Battery degradation anxiety

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yesterday's trip actually ended at 5.8 miles per kilowatt. so that what'd why use to be around 17 kilowatts it took 20 kilowatts to recharge which verifies at 85 percent efficiency so I either have lost 4 kilowatts of capacity where the car is being way too conservative it about warning me on my range
Stoaty said:
If it turns out to be 6% per year, or 8% per year, that is still fairly "gradual", ...

I hope no one is expecting the battery degradation to be linear. All Li-Ion batteries degrade very quickly at first. It would not be at all unusual to see 10% loss in the first year or so if 20% is lost in five years.
I had thought the curve would go the other way. Very little loss the first few years but accelerating a bit more each year. Until year 10 or 15 where it just drops like a rock. Battery could last a looong time if the degradation actually declines with time.
It may be the other way around, an improvement over the first few months as it breaks-in, it settles into a long stable period and then a gradual decline as it ages.. then once it hits 70% capacity then degradation accelerates further... mostly because you have less capacity now and are draining the battery further. Its normal for people to relegate old cars like this to low duty status anyway.

Not sure about oil anxiety they way they keep finding new oil and new ways of extracting old oil, plus efficiency increases in new cars, CTL, GTL and CNG for vehicles.. imagine if we doubled the current average of 22mpg that the US fleet has?
Yes I agree there are many things in play that will reduce imported oil.
And the price may drop significantly or at least stablize if the US imports little to no crude.