Can you charge in the rain?

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Jan 25, 2013
Anyone know whether it's a problem to hook up the charger in the rain, or if it's hooked up and starts to rain? I haven't been since electricity and water don't seem to be a good mix, but maybe that fear is unwarranted.
Great - thanks for the info. You might want to be a "future Leaf leaser" instead of "future Leaf owner" based on my own experience. Also, it' ridiculously cheap to lease (at least near us). I've seen $109/month for a 24 month lease. Can't beat that.
However, if the EVSE itself is out in the rain, make sure it's rated for outdoor use (such as the Panasonic portable, which is). Also if you're using the portable EVSE and extension cords, be leery of using that combination in the rain unless it's a GFCI outlet. While it's true the portable EVSE has a ground fault check in it, it's at the brick and won't cover any faults on the extension cord!
Wow - you have a Tesla? You're my son's hero. He's always going on about those - it's one of his dream cars (among many). Thanks for the info about the charger in the rain.
It was my dream car too, starting with the Roadster. With the wider variety of price points on the Model S, the fact that it's *many* years later and I'm much further along in my career, combined with the fact that I just turned 40 and needed a mid-life crisis - I decided to "just do it". It's a very awesome car. I haven't stopped grinning yet... :oops:
I've been reading a lot about the Tesla Model S.
That's the main reason I keep buying lotto tickets. In addition to being Motor Trend's 2013 Car of the Year, the $85K model has a 300 mile range. *sigh*
Pointybongo said:
the $85K model has a 300 mile range. *sigh*
that is the big road block! until the day comes, and it will come, that an EV can offer this kind of range at a price point that the masses can afford they will remain toys for the wealthy and other "nerdy" types
Interesting article.on charging in rain with a portland spin" onclick=";return false;
it is notable that with the 50,000 + leaf's worldwide over the last 2+ years, I do not believe there is even one reported incidence of anyone getting shocked/electrocuted, rain or no rain, with respect to charging the Leaf. I do believe the safety record for the Leaf proves that the protocols implemented have been more than adequate to assure safe use of the car.