How entusiastic are you, now that some days have gone by ?

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Jimmydreams said:
We can watch my battery pack. My car will be driven 63+ miles/day 5 days a week on 100% charge and then 55+ miles/day the other 2 days of the week, again, on 100% charge. If there is any battery degradation, I'll likely see it early. I'll probably put in the neighborhood of 330+ cycles on it a year for my 3 year lease. :ugeek:

I may, stress MAY, already be seeing some very slight change to the worse - I haven't been able to get as far on the SOC bars in the last week. Now that could just be down to a slightly more enthusiastic driving style, but I seem to have lost a mile per bar off what I was getting when I reported 7+ miles per bar during the first or second week. I am going to have to monitor (and drive) a bit more carefully before I comment further.
I would be surprised and dismayed if you actually were seeing any degradation that fast.

mwalsh said:
I may, stress MAY, already be seeing some very slight change to the worse - I haven't been able to get as far on the SOC bars in the last week. Now that could just be down to a slightly more enthusiastic driving style, but I seem to have lost a mile per bar off what I was getting when I reported 7+ miles per bar during the first or second week. I am going to have to monitor (and drive) a bit more carefully before I comment further.
mwalsh said:
I may, stress MAY, already be seeing some very slight change to the worse - I haven't been able to get as far on the SOC bars in the last week. Now that could just be down to a slightly more enthusiastic driving style, but I seem to have lost a mile per bar off what I was getting when I reported 7+ miles per bar during the first or second week. I am going to have to monitor (and drive) a bit more carefully before I comment further.

Oh Noooo !!!!

Pleeease, tell us you made a mistake!

mwalsh said:
Jimmydreams said:
We can watch my battery pack. My car will be driven 63+ miles/day 5 days a week on 100% charge and then 55+ miles/day the other 2 days of the week, again, on 100% charge. If there is any battery degradation, I'll likely see it early. I'll probably put in the neighborhood of 330+ cycles on it a year for my 3 year lease. :ugeek:

I may, stress MAY, already be seeing some very slight change to the worse - I haven't been able to get as far on the SOC bars in the last week. Now that could just be down to a slightly more enthusiastic driving style, but I seem to have lost a mile per bar off what I was getting when I reported 7+ miles per bar during the first or second week. I am going to have to monitor (and drive) a bit more carefully before I comment further.

I thought the same thing this morning when the first bar seemed to go away faster than usual, but I pulled into my driveway 64 (almost all highway) miles later with 4 bars left on the dash....usually it's 2 or 3 bars. So I'd chalk it up to weather conditions, your foot, and who knows what else.
Jimmydreams said:
I thought the same thing this morning when the first bar seemed to go away faster than usual, but I pulled into my driveway 64 (almost all highway) miles later with 4 bars left on the dash....usually it's 2 or 3 bars. So I'd chalk it up to weather conditions, your foot, and who knows what else.

Well today there was this one truck I needed to get past on the on-ramp to reach the freeway first. ;) I'm going to try and be a little less lead-footed for the next couple of days.
My son saw a large drop in miles fast this morning (using low heat in cold foggy weather), but the "loss" of # of bars behaved much more normal (gradual). Overall on his 22.8 miles to school he still got 4.0 miles/kWh, so that's great. Miles dropped from 101 in the garage after 100% charge (the highest we've seen so far) to 62 after a 10 mile drive in ECO going 50-55mph, but then remained at 62 during heavy commute traffic for the next almost 10 miles. He ended up with 58 when he parked and a "loss" of 3 bars. The fourth bar was gone (so it must have been really close) in the afternoon (around 60F), but the miles were about the same, when he left school.
LEAFer said:
My son saw a large drop in miles fast this morning (using low heat in cold foggy weather), but the "loss" of # of bars behaved much more normal (gradual).
We've given up watching the estimated miles readout. With all of the hills around here, it tends to jump around quite a bit. The SOC bars seem to give a more accurate picture.
Jimmydreams said:
I thought the same thing this morning when the first bar seemed to go away faster than usual

I drove like an old lady this morning, and my first bar went away after 3 miles, just as I was getting on the freeway. However, I still got 28.8 miles out of 4 bars, so 7.2 per on average. Just as information they went away at 3 miles, 12 miles, 20 miles, and 28(.8) miles.

So clearly it's got something to do with the way one drives, and you do get punished for being bad.
Guess I'd have to agree with sproqitman; the estimated range meter is right up there with the tree display in terms of usefulness. Since we know virtually nothing about the algorithm used in the calculation (other than that a heavy foot yields lower numbers the next day), trying to use it as a higher resolution version of the state of charge meter is probably going to be a waste of time. Bad traffic/low speeds will inflate the range estimate, and a hard burst of acceleration to pass a truck will drag it downward the next day. Most of us don't pay enough attention to what actually happened to make a good estimate of how much power we actually used yesterday.
mwalsh said:
I drove like an old lady this morning, and my first bar went away after 3 miles, just as I was getting on the freeway. However, I still got 28.8 miles out of 4 bars, so 7.2 per on average. Just as information they went away at 3 miles, 12 miles, 20 miles, and 28(.8) miles.

Tonight's numbers - lost bar 5 at 35.5 miles, 6 at 45 miles (odd), 7 at 48 miles (even more odd), and 8 at 58.8 miles. So an average of 7.5 miles per bar over those four bars, and 7.35 miles per bar over all 8. Traffic home was stop-and-go most of the way, except for the last 8 of the 30 miles. Incidentally, I finished the day out with 36 apparent miles remaining, which is the best I've done. But then there was the heavy traffic. But then I had the AC on low for much of the way home too.
It has taken some time for me to get used to the car because you "fill it up" each night instead of once a week. It is not that this is a pain or time consuming it is just "different".

I still can't believe we've gone 600 miles without even thinking about a gas station. We have a solar power plant the makes enough energy each day for our house and the car, so I don't drive in Eco mode unless I'm coasting down a hill. Yes, I'm a lead foot and it feels absolutely great to go really fast and not worry about polluting. It is like how cars were made to be. I'd buy another in a heartbeat and the wait was definitely worth it.

I lost my first bar in my first mile this morning.... Which was really strange. The car was plugged, and I had turned on climate control via the iPhone app, do maybe that it also used the battery?
Anyway, started the day with 92 miles in ECO mode ( 100% charge today) made it to the office with 95 left, after about 10 miles. I did avoid the highway though ;) and only lost an other bar during the trip.
Nice reports guys!

I'm really curious how the display will react to decreased battery capacity. Will each pip represent a smaller range of charge, or will the top pip disappear quickly and eventually just never get lit? Wonder if there will be any way to correlate a display feature with the actual range of the Leaf as that range diminishes.

Guess we'll find out in a few years - unless one of you guys wants to QC a few times a day for the next few months just to see what happens.
This morning's numbers, by way of a comparison to the ones from yesterday. Didn't drive too much differently and lost bar 1 at 4 miles, bar 2 at 11.8 miles, bar 3 at 20.4 miles and bar 4 at 30.2 miles. That is a record for me....I have never gotten that close to work on 4 bars, and I was trying desperately to eek out the remaining 3 tenths on what was left before it dropped to the next one. :| :lol:
This evening's numbers....really got killed in heavy stop and go due to an accident.

Passed bar 5 at 35.8 miles, bar 6 at 42.3 miles, bar 7 at 49.1 miles and bar 8 at 56 miles (so 7 miles even per bar for the day's worth). Finished a ways into bar 9 with 29 miles apparent remaining.
LakeLeaf said:
I'm really curious how the display will react to decreased battery capacity. Will each pip represent a smaller range of charge....
Yes, according to user manual ...
i had "almost" settled into "its just a car" mindset....that was until i got $31 of gas for the Prius even at 48.6 mpg its not bad since i know people who pay that much twice a week and we only gas up about 3 times a month. then i look at my Leaf. 310 miles for $10.20 and

NOPE!! it is not just another car!
DaveinOlyWA said:
i had "almost" settled into "its just a car" mindset....that was until i got $31 of gas for the Prius even at 48.6 mpg its not bad since i know people who pay that much twice a week and we only gas up about 3 times a month. then i look at my Leaf. 310 miles for $10.20 and

NOPE!! it is not just another car!

Simply amazing!!!!
This sounds like music to my ears.

DaveinOlyWA said:
i had "almost" settled into "its just a car" mindset....that was until i got $31 of gas for the Prius even at 48.6 mpg its not bad since i know people who pay that much twice a week and we only gas up about 3 times a month. then i look at my Leaf. 310 miles for $10.20 and

NOPE!! it is not just another car!
Once I get on TOU rates, I'll be able to go 300 miles for a little less than half of that (~$4), at least for the first half of the month :lol: But, sadly, I don't know when that'll happen since I'm still Pending