Are there 2022 leafs for sale in the US?

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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2015
Okanagan Valley British Columbia
There is a single 2022 Leaf for sale in Canada. Wondering if production is way off or are they just prioritizing certain markets. My guess is they are losing sales here by having pretty much zero stock. Is Canada the only market where they are in extremely short supply? What is production like?
I was busy (on vacay so out of town) but the situation seems pretty bad.

A Bay Area (very strong EV market here) dealer that I reached out to (one I leased my 1st Leaf from) pings me every now and then but all I can respond with is that I'm In limbo due to waiting for buyback numbers or denial from GM for my Bolt.

Via text convo (that's how they've been pinging me), I asked them how many they're receiving each month. They said they're scheduled to receive 5 Leafs in January but 3 already have deposits on them.

In general, sometimes when I pass by car dealers, they have few cars. When I was in So Cal, I passed by a Toyota dealer and could see the lot was nearly empty.

I test drove a Kia Niro EV a few weeks ago and they had a couple. Sales droid complained that before, they'd have like 200 cars (in total) and now they have like 20. I think he had 3 or 4 Niro EVs and I asked if they'd be gone in a week (or was it two?). He said yes. I was mainly trying to make sure that it wasn't a deal breaker if I receive a decent buyback offer and then would need a temp EV.

Another dealer (probably not high volume Leaf before) who I'd been speaking to seems to get maybe 1 or 2 a month.

A few months back, I called Gilroy Nissan and they said they didn't expect any for the rest of 2021.
I started looking to buy a White SL+ mid November. I was a noob and was hoping to find a dealer that has stock and walk in and drive out. Ha! Little did I know they were literally sold before they landed at the dealerships. To make the story short, I placed a deposit for a car that had an ETA of 5th December. Along the way I kept track of many other dealerships in case something went wrong with my car on deposit and less than a handfull cars became available before I finally picked mine on the 7th.

What I noted was that those dealers that had stock sitting on their lot for more than a day were invariably the ones that sold with dealer markups and/or so called dealer accessory packages. Some were bold enough to ask for $4K markup over MSRP + dealer accessory package of $3K...

All in all I think less than 10 LEAFs were delivered in whole SoCal in the period that I started tracking till now which is about a month.

Good luck in your search and purchase.
I might have a way to get anyone who wants to buy the remaining 2021 inventory Leaf at manufacture pricing in touch with someone at Nissan HQ, but I'm trying to see what "limits" they have on this and how many can participate. Basically, Nissan HQ has some extra inventory they keep at the business and they are willing to sell them at basically the cost they paid to get it (no dealership haggling, get full tax credit, etc), but I am trying to find how many they have available to do this with. It's kind of like getting the Leaf at the full employee discount price. When I have more info, I'll create a topic for it as I'm in touch with one of the top managers at the Nissan HQ about this deal.
That's weird. I might be interested if my Bolt buyback goes thru but it would need to be competitive in price with 2022 MSRPs (big MSRP drop for '22) and need to be eligible for full $7500 Federal tax credit.

Prices at pricing tabs of vs.

If it's above 2022 MSRPs, then it's a hard no. Warranty clock would need to start when I purchase, not years ago. Full tax credit is a must unless it's discounted $7500.

I'd mainly be interested in SV or SV Plus and not either S. SL Plus would be a maybe... No black cars for me either. There are a few colors that I don't like much/prefer (e.g. dark grey or orange) but would be ok if it's cheap enough.
I’d be surprised if they aren’t all 2022s at this time. Hope this works out for some lucky folks still on t he hunt for a good deal this year!
There's a few "in transit" to central Ohio, my 2022 SV Plus is somewhere in the nether regions between the factory and dealer...
fester said:
There's a few "in transit" to central Ohio, my 2022 SV Plus is somewhere in the nether regions between the factory and dealer...

This was the most frustrating part of the new car buying process for me. Let's face it, Amazon has spoiled us all with its "Your item is 10 stops away from you, click here to track its progress..." level of visibility. It was real hard for me to believe no one knew or could tell where a $40K+ product was at any given time but it seems that is the state of affairs when it comes to car delivery logistics...
Tracking a trucks position seems easy by GPS these days, SOMEBODY must know, but they aren't sharing.
There are 2022's, yes. But like many things, it's all about being in the right place at the right time.

I had to put a down payment on mine in mid-Nov for a Dec 10 delivery which was a day early from the initial estimated window. I think the dealer received 3 but I know only one SL and it happened to be the color (Blue) and interior that I wanted so I was buying it sight unseen. No regrets at all. I knew I wanted the SL trim having owned an SL Rogue. I thought being an SL that like the Rogue it would also have the 2 memory driver seat settings, but that's not the case. I could have read up to know that but it wouldn't have mattered.

Happy Holidays,
On the subject of trying to track your already purchased, but "in transit" Leaf, I may have stumbled on to something useful. Since you're incoming Leaf is charged and essentially powered on and in a "standby" mode somewhere, then maybe it "checks in" so to speak. As I knew my VIN number already I tried looking it up on the Nissan Site and for my VIN# it came up with an Odo reading of 6 mi as of the 24th. Going on a hunch (S.W.A.G..), I opened up the EV Connect app and did a "Track my Vehicle". To my surprise it showed a current location at my Dealership!
Whether this is true or not, I'll find out Monday...
fester said:
On the subject of trying to track your already purchased, but "in transit" Leaf, I may have stumbled on to something useful. Since you're incoming Leaf is charged and essentially powered on and in a "standby" mode somewhere, then maybe it "checks in" so to speak. As I knew my VIN number already I tried looking it up on the Nissan Site and for my VIN# it came up with an Odo reading of 6 mi as of the 24th. Going on a hunch (S.W.A.G..), I opened up the EV Connect app and did a "Track my Vehicle". To my surprise it showed a current location at my Dealership!
Whether this is true or not, I'll find out Monday...

I'm not surprised that worked, the default settings in the NAV are for "full sharing" so you can track power usage, location, etc. You should even be able to see what SOC they have it in, hopefully not 100% LOL :lol:
100%, I told the Dealership specifically, "Trickle Charge!", If I go to pick it up Monday, Leaf Spy will tell me if they fast charged it, then off to the Woodshed we go....
My November manufactured SL+ was delivered to me on 12/7 with 98% charge off the truck. Seems they shipped it with full charge
fester said:
100%, I told the Dealership specifically, "Trickle Charge!", If I go to pick it up Monday, Leaf Spy will tell me if they fast charged it, then off to the Woodshed we go....

I look at it one of 2 ways. If I never planned on fast charging my Leaf, then the one time it may have been done at the dealer would be harmless. I plan on fast charging as needed on longer trips then also, what is the harm in having one more? By the way my dealer didn't have fast charging capability.

I asked my dealer about the 80% charge setting of the Gen 1 not on the 2022 Leaf. And whether fast charging was harmful. He claimed it's not a problem. I fast charged from 13% to 98% on my second day. I was planning on going to 80% because I saw at the $0.35/min and I was paying for more than I needed to get home. Well, the restaurant was really low. But I noticed charging slowed way down from 85% to 98% so the car is managing charging rates. In hindsight, I should have run out, stopped it and moved the car. Because it's charging per time not kWh.

When I charge at home my EVSE shows real-time current and from 90-98% it begins a major current drop such that at 95 or 96% it was at 2kWh and less and it kept dropping. Unless I missed it I don't see a way to stop charging with NissanConnect.

Long time owners please let us newbies know - is fast charging not recommended or to be avoided?

Long time owners please let us newbies know - is fast charging not recommended or to be avoided?

I guarantee that you will stop worrying about a few fast charges after you have been using the car for a few months or so..... As long as you usually stop charging at around 80% and DCFC only when necessary for traveling your car will give you good service. Our 2019 + still has over 95% SOH after 35K miles so, just use it, you will soon get the hang of it and soon realize that NOT going to gas stations outweighs any of the inconveniences.