It's your duty to drive FAST !!

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"I think the fun factor will drive better EV adoption more so than the "Maybe I can save 15 cents" type of thinking.

I'm new, only 500 miles so far, but for me -- it makes driving fun again."

Absolutely right. The EV's have to appeal to a broad audience to succeed. The fun factor is just as important as the "green" one. If we just concentrate on battery longevity (80 or 100%? QC or not? When best to charge?) or how to go 55 in the HOV lane because it will save juice, we will turn off a large number of potential adopters. Leafs are fun!!!!!!!!!!!
That is a CA thing, doesn't apply in FL. Stupid law, if you ask me. You *MUST* exceed the speed limit if everyone else is doing it

Thanks at least somone from Fl cut in and understands the driving habits here.
You cannot dictate how a whole state drives just because you have a car that relys on a certain driving style to get a certain range. You have to go with traffic and work the distance around that.

It may not be the West coast way but it is just the way that it is here, but as a plus no hills, so there are good and bad points to owning a leaf here in FL.

As a side note I went to the my dealer today and the sales guy that knows about leafs took me out for a drive, when we switched places for me to drive he could not get it out of park we spent 5 mins sat on the side of the road while he "leafed" through his manual

Lucky he was one of the Leaf specalists.
keydiver said:
Caracalover said:
If it is unsafe, you can actually be ticketed for driving the speed limit.

That is a CA thing, doesn't apply in FL. Stupid law, if you ask me. You *MUST* exceed the speed limit if everyone else is doing it. :roll:

In CA, that only applies if going (as fast as) the speed limit is unsafe.
it does not apply if the only SAFE speed is slower than the speed limit.

Safe, of course, is not dictated by extending the range of my EV.
Bottom Line -- If I am going 65 in a 65 zone, I am OK, so long as I shouldnt be going 35, because there is a fog.
If I am going 65 ina 65 zone, I cannot be ticketed for being unsafe because other cars want to go 75.
If there are multiple lanes, and I can move over -- it is a different story.
How that applies to the HOV lanes is another issue; can you move over? must you--or you are being unsafe? I doubt that allot.
As I drive just 6 miles on an HOV lane on my commute, I am not likely to put int the time to find out. But if I run into a CHP officer, I sure will ask her.
I called the CHP hotline --go google it.

If you'd like to talk to someone in regards to a non-emergency situation, please call 1-800-TELL-CHP (1-800-835-5247). Use this number if you have questions, would like to relay some information, or just need information from the CHP.

Here is what the officer said:
If you are going 65 in the HOV lane and that is the speed limit, you are doing what you are supposed to be doing.
If you want to move over (at the break in the lane) you could do that. But you are going the speed limit, you have people in the car, you are doing what you are supposed to be doing.

He also agreed that in the LA Cal freeway system, going 75 in the HOV lane is just going to get you on the bumper of the guy in front of you in 3 minutes instead of 5.
thankyouOB said:
I called the CHP hotline --go google it.

If you'd like to talk to someone in regards to a non-emergency situation, please call 1-800-TELL-CHP (1-800-835-5247). Use this number if you have questions, would like to relay some information, or just need information from the CHP.

Here is what the officer said:
If you are going 65 in the HOV lane and that is the speed limit, you are doing what you are supposed to be doing.
If you want to move over (at the break in the lane) you could do that. But you are going the speed limit, you have people in the car, you are doing what you are supposed to be doing.

He also agreed that in the LA Cal freeway system, going 75 in the HOV lane is just going to get you on the bumper of the guy in front of you in 3 minutes instead of 5.

+1! The AHPs would say the same thing here except we don't have breaks in our HOV lanes.
thankyouOB said:
In CA, that only applies if going (as fast as) the speed limit is unsafe.
it does not apply if the only SAFE speed is slower than the speed limit.

That would make more sense to me, except CA owners on Priuschat insisted that CHP will give you a ticket for impeding traffic if you are going the speed limit on some freeways. Maybe I'm not understanding you correctly, or maybe I misunderstood the guys on Priuschat.
derkraut said:
I haven't had an accident or speeding ticket in 40+ years of driving. Have you? :roll:
Speeding yes, accident no. One can drive defensivly while exceeding the speed limit. The converse is also true.

Sometimes I joke that the less time I spend on the road the lower the chances of an accident, hence the need to drive faster.
I went from driving fast with my other car to driving slow with this one..If there is only a single lane, I will drive the Leaf like a ICE car,if there are 2 lanes ,semi ICE car,if 3 lanes,snail pace ...My goal is to avg 6.0 KWs this winter but if a lot of people ask me to drag race it could be 5.0 KWs,but that has only happen once and Im undefeated :lol:
I gave up my 911 Carrera for a LEAF, maybe just tired of going fast, definitely up for a totally different,
totally modern experience the LEAF provides and the world needs.

The LEAF as an energy meter is also a clear demonstration for how much energy 70mph
uses vs 55 - along with a lack of war tax, waging wars without a speed mandate is really unconscionable.

That said, does disabling traction control make burnouts possible/bigger/nastier? ;)
darthracing said:
That said, does disabling traction control make burnouts possible/bigger/nastier? ;)
Car & Driver claimed it's doable. I'm pretty sure that flooring it from a stand-still, in 'D', on a dry & level surface, doesn't do it, stability control off or not. Variations that I would like to try for lighting up the front tires if/when I have the time/inclination are: a "neutral drop", and a "creeping start" (get the car moving just enough to get its weight off the front and onto its rear (also to try to get around the "no full power at stand still" problem) then punch it. (I tried a neutral drop once. Didn't even chirp the tires.)
thankyouOB said:
jimmy carter had it right = 55 speed limit, except in rural areas.

slow down, save a soldier's life.
Not arguing with this at all, but it was when the speed limit was 55 that I first heard of someone getting ticketed for doing that speed, while the rest of traffic was doing 65 or better. I think the cop wanted to prove a point - that prevailing traffic sets the safe speed, not the sign on the side of the road. It was shortly after that the national speed limit was reset to 65. Interesting thing I observed while driving cross the country 5 years ago - where the limit was 75 MPH and the road was wide open, traffic did 73 on average with little to no crowding. In many 65 MPH wide open areas traffic would average closer to 80 MPH, and cars would crowd each other, pushing each other to higher speeds.
thankyouOB said:
jimmy carter had it right = 55 speed limit, except in rural areas.

slow down, save a soldier's life.

Plus, save energy and be able to drive farther without charging as much :mrgreen:

Back when the speed limit was 55 here in CA, my friend had a Porsche 911 with the license plate "Nuke 55". He would get tickets regularly :shock:
I am a bit of a leadfoot, so I enjoy seeing the surprised faces of other drivers as I quickly take off. While in the carpool lane, I don't hold others up. On another note, this past weekend I saw 2 other red Leafs at the intersection I was at in Folsom, CA! I couldn't believe it (it is a small town), one driver honked and gave me the thumbs up Leaf invasion! :geek:
Here is what happened when a Prius was driving too slow: :eek:

Don't be a Prius! :lol:

(Sing to tune of '12 days of Christmas': ) ...8 Ferraris, ... 3 Mercedes, ... 1 Lamborghini, and a Toyota Prius