Ghosn : Battery capacity to double within 4-5 years

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mwalsh said:
I wouldn't count on Nissan to have a battery pack upgrade, it's most likely to come from an OEM or secondary supplier. I pointedly asked Mark Perry what (if anything) they were thinking of in terms of replacement packs when I met him last November, and his response was: ".....we want to sell you a new car".
Which is fine by me. I'm rather counting on this car becoming a DIY hot bed after 5 years or so. If I take good care of if, I hope to drive it practically forever. I appreciate that the Nissan wants me to junk it and buy new because the battery is a little worn, but this old planet can't really take that mentality much longer.
Batteries exist today that have twice the energy density as the Leaf battery. Look at this one:

245 Wh/Kg.
