Change in CarWings texts?

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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
Orlando, FL
Has anyone else noticed a change in the ORIGIN/SENDER of their CW "charging stopped/completed" texts? I received my first "charging stopped" message in a week and it was from a DIFFERENT source (and it wasn't the old CSC number). I'm still trying to figure out if iOS7 is still messing with my texts.
Stanton said:
Has anyone else noticed a change in the ORIGIN/SENDER of their CW "charging stopped/completed" texts? I received my first "charging stopped" message in a week and it was from a DIFFERENT source (and it wasn't the old CSC number). I'm still trying to figure out if iOS7 is still messing with my texts.

Yes, it changed for me: was "79161", today changed to "[email protected]"
ObiQuiet said:
Stanton said:
Has anyone else noticed a change in the ORIGIN/SENDER of their CW "charging stopped/completed" texts? I received my first "charging stopped" message in a week and it was from a DIFFERENT source (and it wasn't the old CSC number). I'm still trying to figure out if iOS7 is still messing with my texts.

Yes, it changed for me: was "79161", today changed to "[email protected]"

Thanks...good to know! I wonder why they did it?
Stanton said:
Has anyone else noticed a change in the ORIGIN/SENDER of their CW "charging stopped/completed" texts? I received my first "charging stopped" message in a week and it was from a DIFFERENT source (and it wasn't the old CSC number). I'm still trying to figure out if iOS7 is still messing with my texts.

I'm still on iOS6 and I got the new text message source also.

The funny part is that my iPhone interpreted the "colon-oh" in FRM:eek:wners as an open-mouthed emoticon. It looks very silly. :eek:
Turning my carwings notifications off - Usually text messages are grouped by sender - now each message comes from a different sequentially numbered sender. (maybe an Andriod thing)
Has anyone else had the text alert system acting strange lately. The text messages from my car have always come from the nickname I established on the owners portal. Yesterday they started coming from a number, and every time I get a new alert, the number increments by one. I'm up to message 4 at this point. Because they are all from different people it creates a new thread each time instead of just placing the texts into my car thread like it always has.

This is not really a huge problem, but it is just a little annoying and I thought strange. Perhaps they are doing something to upgrade Carwings.

(came from a separate thread that got merged...)
so I can take the silence to mean nobody else has noticed a change in the way they receive text messages?

(came from a separate thread that got merged...)
Another short thread on the same subject:" onclick=";return false;
TaylorSFGuy said:
Turning my carwings notifications off - Usually text messages are grouped by sender - now each message comes from a different sequentially numbered sender. (maybe an Andriod thing)

Same thing happening to me: now each one comes from a unique sender/number (sort of like when someone emails you a text). I don't know what they're doing, but they need to go back to the old way using Common Short Codes (CSC).
ObiQuiet said:
TaylorSFGuy said:
(maybe an Andriod thing)

Mine are all coming from the same address, on an Android phone.

must just be you then because I have a Droid and mine changed from 79161 as well. why it happened? dont know. maybe the vendor handling carwings notifications contract is expiring soon (guessing about December maybe?) and Nissan has decided to go another way or simply wants more recognition. Either way, as long as it works, i dont care.

speaking of which; for any owners out there. anyone receive anything about how much Carwings will cost if you decide to keep it after the 3 year trial is up?
Yeah, mine are appearing from a different sequential number as well. This is sub-optimal. I'll leave mine for a while and hope it fixes itself.
The problem with that, is instead of piling up in the same "conversation" all those messages are filling up my SMS message view and I have to scroll a few screens before I can see "real" messages. What's worse is that they need to be deleted one by one. Before I could just wipe them all by deleting my "conversation" (more like a monologue) with Carwings.

It's so annoying for me that I'm considering turning it off completely. Does anyone have a less drastic solution?
ericsf said:
It's so annoying for me that I'm considering turning it off completely. Does anyone have a less drastic solution?

Unfortunately: no. The best solution would be for them to go back to using the Common Short Code (CSC) method that they have used since the beginning; that way all the notices show up in the same text queue.
DaveinOlyWA said:
ObiQuiet said:
TaylorSFGuy said:
(maybe an Andriod thing)

Mine are all coming from the same address, on an Android phone.

must just be you then because I have a Droid and mine changed from 79161 as well.

It's probably a function of the mobile provider or the specific gateway they use for each provider, instead of being a function of which phone OS you/we have. I have T-Mobile, and the messages are recognized as being from a single sender address. No problem here.
ObiQuiet said:
It's probably a function of the mobile provider or the specific gateway they use for each provider, instead of being a function of which phone OS you/we have. I have T-Mobile, and the messages are recognized as being from a single sender address. No problem here.

Interesting. I have AT&T and it's messed up for me. What do the Verizon folks get ?
ericsf said:
ObiQuiet said:
It's probably a function of the mobile provider or the specific gateway they use for each provider, instead of being a function of which phone OS you/we have. I have T-Mobile, and the messages are recognized as being from a single sender address. No problem here.

Interesting. I have AT&T and it's messed up for me. What do the Verizon folks get ?

I have a BlackBerry on Verizon and my CarWings text messages now come with the address [email protected] instead of the number 79161 that was the address before.
