Did anyone receive Vehicle Dependability Survey from Nissan?

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Well-known member
May 12, 2011
Redmond, WA
It is kind of funny...
In e-mail they are asking "Nissan North America would like to learn of your experience with your 2011 Nissan Leaf ."
The first page of survey - "Does you vehicle use Diesel fuel", "Does you vehicle have turbocharger".
I hoped Nissan would know... Or Turbo-charger is the new L4 charger that charges leaf in 5 minutes?
Yeah, I got it too. A completely worthless survey. I used the "Other" columns a lot!

UkrainianKozak said:
It is kind of funny...
In e-mail they are asking "Nissan North America would like to learn of your experience with your 2011 Nissan Leaf ."
The first page of survey - "Does you vehicle use Diesel fuel", "Does you vehicle have turbocharger".
I hoped Nissan would know... Or Turbo-charger is the new L4 charger that charges leaf in 5 minutes?
TomT said:
Yeah, I got it too. A completely worthless survey. I used the "Other" columns a lot!

UkrainianKozak said:
It is kind of funny...
In e-mail they are asking "Nissan North America would like to learn of your experience with your 2011 Nissan Leaf ."
The first page of survey - "Does you vehicle use Diesel fuel", "Does you vehicle have turbocharger".
I hoped Nissan would know... Or Turbo-charger is the new L4 charger that charges leaf in 5 minutes?
Then the survey people will conclude that we're all idiots because we selected "Other" and don't know the difference between a gasoline and a diesel nozzle at a gas station and throw out our survey results! :(

Even if the people running the survey realize that, the computer programs they use to analyze, understand and draw conclusioins / actions from the results won't! :( :(

Wait, what is Gasoline? What is Diesel? I've been driving electric for 10 years now and getting long in the tooth so there may be the day when I forget what gasoline and Diesel are. Oh what glorious day THAT WILL BE!!! Oh - I remember now, gasoine is that stuff I get from the gas station once every 3 months for my tertiary car - the 2002 Toyota Prius non-Plug In Hybrid.
lonndoggie said:
So yeah, it's all pretty pointless, but what truly bugged me is where it asks which of the following magazines I read. None wasn't an option, but you had to pick at least one.

"Other" - "PluginCars.com" which is Brad Berman's site.
"Other" - "AutoBlogGreen"

Or maybe we leave the circles blank and just write in our answers. Defy the machines! Reject the Computers! I am an indivivual! (I'm not! - Life of Brian) Revolution! (Electric that is!)
Will be skipping that survey. If so inclined, as a far more productive and better use of time, I may send them my list of why I like or dislike--more likely--just forget about it for now... Too busy with other things..
ElectricVehicle said:
Wait, what is Gasoline? What is Diesel? I've been driving electric for 10 years now and getting long in the tooth so there may be the day when I forget what gasoline and Diesel are. Oh what glorious day THAT WILL BE!!! Oh - I remember now, gasoine is that stuff I get from the gas station once every 3 months for my tertiary car - the 2002 Toyota Prius non-Plug In Hybrid.
In the four months that I've had my LEAF, I've been to gas station exactly once--that was to fill up the propane tank for our grill. I'm already starting to forget.
They want to know how may miles I drove the the car in the last 12 months, and I have had it less than a month. I agree, don't see a reason to send it back, would just make inaccurate results for them anyway.