Will this fit?

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For me it's not so much wanting to avoid theft or compliance to law but to keep my kids and their friends safe. They are good kids and have been trained on the proper safe use and handling of firearms but they are still kids with all the peer pressure and occasional lack of judgement that comes with it. A thief won't think twice about ripping your car apart to get what they want, but my boys sure will. Unwilling to rely just on hiding - I remember all the things I got into that my parents thought they had hidden from me... :)
TomT said:
I guess we are too PC now to even say GUN... But then, I would never leave one unattended in a car under any circumstances... Best to leave it home if that is the only option.

I'm not really politically correct. Just paranoid. :shock: I'll be one of only a few LEAF owners in my state, so I didn't want to advertise anything, especially not in the title or first post.

Leaving it at home is certainly an option, but it's not one for me. Plus, if I leave it at home, it will still be unattended (but in a more theft resistant safe). There have been specific threats made by an ex of one of our employees, calling up and saying he's going to shoot certain people. Police can't do anything because the guy doesn't have a permanent address, so they can't go grab him up. A real scum bag. I'm not the type of person to "leave it at home" anyway- but as soon as I learned this, I have every reason to bring it with me. Plus, while I don't live in the ghetto, in order to get out of my neighborhood to head to work, I typically have to drive through the ghetto.

harryjpowell said:
Is there any room under that plate with the 3 screws in between the two back seats on the floor?

If I have to get out, it means I'll be exposed while holstering and unholstering. I'm trying not to do that.

harryjpowell said:

That's the one. :)

mrradon said:
Ankle holster. Never been noticed in any off limit area.

SmartCarry is my preferred deep concealment method, which I might go back to doing if I can't find a good spot to lock it up in my car. If positioned correctly, it sits right in front of your wedding vegetables. Very awkward at first, but surprisingly comfortable. When needed, take your left thumb and pull out your pants, then reach in with your right hand. Since you tuck your shirt into the holster, the gun is right there. I'm actually quicker to draw from the SmartCarry than I am from my IWB Crossbreed SuperTuck Deluxe, and it's more consistent to draw than pocket carry (which is typically my BUG carry preference).

But there are still times when I can't legally conceal carry. Most of those can be circumvented by open carry. But I would still like to have an option for locking it up when I'm mobile.