February delivery == Atlantic Spirit?

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Just some random Japanese delivery info for Feb I thought may interest some...

wsbca said:
kmp647 said:
Its funny that cars are being delivered in Japan , but there are no ceremonies or reports from happy new owners

are all the cars Fleet/corporate cars?

The first private owner in Tokyo, one Shin Inoue, posted on the Leaf Facebook page on 1/29, and followed up with a few comments about his range performance.
I pulled this quote from another thread, I wanted to bring the attention to Shin. He has posted on his facebook page that his mum has now also had delivery of her leaf on 17th Feb... seems they like to keep it in the family!

Seems lots of delivereys are taking place... just hard for us non japanese speakers to find out...

thank you for the heads up! my mom wants a Leaf too!

any way can you find out if any of these Leaf cars being delivered in Japan have the heated seats and steering wheel option on them?

Maybe ask them?