BLOOMBERG: Nissan Aggravates Customers Attempting to Turn CE

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Active member
Aug 28, 2010

Nissan Motor Co. is aggravating the customers it needs most.

Nissan, which wants to become the top seller of electric cars, repeatedly delayed deliveries to some U.S. buyers who reserved the first 20,000 Leaf plug-in hatchbacks, according to interviews with customers. They said Nissan unexpectedly dropped some from the waiting list temporarily, asking that they reapply if they couldn’t prove they’d arranged installation of home- charging units that can cost more than $2,000.

"My delivery date kept jumping around, from April to ‘pending’ to May to June to July,” said Marc Fishman, a 42- year-old movie sound editor from Burbank, California. He said Nissan without explanation canceled the first order he placed, in September 2010, and gave him conflicting information after he re-ordered the next month.

BTW... I am Marc.....

09/08/10 Order... still waiting......
I wrote the reporter:

I bought a Leaf and am incredibly happy with it and the process.

To marc, I ask:
does that half-right, half-wrong story, make you feel better?
Cause it leaves out everyone who is pleased with the car and the process, warts and all.
If Nissan had done the simplest things right the first time this would not be an issue.
Marc, I do hope you get your car soon. I have had mine three weeks and I ordered three weeks after you. :(
There are some that ordered three + months after you and already have their cars and the full rebate. :x
Nissan has really made themselves look bad on the sequence of ordering through delivery.
garygid said:
They find these people ...
by reading the complaints in this forum?
Naw, if that were true the reporter would have flown to Spokane and interviewed daniel. :D

Why are they making the home charging station seem to be a big issue when Nissan has delivered cars to people without them?

If a "journalist" wants to write a story about people being treated badly in the ordering process, or about people misled about the car's capabilities, or about people stranded out of battery in terrible circumstances, etc., they were always going to be able to find people to write about. Ditto if a "journalist" wants to write a fawning story about how Nissan managed a new product introduction without profiteering despite all odds, or how a LEAF is a perfect car for everyone, as illustrated by one example perfect family. Only if a journalist (no quotes) wants to write about the range of experiences does his/her job get difficult.
Sad thing is, almost NONE of the problems have anything to do with the Leaf's being electric vs ICE.
SkiTundra said:
Sad thing is, almost NONE of the problems have anything to do with the Leaf's being electric vs ICE.

the other sad thing is that Nissan could have just avoided all this by selling the Leaf just like any other car it sells, with the exception that each dealership would have to be trained/prepared for it.

Yes there would have been complaints about dealer "gouging" but people always complain about that, it reinforces the idea that the Lead is hot and in demand. Dealers can handle being disliked, there are other dealers around and it never affects the mother brand.. Nissan can even take steps to control it the usual way by owner feedback and allocation levels.
Stoaty said:
Nice hit piece to express your personal dissatisfaction with the rollout problems. Do you feel better now?

I don't quite understand why I am getting attacked...

No, I don't feel better, as I don't have my car... and this article won't change that.

As an "early" adopter, I am frustrated... I went through the AMEX sanfu, Nissan losing my account information except my order number, then claiming I cancelled my reservation only to have it "found" two days later, ordered on 09/08 and then them canceling my order after I requested they include the charger in the lease in October, etc...

Now it looks as if I will not make the full CA rebate, and that may be enough of a financial hit to not make this purchase a smart financial one for me (especially since my other Nissan, and Altima Hybrid, has lost so much of it's value over the last 2 1/2 years...)

My "connection" to the reporter, who has been writing about the Asian auto makers extensively for a long time, was pure coincidence... I was put in contact with him through another Bloomberg reporter who's daughter plays softball with my 6 year old daughter... I happened to tell him, in late April, about my Leaf story... he gave my contact information to Alan O., who wrote the story.

Bloomberg was, at that time, already preparing a piece about the delivery "issues.."

He know the Nissan EV departments key players, and as of a couple of weeks ago, they claimed they didn't know that anyone was having ordering and delivery issues...

What Alan Ohnsman chooses to write about, or how he goes about it, or what side he focuses on, has nothing to do with me.... how is it any different that any of the other forum members who were interviews for the San Diego Union or Los Angeles Times?

Thanks for all the nice comments.. what a great way to start my day.. :cry:
Nope, I have to strongly disagree! Warts and all, I believe this was a MUCH better way for Nissan to handle it! If I had to have gone through the normal dealer crap to get a Leaf, there is a strong bet that I would not be driving one now, having made a different decision. Of course there were - and are - problems, but I MUCH prefer this method to the alternative and would do it again in an instant.

Herm said:
The other sad thing is that Nissan could have just avoided all this by selling the Leaf just like any other car it sells, with the exception that each dealership would have to be trained/prepared for it.
Mixer, it is now your turn to suffer the slings and arrows of the Leaf Fanboy Attack. You have engendered the ire of those with their cars, including line jumpers whose sense of entitlement only grows as they drive silently while you continue to putter around in your stone age hybrid. NEVER MIND THAT YOU ORDERED ON SEPTEMBER 8. You are bad, and you don't post enough to be treated with the compassion your situation otherwise deserves.

I am surprised it took this long for the story to get "out." As for what reporters choose to focus on when putting together a story, i can never figure that one out.
I have my Leaf; I have had it since 17 February. I ordered on 31 August and was originally reported by Nissan "December 2010 delivery."

I was and am VERY happy with the way Nissan set up the original ordering process; it gave buyers leverage with dealers to get good prices and we got our Leaf for over $1700 UNDER MSRP.

But the Nissan corporate communication over the delivery delay was completely unsatisfactory. We have ordered new cars every 2-3 years for most of my adult life (e.g. for the last 30 years and cars from Lexus, Acura, BMW, Infiniti, Audi, VW, Honda and Toyota), and I have NEVER had such poor customer service and communication.

Based on the post-order experience with Nissan, I am not sure that I would EVER ORDER another Nissan !

I think the Leaf is a solid piece of engineering, but it is FAR, FAR from a totally satisfying driving experience. We also have the Chevy Volt, and the Volt is a much more "finished" and "sorted out" piece of engineering. The EV mileage display on the Volt actually does predict how far you can drive with the battery charge, while the Leaf's prediction digital display upon leaving our charger is a "dream distance in the eye of a delusional schizophrenic." Even after the software upgrade we typically "lose" 15 miles display in the first 5 miles of actual driving ! The Leaf GPS software is FIVE YEARS OUT OF DATE for our area of Sacramento and the traffic update/road problem feedback on the Leaf is marginal compared to how this works on the Volt !!!

But, for those of you totally happy with your Leaf and with Nissan's "service," I am happy FOR YOU. I wish my own experience had been so rewarding, but it has not. But for those of you totally HAPPY with everything Nissan and Leaf, PLEASE do not attack those of us who have not had such a pleasant introduction to EV motoring. Recognize, please, that the complaints reported do represent serious failures on the part of Nissan in the support of the Leaf and in aspects of where Leaf engineering does not fully serve customer needs.
mogur said:
Nope, I have to strongly disagree! Warts and all, I believe this was a MUCH better way for Nissan to handle it! If I had to have gone through the normal dealer crap to get a Leaf, there is a strong bet that I would not be driving one now, having made a different decision.

Dont you believe in fairness?.. is it fair that film will lose $2500 because he missed the good CA rebate?.. "Normal dealer crap" means you just have to find a better dealer... and yes, perhaps you would have paid a bit more but that just fair.
FilmMixer said:
Stoaty said:
Nice hit piece to express your personal dissatisfaction with the rollout problems. Do you feel better now?

I don't quite understand why I am getting attacked...

You are getting attacked because you posted the story and it seemed you were gloating about it.
we sympathize with your issues, and have all complained to Nissan, but we like the car and the story was not balanced or correct.
you could have posted the same thing but thought more carefully about whom the audience is here.