Nissan get your head out of your bottom

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I agree that the conversation has deteriorated.

I would also agree that Nissan has messed up. I love my car and am an unabased "fangirl", but was ready to explode during the time it took me to wait for my car (Res date 9/12/10), and even less unhappy when the wrong car (wrong trim and no QC, but right VIN) showed up at the dealer at the end of March. Customer service (with some shining but rare exceptions) only made the situation worse--and it took many phone calls and a 5 week wait for me to get a car like I had ordered. It was the worst customer service experience I have ever had--but at the end of the day I have my car and love it just as much as I hoped. I feel for those waiting--it's easy to forget how tough it is watching the CVRP fund dwindle, watching for news of ships arriving, trying to get info and getting none, and crossing your fingers that your aging ICE will make it to when the new car finally arrives. Have a little sympathy.
sloheidi said:
Have a little sympathy.

Have a little sympathy when you reserved in Sept. and already have your car? When you have waited as long as I have, then you can have some sympathy. :roll:
wrong terminology--reserved April 20, 2010, then ordered in Sept--
way to prove my point about the tone of the conversation :roll:
sloheidi said:
wrong terminology--reserved April 20, 2010, then ordered in Sept--
way to prove my point about the tone of the conversation :roll:

YOU made the error, so there is nothing wrong with my 'tone'. If you had posted correctly, you would have gotten some sympathy. And if it were true that you reserved in Sept., you would deserve no sympathy whatsoever. In fact, I would recommend Nissan take the car and give it to someone that had reserved and ordered much earlier. :mrgreen:
LEAFfan said:
sloheidi said:
wrong terminology--reserved April 20, 2010, then ordered in Sept--
way to prove my point about the tone of the conversation :roll:

YOU made the error, so there is nothing wrong with my 'tone'. If you had posted correctly, you would have gotten some sympathy. And if it were true that you reserved in Sept., you would deserve no sympathy whatsoever. In fact, I would recommend Nissan take the car and give it to someone that had reserved and ordered much earlier. :mrgreen:

Wasn't she suggesting that people should have sympathy for those still waiting, not herself?
Your comment just seems antipathetic to me.
sloheidi said:
I feel for those waiting--it's easy to forget how tough it is watching the CVRP fund dwindle, watching for news of ships arriving, trying to get info and getting none, and crossing your fingers that your aging ICE will make it to when the new car finally arrives. Have a little sympathy.

Thank you, sloheidi. I realize that you are asking others to have a little sympathy for us who are still waiting. Sorry you got misunderstood by LeafFan.

And my dear TRONZ, there's no need to get jealous over our public displays of affection. Like other virgins, I prefer a gentler more caring communication style, so you never had a chance with me anyway.

nissanvirgin said:
And my dear TRONZ, there's no need to get jealous over our public displays of affection. Like other virgins, I prefer a gentler more caring communication style, so you never had a chance with me anyway.
LOL!!!!! :lol:
The entire conversation reminds me of how people butt in front of you when they see the left lane is closed up ahead yet still keep chugging along until the yellow cones completely restrict them to the right lane. The worst people are the ones who are already in the right lane and see the construction signs up ahead displaying merging lanes. They still get into the empty left lane and try to get a better spot. One more reason why if some of you didn't bump in front of us in elementary school at the lunch line (or on the playground), Nissan wouldn't have a chance to anger you; Monkey see, monkey do, monkey make a fool of you.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself. :lol:
Nissan CS sucks, Yes. If you ever believed that when calling the 800 number you would get anything resembling reliable information then I wish you luck (P.T. Barnum said it best). I would just like to mention that as quoted below.

"TOKYO -- A ferocious tsunami spawned by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded slammed Japan's eastern coast Friday, killing hundreds of people as it swept away boats, cars and homes while widespread fires burned out of control." (

I decided at that point that minor delays in delivery were not that important, despite what Nissan CS misled me about and all the "Line Jumpers taking my 5K rebate"

If you can't afford the car without it, don't buy it.
ggodman said:
If you can't afford the car without it, don't buy it.

Isn't that the whole point of the rebate, to make the car attractive to those who otherwise wouldn't find it such? If the only people who should buy the car are those who don't care about the rebate, then the only people getting the rebate are those who don't want it or need it. That would truly be a wasteful gift.

Come to think of it, ggodman, since you can evidently afford the car without the rebate, and I see yours is due in June and might just squeeze in right before the $5k/$2.5k cutoff, then why don't you donate your rebate to some poor soul who has seen his/her place in line skipped and just missed it?
nissanvirgin said:
And my dear TRONZ, there's no need to get jealous over our public displays of affection. Like other virgins, I prefer a gentler more caring communication style, so you never had a chance with me anyway.


Finally got around to googling TRONZ.
Very simply virgin it's because I paid the money to CA in the first place and it's just getting my money back that I paid to the state in the first place but on something I would choose to spend the money on instead of whatever some politician thinks it's better spent on.