Hydrogen and FCEVs discussion thread

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AndyH said:
PHEV? How do we get off fossil fuel in your plan?
We are never going to get completely off fossil fuel and that's simply not necessary. We only need to cut out the bulk of it.

AndyH said:
Can you see the circular denial here? "Don't waste money on H2 refueling." "FCEV will never work because there's no infrastructure."
H2 infrastructure is only one of many issues facing FCEVs. There are other reason to avoid wasting money on H2 fueling. Of course it's a chicken and egg problem.

AndyH said:
It was pretty hard to fast-charge those Roadsters the first year or so if I recall the complaining...
Roadsters still can't charge any faster than 18 kW or so. They are still very useful vehicles.

AndyH said:
The only thing needed to make a FCEV into a PHFCEV is to add a plug is a charger.
I know that, why do you think I suggested it? It would be extraordinarily easy to turn a FCEV into a plug-in - but I don't see that anyone's done it for some crazy reason. Extending the time between H2 fills would be extremely beneficial with such limited H2 infrastructure.

I see you've completely ignored the "Severe Issues with Fuel Cell Vehicle GHG Emissions Claims and Hydrogen Refueling Infrastructure Grants" letter which covers many of the same issues we've been making for 69 pages now.
AndyH said:
Stoaty said:
Note that the manure power didn't provide 20% of hydrogen needed, it provided 20% of the energy used on Pennsylvania dairy farms. If you aren't a dairy farmer, you are out of luck. ;)
We crossed in editing. Don't get too worked up about the dairy BS - PA dairy farmers apparently need help from the Midwest...or India...or China... Besides, you didn't get suckered in by the citeless quote, did you?

Sorry, Andy.

http://extension.psu.edu/natural-resources/energy/waste-to-energy/resources/biogas/projects/biogas-from-manure" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
AndyH said:
"Taking all feedstocks into account, the U.S. can replace 51% of fossil transportation fuel through biogas, or 77 billion gasoline gallons equivalent," each year, Schuppenhauer said. Of that feedstock mix, 49.93% is energy crops, 30.29% is crop residues, 6.01% is manure and the rest, 13.76% is made up of landfills, organic MSW, and other sources.

Biogas sources:
50% energy crops. In other words, planting, fertilizing and harvesting crops on land we currently don't grow crops on. Hmmm... Might this take extra energy? Maybe? Might even be a large fraction of the energy harvested?? Maybe?

30% crop residues. Perhaps leaving this on the land to protect and maintain the soil might be a better idea... Maybe?

20%? Maybe. That would be 10% of transportation fuel. Worth doing? Probably yes. Solve all transportation fuel requirements? Not close.
WetEV said:
AndyH said:
"Taking all feedstocks into account, the U.S. can replace 51% of fossil transportation fuel through biogas, or 77 billion gasoline gallons equivalent," each year, Schuppenhauer said. Of that feedstock mix, 49.93% is energy crops, 30.29% is crop residues, 6.01% is manure and the rest, 13.76% is made up of landfills, organic MSW, and other sources.

Biogas sources:
50% energy crops. In other words, planting, fertilizing and harvesting crops on land we currently don't grow crops on. Hmmm... Might this take extra energy? Maybe? Might even be a large fraction of the energy harvested?? Maybe?

30% crop residues. Perhaps leaving this on the land to protect and maintain the soil might be a better idea... Maybe?

20%? Maybe. That would be 10% of transportation fuel. Worth doing? Probably yes. Solve all transportation fuel requirements? Not close.
Wet - I have two primary points/reasons for being part of this conversation and so far neither seem to be getting any traction with most of the group. The first is that this infrastructure project for H2 is NOT an isolated incident - it has a real function behind it and it's not about car- or oil-company domination. The second is that it's pretty clear that most Americans have no idea what it takes to grow things.

First - I did not say or intend that we should produce 100% of our H2 needs from plants. What I DID say is that we can very easily replace a significant chunk (and yes - I do think that the easy 20% is a no brainer) if we want to.

Second - if you looked at the examples I've listed of operational, closed-loop, independent biogas plants you might have noticed that there is no fertilizing, no displacement of food, no terraforming.

You and many others seem to think that man is supreme and that we have to beat the hell out of nature to get 'her' to do our bidding. What I'm trying to show you is that that starting concept/assumption is absolutely, categorically false. And therefore, any further brain-cell Olympics based on that faulty starting paradigm is also false.

To your points. You've ignored the easy 20% of gasoline replacement and jumped to 51%. That's fine. I'm not recommending that or suggesting that and I do not want to go in that direction. It's only quoted to show the IMMENSITY of the available resource available to us if we don't have any other options. We DO have other options and therefore do NOT need to go that route.

The fact remains that nearly every one of our ~2100 landfills is a methane producer that's not being used - gas is either vented or flared. Every one of our farms/CAFOs (whether dairy, beef, chicken, or pork) is a methane producer. The ~40% of the food we waste and the table/restaurant scraps are a methane feedstock. As is this nation's number one agriculture commodity (and number one user of herbicides, insecticides, and fertilizer) - freshly mown lawns. Each of these is an untapped resource that can completely change the energy picture in this country.

As for agriculture/returning cornstalks to the field: Our ag system is broken. Except for the growing ranks of small organic producers and Permaculturists, our ag system is doing nothing less than soil mining - it's just as damaging and extractive as the fossil fuel industry. Yes, returning cornstalks to the field can be good but in our system where everything must have an associated financial value, the stalks might be better used for another function.

While I am not proposing we follow the big ag lead and use cornstalks to supply liquid biofuel or H2, I'm well aware that on farms that use organic and/or agroforestry and/or Permaculture methods, the picture is significantly different. No chemical fertilizers, no herbicides, no insecticides, no GMO materials (and in the case of Permaculture, no irrigation) yet crop losses are within a couple of percent of big ag losses, overall harvests are larger, and the quality of food is better. Each option outperforms 'conventional' ag by some margin - with Permaculture in the 600-800% range. Instead of mining the soil and reducing it's mineral content and volume, these methods increase fertility and build new soil. As I've said repeatedly, the problem with biofuels or biomass or biogas to H2 is not the natural processes - it's our ag system.

Back to your energy balance concerns. When we work with natural processes, or take advantage of useful (to us) parts of natural processes, 1+1=3. That was sort of the point of the linked paper entitled Synergistic interactions in the microbial world. Go back to the youtube video about the Mexico biogas electricity generation system. You may not know about prickly pear cactus - I sure didn't growing up in the Midwest. But after living in Tucson and now here, and spending some quality time helping my in-laws on their ranch while researching small-scale biogas production, I'm amazed at how well these plants thrive in hot/dry places with little more than course granite sand. One doesn't need to plant them, or till soil, or weed or apply water or chemicals - they grow and spread on their own. That's lesson one - nature does not work like an American farm. When one looks at their life cycle, they grow, flower, reproduce, repeat. Eventually paddles will die and be recycled into the soil to feed the plant. Paddles can be harvested quickly and easily without killing the plant. When those paddles are shredded, digested by microbes, and returned to the field the plants grow much faster and much larger - and we get methane as a by-product. A lot of methane. None of this is rocket science - a 10 year old can do it and many do around the world. It's not 'over unity' from a energy balance view if one includes all the organisms and processes involved - but it looks like magic to folks steeped in a conventional ag 'education'. And now we're back to our major disconnect.

Bottom line - we're already making methane in large quantities - and even though it's current carbon and not fossil carbon, it's still better to use it than let it vent into the atmosphere. It can be easily harvested and used and has almost zero marginal cost. (It's already being used in the US so it's not like this is some future fantasy!) Ignoring this energy source is like running across a parking lot covered in quarters to grab a $10 bill taped to a window. It's a Homer Simpson level of thinking.

If you or anyone else is interested in this, I'll gladly reference books, papers, researchers, et al. But since this flat spot on my forehead is starting to get a little tender, I think I should let you go back to your paradigm already in progress.
drees said:
AndyH said:
The only thing needed to make a FCEV into a PHFCEV is to add a plug is a charger.
I know that, why do you think I suggested it? It would be extraordinarily easy to turn a FCEV into a plug-in - but I don't see that anyone's done it for some crazy reason. Extending the time between H2 fills would be extremely beneficial with such limited H2 infrastructure.
Plug-ins are already in the works. I expect the first vehicles will be deployed in Europe as they're actually deploying the TIR and the associated V2G hardware. The TIR plan uses both BEV and PFCHV in vehicle to grid mode as part of the storage/grid stabilization process.

One example - Ford in 2007:
WetEV said:
Sorry, Andy.
http://extension.psu.edu/natural-resources/energy/waste-to-energy/resources/biogas/projects/biogas-from-manure" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Thanks. This looks really out of date compared with the state-sponsored work in the Midwest and the work of the folks behind both Hestia and Solar CITIES.

drees said:
AndyH said:
PHEV? How do we get off fossil fuel in your plan?
We are never going to get completely off fossil fuel and that's simply not necessary. We only need to cut out the bulk of it.
We need to completely stop emitting fossil carbon and then rapidly start extracting/sequestering atmospheric carbon if we want to maintain this planetary comfort zone. Reducing our gasoline use with hybrids - plug-in or not - is only adding a few minutes to our journey to the edge of the cliff.

As for the piece you and others linked, I suspect anyone that fact checks it will understand why we shouldn't wast time with garbage such as that unless we're feeding it into an anerobic digester to make methane.

I'll leave this thread with a short drive report from Autobytel.
For now, I’ll summarize by saying that aside from learning about what the unique instrumentation does and the information it conveys, and acclimating to how the regenerative brakes feel, the Tucson Fuel Cell requires no change in driving behavior compared to a standard gasoline-powered Tucson.
f you’re not sure whether a Tucson Fuel Cell is right for you, Hyundai plans to make examples of the SUV available for rental through selected Enterprise Rent-A-Car locations in L.A. and Orange counties, giving prospective lessee’s the opportunity to live with one for a few days before signing on the dotted line.
Final Thoughts

Naturally, skeptics balk at the notion of a fuel cell-powered future, whether motivated by fear, greed, power, or an irrational need to argue for the sake of argument. Hydrogen might not be a perfect solution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, especially since the infrastructure to support it is almost non-existent, but when used to power vehicles and other forms of transportation with electricity, the electrochemical process emits nothing but water vapor into our undeniably warming climate.

As for alternatives to hydrogen, none beat it in terms of “well-to-wheel” greenhouse gas emissions. According to a 2013 study performed by the Advanced Power and Energy Program at the University of California, Irvine, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles reduce emissions by 60 percent compared to a gasoline-powered car that gets 40 mpg, when taking into consideration fuel feedstock, refining, treatment, and production methods before it is used in the vehicle. And if the source of the hydrogen is biogas from wastewater, such as that created by California’s Orange County Sanitation District, the well-to-wheel emissions are nearly immeasurable.

From an end-user perspective, no change in behavior is required to lease, fuel, and drive a fuel cell vehicle aside from learning how a hydrogen pump connects to the vehicle and then waiting up to twice as long for the tank to fill as compared to a conventional gasoline-powered car. As for the 2015 Hyundai Tucson Fuel Cell, of the four fuel cell vehicles I’ve driven over the years, it is the most normal and refined of them all.
abasile said:
GRA said:
To expand on your question, who wants a long-distance car that's limited to routes within reach of an SC, unless you want to spend an inordinate amount of your time waiting for it to charge in RV parks and similar out of the way spots you'd never, ever spend time in if you weren't forced to?
This is a very valid point. As long as it's not too frequent, having some additional, en-route charging time isn't all that bad, particularly when one has the pleasure of driving a car as nice as the Tesla S and avoiding gas stations for daily driving. Using places like RV parks is better than not being able to make the trip at all, as would likely be the case with a hydrogen-fueled vehicle.

I do agree that the Tesla S will remain ill-suited to certain drives, such as the Alaska Highway, for years to come. While the functionality of the Tesla S is quite good for a vehicle that does not take gasoline or diesel, and is only getting better, it still has limits. Thankfully, as prices come down, there's a large addressable market for whom those limits aren't fatal.
For people for whom the SC infrastructure and charging time aren't a problem, the Model S (at least the 85) is a reasonable option, and will only improve with time. But the same is true of H2 fueling stations, they're just lagging by several years.

BTW, I've driven from Oakland to Flagstaff in the past, although I didn't detour into Grand Canyon on that trip (we were on our way to NM, Boulder, CO and return). It was an all-day drive to Flagstaff (Oct. '92; still had the 65 mph national limit so we were only doing 70 or so), and I stopped for gas in Bakersfield (268 miles, I'd previously driven 102 before leaving), and Kingman (335 miles) before overnighting in Flagstaff. I don't remember if we ate breakfast in Bakersfield or just got gas; we might have eaten before leaving pre-dawn, but probably had lunch in Kingman. Other than that, no stops before Flagstaff.

I would hate to have to do that drive in shorter legs with longer stops, and with unnecessary detours, e.g. if I were going to Grand Canyon, I'd pretty much have to go to Flagstaff first instead of turning off at Williams, because there's no SC between Flagstaff and Kingman, and it's 174 miles and around 3,500 feet uphill from Kingman to Grand Canyon Village, presumably while using the air conditioner and driving at the 75 mph speed limit (if not faster) on I-40.

Once BEVs can go 4 hours or more at a minimum of 75 mph year-round for at least a decade on the original battery, and the infrastructure is far more complete, no problems. But for me, having to stop every two hours and kill time while charging just isn't on; 4-6 hours between stops, limited only by fuel/food/bathroom is the rule for me on road trips when time is a major factor and there's nothing much to see. Of course, I might choose to fly and rent instead these days; checking the logbook from that car I see I paid anywhere from $1.24 (Reg.) to $1.48 (Prem.) gallon on that trip. :lol:
GRA said:
I would hate to have to do that drive in shorter legs with longer stops, and with unnecessary detours, e.g. if I were going to Grand Canyon, I'd pretty much have to go to Flagstaff first instead of turning off at Williams, because there's no SC between Flagstaff and Kingman, and it's 174 miles and around 3,500 feet uphill from Kingman to Grand Canyon Village, presumably while using the air conditioner and driving at the 75 mph speed limit (if not faster) on I-40.

Once BEVs can go 4 hours or more at a minimum of 75 mph year-round for at least a decade on the original battery, and the infrastructure is far more complete, no problems. But for me, having to stop every two hours and kill time while charging just isn't on; 4-6 hours between stops, limited only by fuel/food/bathroom is the rule for me on road trips when time is a major factor and there's nothing much to see. Of course, I might choose to fly and rent instead these days; checking the logbook from that car I see I paid anywhere from $1.24 (Reg.) to $1.48 (Prem.) gallon on that trip. :lol:
If/when Tesla Motors chooses to build a car with a 200 kWh pack option (benefitting from improvements in Li-ion energy density), I'm sure there will be plenty of takers.

Certainly, compared to the convenience of ICE cars, compromises do have to be made driving the Model S on long trips. However, the fact that long trips are even feasible in a production BEV today is quite remarkable. By the time H2 infrastructure catches up to today's Model S functionality, my guess is that a 200+ kWh pack will be available, with available acceleration from 0-60 limited only by how well the tires adhere to the road. :)
abasile said:
If/when Tesla Motors chooses to build a car with a 200 kWh pack option (benefitting from improvements in Li-ion energy density), I'm sure there will be plenty of takers.
Gently, abasile, this is not a point to be gently tip-toed around. Considering that there don't appear to be any revolutionary density improvements on the horizon, this is akin to saying that EVs will have unlimited range once that flying saucer lands in DC with our latest CARE package.

The reason that the industry is moving on fuel cells now is because they're viable now and both the near- and far-term projections are for them to be much less expensive with volume and new development (like the nano dodecahedron story up thread a day or two).

Do the thought experiment - Toyota has fuel cell SUVs on the road in CA today with 400 mile legs. What would a Model S weigh and cost if it was given 400 miles worth of batteries?
AndyH said:
Do the thought experiment - Toyota has fuel cell SUVs on the road in CA today with 400 mile legs. What would a Model S weigh and cost if it was given 400 miles worth of batteries?

significantly less cost than what the toyota fuel cell SUV costs, and significantly faster as well.

Hyundai Tuscan H2 SUV costs $145k similar range to S85, will see what EPA gives it.
but its kinda moot, Supercharger access is about $2k.

Here is a thought experiment, Mitsubishi has a 12kWh AWD SUV that is PHEV for about 50km, costs about the same as it diesel AWD equivalent.
HFC uses about 3 times the electricity as battery does for the same distance. ie 12,000km EV mode in an PHEV uses the same amount of renewable energy as 4,000km in a HFC using renewable energy.

How much CO2 must be produced to supply the remaining 8,000kms? i.e. To bring both vehicles to 12,000kms EV

now do you see why HFC cannot work with renewelable energy? its because HFC squander renewable energy, causing the grid to create more CO2 emissions.
AndyH said:
Considering that there don't appear to be any revolutionary density improvements on the horizon, this is akin to saying that EVs will have unlimited range once that flying saucer lands in DC with our latest CARE package.
You are correct that we are talking about projections, and it is indeed possible that EV-grade batteries could hit a plateau in terms of density while fuel cell and related technology improves rapidly. Because the H2 vehicles have range and refueling time advantages as well as the potential to run on renewable energy, I think it's worth continuing to develop the technology and infrastructure, even if only to hedge our bets.

That said, even if EV battery densities continue to improve only incrementally, going from 85 kWh to 200 kWh in the same form factor seems achievable within the next ten years or less; this really isn't some pie in the sky "flying saucer" dream. Personally, I do hope to see BEVs and batteries "win" the race because of their efficiency and relative simplicity. But I also recognize that there can be room for coexistence. For me, even though I think Toyota and Hyundai are making a big mistake in betting against BEVs, FCEV vs. BEV isn't a "religious" issue.
ydnas7 said:
AndyH said:
Do the thought experiment - Toyota has fuel cell SUVs on the road in CA today with 400 mile legs. What would a Model S weigh and cost if it was given 400 miles worth of batteries?

significantly less cost than what the toyota fuel cell SUV costs, and significantly faster as well.

Hyundai Tuscan H2 SUV costs $145k similar range to S85, will see what EPA gives it.
but its kinda moot, Supercharger access is about $2k.
Does that mean you don't want to face that a Model S with 400 miles of range wouldn't accelerate as quickly, would weigh and cost considerably more? ;)

ydnas7 said:
Here is a thought experiment, Mitsubishi has a 12kWh AWD SUV that is PHEV for about 50km, costs about the same as it diesel AWD equivalent.
HFC uses about 3 times the electricity as battery does for the same distance. ie 12,000km EV mode in an PHEV uses the same amount of renewable energy as 4,000km in a HFC using renewable energy.

How much CO2 must be produced to supply the remaining 8,000kms? i.e. To bring both vehicles to 12,000kms EV

now do you see why HFC cannot work with renewelable energy? its because HFC squander renewable energy, causing the grid to create more CO2 emissions.
I personally don't care about the PHEV or the diesel, though both can be operated 100% from dead dinosaurs and both can be operated fossil-carbon free. The same applies to a BEV or a FCEV/PFCHV. Each can be fueled with old or new carbon, or wind, or PV, or biogas, or biomas, or gasified wood through a reformer. None of those emit fossil carbon.

Two important points: CARBON isn't the problem - fossil carbon is; and the FCEV is an electric vehicle - 100% electric. The Prius with NiMH batteries makes and stores hydrogen within each cell. The fuel cell stack is not that different from a battery with a replaceable electrolyte.

The combination of BEV and FCEV can do things to get us off oil much faster than either can do alone - and each has already benefited from the other. I don't see a point is pitting one against the other when the enemy is ICE.
The other reason that it would be better for all of us if battery EVs win over the majority of transportation jobs in the world... is simplicity. Hybrids like the Prius and the Volt, and Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles like the previous gen honda and the new ones from Hyundai, Toyota and Honda are tremendously complex vehicles.

New complex controllers and transmissions. The platinum in the fuel cells is a problem as the stack plates can blister and degrade over time. Dual power sources and dual fuel/energy systems are inherently more complicated than a single system. It has been my experience that simpler is usually better... even if it costs some ice mechanics their jobs ( those that refuse to adapt). Self driving electric cars sure look like an accident minimized, simple to afford mode of transport now and into the future.

The amazing Tesla's speed and the nimble LEAF are a blast to drive. The electric indy cars show us that while hearing and feeling a monster of an ICE engine roaring around the track may change... racing will go on. Range improvements are coming soon across the board as chemistries improve. The fun will not be wrung out of cruising on the open road.

More low and high speed rail would be an excellent supplement in mid to long range trips. Great rail systems relegate airlines and ICengined cars to the long hauls as short and mid length trips become simpler in BEVs that can be recharged virtually anywhere, quickly by better ac and DC quick chargers.

As we dramatically increase the solar panel and wind turbine install rate they are being powered by completely renewable energy. Simpler solutions will likely prevail.
AndyH said:
...the FCEV is an electric vehicle - 100% electric.
You're right -- the powertrain is 100% electric. I think people have a problem with FCEVs because the creation, cryogenic storage, cryogenic transport, and fueling of FCEVs makes them only marginally more efficient than gasoline vehicles.

If FCEVs are a bridge away from gas-powered cars, great! Is it the best solution? I'm not convinced. I still think EVs have a lot more untapped potential. That's why we all drive EVs, right?
abasile said:
If/when Tesla Motors chooses to build a car with a 200 kWh pack option (benefitting from improvements in Li-ion energy density), I'm sure there will be plenty of takers.

Certainly, compared to the convenience of ICE cars, compromises do have to be made driving the Model S on long trips. However, the fact that long trips are even feasible in a production BEV today is quite remarkable. By the time H2 infrastructure catches up to today's Model S functionality, my guess is that a 200+ kWh pack will be available, with available acceleration from 0-60 limited only by how well the tires adhere to the road. :)
Yes, around 200 kWh is what it would take, if the capacity after 10-20 years is only 70% and heaters/defrosters/insulation don't get more efficient. Hopefully, battery degradation will be slowed and/or usable SoC range without damage will be widened so that such large, heavy and expensive packs won't be necessary. However, at the relatively slow rate batteries improve I expect it will take at least a decade to get there, which is roughly the forecast for when the first Li-Air batteries might show up on production cars. By comparison, even my current small 27 mpg Hwy AWD ICE CUV is carrying around 536 kWh equivalent in gasoline weighing less than 100 lb. (plus the weight of the tank etc.), but is much less efficient.

Fuel cells seem to be improving considerably faster at the moment. For example, the Tucson's 2012 fuel cell stack has a power density of 1.65kW/L, while the stack that Toyota is introducing on their car next year is 3kW/L, which they say is 'more than twice' that of the stack in the Highlander-based 2008 FCHV/ADV.
aarond12 said:
AndyH said:
...the FCEV is an electric vehicle - 100% electric.
You're right -- the powertrain is 100% electric. I think people have a problem with FCEVs because the creation, cryogenic storage, cryogenic transport, and fueling of FCEVs makes them only marginally more efficient than gasoline vehicles.

If FCEVs are a bridge away from gas-powered cars, great! Is it the best solution? I'm not convinced. I still think EVs have a lot more untapped potential. That's why we all drive EVs, right?
I can almost agree with you. ;) If anyone has a problem with cryogenic storage and transport they haven't been in this thread from the beginning because we debunked all of that early on. The plan is for distributed, local generation and not 20th century centralized generation and long-distance transport. Cryo isn't part of the picture. That's why I keep kicking the podium when I say that it isn't 1995 or 2006 any longer. ;)

Just look at the H2 stations that are in operation in the US today on both coasts - one in SoCal is reforming biogas from a sewage treatment plant (or landfill, don't recall which)***, one on the East Coast is grid-tied PV, there's a station in Colorado fed by wind, and there are others. Yes, some are reforming natural gas but even that process less than 1/2 the carbon per mile as burning the gas in an ice. Doesn't the California plan required that 1/3 be powered by renewables from the start?

Absolutely - BEVs will continue to improve and prices will come down. Same for FCEV/FCHV/PFCHV. FCEVs are not a 'bridge' and they're not coming to replace BEVs - they're coming in to join with BEVs to replace ICE. There are three plans in play around the world - Reinventing Fire, the Third Industrial Revolution, and the 100% wind/water/solar Solutions Project. They all electrify transportation and also include as a component vehicle to grid support from both BEV and FCEV.

edit... *** Found it - it's biogas from sewage treatment. It's not just generating H2 though!
The system, which is fueled on biogas derived from wastewater treatment, simultaneously produces electricity, heat, and hydrogen fuel.
This is another reason why the old linear 'efficiency comparisons' are off the mark - today's equipment is not just working in one silo!
Couple of Fuel cell-related articles via Green Car Congress:

"Intelligent Energy unveils next-generation, integrated, compact fuel cell power unit; developed with Suzuki"

http://www.greencarcongress.com/2014/05/20140521-ie.html#more" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

"DOE to award up to $2M to develop supply chain, manufacturing competitiveness analysis for hydrogen and fuel cell technologies"

http://www.greencarcongress.com/2014/05/20140522-doe.html#more" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
At least some of these public money from the federal level is likely a result of Dept. Of Defense, DARPA, etc.

The biggest war machine in the world doesn't run without energy, and currently, that energy is oil. Since cost really isn't much of a deterrent for DOD, and "safety" issues aren't the same as a public consumer level of safety, I can see interest in anything that keeps the war machine operational past the next 100 years.
AndyH" Does that mean you don't want to face that a Model S with 400 miles of range wouldn't accelerate as quickly said:
remember the 18650 batteries in a Tesla have same/more miles in them per unit volume than 700bar H2 tanks.

there are at least 3 ways to increase a Tesla Model S to 400miles range while ignoring chemistry improvements.

265miles *1.5 = 400 miles (approximate) ie 16 trays -> 24 trays (ie 8 more trays)

1) Tesla could choose to use longer cells that hold 50% more capacity, weight penalty would be about 150kg, which is not much in a car that powerful anyway. Tesla wouldn't choose this because then their negotiating position is greatly diminished.
2) Tesla could add another 8 battery trays (P85 already has 16 battery trays) on top of the current battery (similar to LEAF), weight penalty would be a bit more than 150kg, but why bother, Tesla like the elegance of a flat battery.
3) Tesla could add another 8 trays in the rear, the box these would fill would be same size as a box containing a tank with 133miles of H2 (excluding fuel cell, excluding FC battery/capacitor) but again, why bother?

remember the 18650 batteries in a Tesla have same/more miles in them per unit volume than 700bar H2 tanks. people talk about hydrogen tanks as range extension, but actually H2 tanks are lower range and increased inconvience compared to batteries.

as Honda demostrates, an EV goes 3 times further on renewable energy (solar, wind, hydro) than what a fuel cell vehicle does.
which indicates that fuel cell vehicles are by nature, incompatible with renewable energy due to their wastefullness
ydnas7 said:
AndyH said:
Does that mean you don't want to face that a Model S with 400 miles of range wouldn't accelerate as quickly, would weigh and cost considerably more? ;)

remember the 18650 batteries in a Tesla have same/more miles in them per unit volume than 700bar H2 tanks.

there are at least 3 ways to increase a Tesla Model S to 400miles range while ignoring chemistry improvements.

265miles *1.5 = 400 miles (approximate) ie 16 trays -> 24 trays (ie 8 more trays)
Yes - they could add 8 more trays of cells - how much would that cost? How much longer would it take to recharge?

Comparative volume is not important. Today's 1st gen FCEVs operating in CA right now have 400 miles of demonstrated range and can be refueled in about 5 minutes. Yes, they're expensive, but the price for that performance level is falling - Toyota doesn't have to add more tank volume to achieve that. Again - it's not a BEV VS. FCEV situation -- it's an electric vehicle replacing ICE situation. BEV and FCEV compliment each other.