Has Gudy's ship come in?

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Well I guess I spoke too soon, the owner's site still has all my Carwings info, it's just on a different tab now. Looks like they didn't delete me after all, it's just not open on my dashboard any longer.
Haven't been checking for a while as I was on travel.

It looks like the United Spirit - the ship we guess delivered Gudy's Leaf - is still en-route back to Japan. Still believe they can take on more cars in Japan and be back to LA before the end of the month.

The Splendid Ace is currently dock at Oppama.

The Favorite Ace, as mentioned above, appears to be pulling into Honolulu. Some speculation that it might continue on to the west coast with a second Leaf delivery, so we want to watch what it does when it leaves.
LakeLeaf said:
Haven't been checking for a while as I was on travel.

It looks like the United Spirit - the ship we guess delivered Gudy's Leaf - is still en-route back to Japan. Still believe they can take on more cars in Japan and be back to LA before the end of the month.

The Splendid Ace is currently dock at Oppama.

The Favorite Ace, as mentioned above, appears to be pulling into Honolulu. Some speculation that it might continue on to the west coast with a second Leaf delivery, so we want to watch what it does when it leaves.

Has anyone been able to track the Titanic? :lol:
So where are our Boat Trackers??? Seem to be sorta dropping the ball here. Nissan says boat arrives Dec 20-23rd!
So for everyone with a January 5-7th delivery date - are our cars on the ship right now? Are we expecting them to be on the boat that arrives on the 20-23rd of December?

Is that why our delivery dates keep shifting a few days left and right? An expected docking of the ship?

Or are our cars already on the dock, just waiting to head out to our dealers? I've been able to be patient for 9 months now... but I'm quickly getting over anxious and over excited. :)
mwalsh said:
TRONZ said:
So where are our Boat Trackers??? Seem to be sorta dropping the ball here. Nissan says boat arrives Dec 20-23rd!

You can't track them when they're not in an area with coverage.

Well I would hope then they are out with swim fins on covering those areas!
TRONZ said:
Well I would hope then they are out with swim fins on covering those areas!

Not me! I haven't been in the water past my ankles in over a decade....the Pacific ocean is one cold $#%^@!!! I'll stand on the shore with a beer and binoculars if that's ok.

To summarize what has happened. Here are the ships that have been in Oppama.

Nessei - Nov 24, Dec 1, Dec 8
Favorite Ace - Nov 25
Nichiryuu Maru - Nov 25
KAIREI - Nov 29
Phoenix - Nov 30
Swan Ace - Dec 1
Splended Ace - Dec 9

Looks like Nessei is just running circles in Japan. Favorite Ace is the odd on favorite to carry the early January deliveries, after it made a stop in Hawaii. United Spirit was assumed to have brought the first 5 cars for delivery in NorCal, SoCal, AZ, WA, OR, and is now headed back to Japan.

LakeLeaf seems to be the expert in this area. Gudy's ship has definitely come in, but when will the next batches arrive? Probably hard to tell from the shipping tracker because they keep sending us Jukes instead of LEAF's. But this thread was a fun read in any event. I suggest Nissan put a tab on the dashboard that shows us which ship we should be tracking, that way we don't have to blame them for the shifting dates, but the ship is responsible. haha.
palmermd said:
I suggest Nissan put a tab on the dashboard that shows us which ship we should be tracking, that way we don't have to blame them for the shifting dates, but the ship is responsible.


Anyone know where the Favorite Ace is going to be on 1 Dec 2011; will it have my 2012 Red LEAF by then??
ANDROMEDA SPIRIT is almost back to Japan, and its last known location was Los Angeles. This might have been the ship to carry Gudy's car. It is Nissans ship, unlike some of the others that have been listed. Not sure about timing since it does not say when it was in LA.
Just guessing, but I suspect it is here....
