assuming they have business sense. Waiting makes one hungry and a coffee shop or restaurant could really do well to market charging.
I picked up my Leaf SV on October 25th and it resides in my garage on El Granada Blvd in El Granada. I'm using only the L1 unit which is working out fine with charging commencing at midnight and ending at seven. I'm still learning how to use this car, especially exploring the range. I hate that hill I have to drive over to get off the coast (Hwy 92). It really consumes the energy and, of course, the regen only recovers a portion of it. I also own three hybrids - Prius, Civic hybrid, and my toy, a 2000 Honda Insight. I'm looking forward to seeing more Leafs on the coast. See you on the road. Ken
We go to Cameron's on a regular basis. Last time I was there, I asked Cameron if I could plug in my L1 and he said sure. Unfortunately all his plasma TV's were on the same circuit and soon blew the breaker. Oops.

But I followed up with an email and let him know about Chargepoint and how it would be a great fit for his unique restaurant and he seemed interested and said he'd start the process.

But perhaps a encouragement from a few other friendly (& well tipping) EV'rs would help push him along.
I can approach the guys at Flavor. If you have not been there, probably the best food for the money on the coast. Where can I get info on the value prop and associated costs?