I want my 281!

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Interesting development today.....I started the car, noting 93.9% SOC and 95 miles GOM (did not check GIDS). Drove to the Walgreens on the corner of our block (so less than 1 mile), because I needed some window washer fluid (takes 0.8 gallon from empty, BTW) and when I got back in and started the car again, I was showing 96.4% SOC and 100 miles GOM. Now the 100 miles GOM I can understand maybe being calculated from the 30mph drive between home and the store, but I can't explain the rise in SOC. :shock:
garygid said:
Yes, Carwings SHOWS a "Charge Percentage" number, but it only gets (as far as we know now) the number of BARs from the LEAF, and has no idea how "full" the Bar actually is.Then, Carwings shows the Bars and a Fixed "Charge Percentage" that it has assigned to each Bar.
For example, showing 12 Bars will always display 100% "charge percentage", even when the top Bar is partly (or almost entirely) empty.
So, these percentages shown by Carwings are primarily for "decoration" only, not for any serious use.

LOL, I already know ALL that! That wasn't my point. Most people said they have no regen at 100% which is only 92% on my gauge, but I DO have full regen after 100% charging.
I sometimes see the first regen circle with a double outline when charged to 100%, but my house is at the top of a hill and it never seems to actually light the interior of that circle when I leave the house. If I can catch it again some time, I'll check the energy screen and see if it actually does any regen.
TickTock said:
TonyWilliams said:
TickTock said:
At 244 gids (*my* 100%) I can't regen! :)

Just to confirm, you meant that you can NOT get regen at 244 ?

correct - can not

Something is out of whack. You might consider getting an actual read out of the 192 cells voltage readout, looking for something out of whack, that won't allow cell rebalancing up to 281.

There is a manual cell rebalancing in the service manual, mostly for new cells.
Has anyone had the firmware update to Carwings? I took my LEAF in for 7500 mile service last weekend and requested the firmware upgrade since Carwings stopped working a couple weeks ago. (Bulletin NTB11-041, RXIUAA). The SOC behavior has been quite different since then, going down much faster than before. I used to arrive at the office with 69% SOC remaining and now it's more like 64%. Still 281 gids to full charge, but I'm wondering if they have reprogrammed the allowable battery capacity?
TonyWilliams said:
LEAFfan said:
I DO have full regen after 100% charging.
Something isn't quite right, and I suspect that it's your car that is not being fully charged.
At 281 Gid / 100%, you won't get regen.

Yeah, I know. Like I have said, it was only charging to 92%, but tonight I gained another per cent after the 100% charge. I'll charge it again to 100% Mon. night and see if it goes any higher than 93%. When I first got the car, there would be absolutely no regen after a 100% charge, so I doubt seriously that 80% charging is going to balance the cells.
I think we need a number of Charging Logs, including about 3 hours
after the charging nominally "stops", with the EVSE still plugged into
the LEAF (a EV-CAN Log is probably sufficient).

Some Charging "to 100%" and some "to 80%", with New-Bars firmware,
and with and without the TCU Update (NSB11-041).

These would allow us to look for indications of "Cell Equalization",
trying to understand WHEN it happens, and WHAT it changes.

If you get a Log that would be useful for others to see,
zip it and email to me, and I will post it on my web site for others to use.
garygid said:
It seems that a warmer Battery Pack (or battery temperature reading)
will cause a lower SOC value. It would seem that one or more of these are involved:

1. the controller stops charging when some value (like Pack or Cell voltage) is a bit lower.

2. the components that are used to "create" the SOC value are a bit lower.

3. there is a temperature correction applied to some reading or value.
. . . . . . . . . . . snip
Interesting - I've heard mumblings a long time ago from a Leaf ingeneer about quick charges to 80% or less that could reduce battery resistance from developing prematurly. Conversly, once you pass the 80% threshold via 120v charging - wouldn't it keep batteries warmer longer? Haven't there been discussions about 120V charging not being as desirable as 240v charging? Just wondering.
TonyWilliams said:
LEAFfan said:
I doubt seriously that 80% charging is going to balance the cells.

Yes, I don't think 80% will balance anything, either. But, what happens if you do several drains on the battery, each charged to 80%, and then charge to 100% ?

I charged again to 100% (93%) last night, but this time, started it again in the morning (only 6 mins.), the SOC didn't change, but I had no regen this time. I will charge to 100% again Mon.
LEAFfan said:
TonyWilliams said:
LEAFfan said:
I doubt seriously that 80% charging is going to balance the cells.

Yes, I don't think 80% will balance anything, either. But, what happens if you do several drains on the battery, each charged to 80%, and then charge to 100% ?

I charged again to 100% (93%) last night, but this time, started it again in the morning (only 6 mins.), the SOC didn't change, but I had no regen this time. I will charge to 100% again Mon.

I did the same thing. Wall meter says I added on 0.50 kWh, and the battery voltage raised from 393.0 to 394.0 but I read 246 gids before and after. Which confirms non-linear charge at the extremes (I get .085Wh/gid in the range from 40-201). I also still had the one regen bubble illuminated after it completed the 2nd 100% charge.
OK. 500 yards down the street my regen bubble disappeared (and my gids jumped from 246 to 247). I logged the commute in today and was also watching those regen bubbles come and go. Rather unintuitive. They appeared while applying braking (while they were being filled by actual regen) and disappeared during accelleration. Seems like the opposite should have been true - appear during accel (using power) and disappear during braking (generating power-->topping the battery back off). I started with 247 gids (my 100%) and first saw the 5th regen bubble highlight at about 219. It went to steady on around 210.