EVSE units that resume charging after a power outage?

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Jun 17, 2013
Can folks post how their EVSE charger unit behaves after recovering from an electrical outage? For me, resuming the charging seems to be a critical issue. It would be bad to wake up in the AM to find out that a 2 minute outage stopped charging at 1 AM.

Only the Schneider unit from home depot seems to clarify that it resumes after an electrical outage or fault.

Any clarity about other models of charging units?
The Blink boots back up after the outage, puts up a red screen stating that the power went out and counts down for 10 minutes or so, then resumes charging.
The Leviton also self boots and becomes ready after an outage. I think most do.

No real intervention needed as long as the LEAF timer is still calling for power.
My Clipper Creek CS-40 will resume after a power outage. There is a built in random timer that resumes anywhere between 2-12 minutes after power is restored.